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The Putin Interviews

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The Putin Interviews

Academy Award-winning filmmaker, Oliver Stone interviews Russia's President Vladimir Putin about divisive issues related to US/Russia relations.

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Release : 2017
Rating : 7.5
Studio : Ixtlan Productions,  Showtime Documentary Films,  New Element Media, 
Crew : Screenplay, 
Cast : Oliver Stone Vladimir Putin
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.


In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.


By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.


Deep topics masquerading as small talk between Mr. Putin and Mr. Stone that surprisingly have some real insight into The President's mind.I was impressed by these interviews and I'll follow him more from now on. Putin's stance on different economical, political, military and more personal topics made me respect him, something I rarely have for politicians nowadays.


Has there been a better example of our manufactured consent issued in the last few years? Only Megyn Kelly and NBC know for sure. If this got any fluffier, I might have made a lemon pie. The hockey section was vomit inducing. That I was meant to feel sympathy for a man who's only goal is to be the world's first trillionaire is laughable. Oliver Stone is a journalist and I'm the real Santa Claus. Three stars denotes the lesson in our manufactured consent.

Russ Hog

To fully appreciate the scope of this interview it may be necessary to first watch Oliver Stone's documentary The Untold History of the United States, which sheds mission critical insight behind the United States and Russian relationships over the last century. Both countries have worked together in times of war against greater evils (nazis, terrorism) but at the same time both countries have an adversarial relationship. Oliver Stone is a genius who uses his unique voice to create some of the greatest stories ever told. This film ranks up there as one of his most fascinating. It is a four hour interview with perhaps the most powerful and interesting man in the world - Vladimir Putin. Putin is what I as an American would see as a "Bond villain." He is genius. Has an thick accent. Lives in many castles. Owns millions of dollars and many weapons. Wields an elite security force. And practices judo. But he is also a complex statesman who uses his interview with Stone to talk about his family, watch Dr. Strangelove, explains his social views on civil liberties, and discusses the last thirty years of foreign policy. It struck me that many of our American politicians focus on the 'now' - while Putin delves deep into history to explain the complex origins of his opinion and how he takes actions to shape the future of his country in order to leave it better off than it was before. Only time will tell how the world will view Putin but this documentary made me understand the complex global situation a lot better. Must watch for history and political buffs!

Igor Antunov

With every subsequent hour, Oliver Stone's questions get more and more contentious. Putin manages to answer every single one (except those bordering on highly classified territory). He does so in detail, and sometimes from different perspectives.This documentary offers revealing insights into the mind of Putin, his words, his body language, his tendency to play with the sofa stitching as he talks. From geopolitical issues, sensitive domestic Russian affairs to Putin's personal life; it's all there.I will state an interesting observation; what rustles Putin's jimmies the most is the topic of NATO encroachment toward Russia's borders, and the US administration's stationing of ABM systems in eastern Europe. The only time during the interviews you can see Putin's expression change to one of barely veiled annoyance is when the conversation veers in this direction.Another thing of note is Putins very academic answers to a variety of topics. Stone asks him about the prominence and rise of the Russian Orthodox Church during his tenure. Putin answers by stating that after the fall of communism and its associated ideology, civil society had nothing else to grasp onto, but the centuries old traditions that the Church provides. Putin says he supported this to give people something to believe in after the traumatic turmoil that was the 90's. To provide stability in their lives. A very practical answer, and it even leads onto more sensitive questions, such as the treatment of homosexuality in Russia. And Putin answers this candidly as as well. Even jokingly sometimes to highlight the absurdity of Russian culture in regards to such topics. This is the theme throughout. There is very little dodging or political wordplay. Most of his answers are formed on the spot, and seem to come from him directly.It is obvious Oliver was charmed during the filming of this. It is apparent Putin humored him on many occasions and that he has a very powerful ability to charm those he talks to. We see a controversial leader (at least from a western perspective) give very direct, apolitical answers to every question that the typical viewer might want to ask such a public figure. In this regard Mr Stone did very well. It becomes patently obvious as to why Russians would express such far ranging support toward Putin. He's very convincing and obsessed with practicalities. But of course; you be the judge. It's a very informative, revealing 4 hours and definitely worth your time.

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