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The Beast in Heat

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The Beast in Heat

In a remote village in occupied Europe, the SS pursue their inhuman treatment of captured partisans in efforts to force them to betray their comrades.... while Fraulein Krast, a sadistic biologist, concentrates her efforts on the womenfolk with refined tortures and humiliation, leaving them to the mercy of a sex-crazed half-man, half-beast she has created with experimental injections.... And as advancing Allied forces approach the village, Krast herself becomes a victim of her own fiendish rituals....

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Release : 1977
Rating : 3.7
Studio : Sonora Films,  Eterna Film, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Director, 
Cast : Macha Magall Gino Turini Xiro Papas Brigitte Skay Alfredo Rizzo
Genre : Horror Thriller War

Cast List

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People are voting emotionally.


Memorable, crazy movie

Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

Lidia Draper

Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.


My excuse to have seen this was as triple bill set up on the 70th anniversary Berlin liberated (really): it was the worst of the lot, but left some queries which you may wish to ponder if you still decide to watch this 'shocker' (literally for one of the unfortunate torture porn victims - and note, the only one who was black!) Such like, not only who bankrolled and scripted these stories/scenarios, since to the former, there's some decent military vehicles shown, but the latter, just who were these actors and actresses that allowed themselves to be set up for these scenes? Besides the visceral standard torture women tropes (one with the 1984 like rodent in a top fired upturned bucket on woman's stomach - latterly shown as cute wouldn't gnaw at a fly, guinea pigs (not hamsters), still menacingly guarded over by hirsute soldier that a modern hipster would be proud to sport), in this one you also get the guys equal opportunities full frontal tortured, too: one, inferred castrated by the evil female experimenter Nazi Dr. Kratsch (beautiful believable turn by Macha Magall), and later, equally full frontally revealingly (!) chained arms up, the 'hero' (?) resistance guy whose dubbed voice comes out like some upper class British toff! (Oh, and the tortured naked gals sport superb 70s hairstyles and eye make up, too.) Other 'interesting' tortures of both men and women, are former, beefy - but little (!) - guy hung upside down and dunked in water trough whilst being whipped by male Nazi guy minion, under the gloating gaze of said female Doctor and her loyal two cohorts (but y'know, some might pay good money for this treatment rather than confess?!) and for the latter, besides superb 70's 'big hair' beauty having her perfectly manicured (false? No way) nails extracted, then the caged eponymous 'beast' guy who besides every which way ravishes (well, its appalling rape, actually) plus relishes munching on freshly ripped off pubic hair! Mmm, tasty, n'est pas?Then, for the shoot 'em out scene, most seem to have taken their shot and die chops from kids' playing time, falling down dead but still shifting limbs about into comfortable reposes. It should be in the goofs, that one of the old lady hostages to be machine gunned down in reprisal, is held in place by the Nazi boss- yet himself escapes without a scratch! Plus the meek and mild until pushed too far priest, with his Clint Eastwood delivery style. So: your call on whether to waste your time to watch this one: either utterly stupid offensive tosh or vile seminal torture porn genre!


Depraved and sadistic Nazi scientist Dr. Ellen Kratsch (excellently played with lip-smacking wicked relish by the lovely Macha Magall) creates a brutish sex-crazed Neatherthal subhuman beast (hysterically portrayed with slobbering grunting gusto by tubby wonder Salvatore Baccaro) who rapes and eats beautiful young women who get tossed in its cage. Meanwhile, a guerrilla army of dedicated freedom fighters try to liberate Northern Italy from the cruel tyranny of the Third Reich. Writer/director Luigi Batzella scrupulously covers all the supremely seamy and revolting exploitation bases: plentiful tasty female nudity (several guys show their stuff as well), an unsparingly mean and sordid tone, savage animalistic rape (the beasts rips out one hapless victim's pubic hair and devours it by the handful!), truly vile and hateful Nazi villains, vicious, kinky, and excruciatingly graphic torture set pieces that include a gal having her stomach chewed open by rats, another chick having her fingernails yanked out with pliers, a horny male prisoner getting castrated by a topless Krastch, and, in the gloriously tasteless highlight, a little baby is tossed up in the air and heartlessly blown away by the loathsome Nazi swine; and an uncompromisingly gloomy ending. The lousy dubbing, cruddy (far from) special effects (the chintzy Tonka Toy plastic bomber plane in particular in is uproariously shoddy), Ugo Brunelli's crude cinematography, liberal use of obvious poor quality stock footage, Giuliano Sorgin's redundant shuddery synthesizer score, and the clumsily staged action scenes further add to this lovably appalling atrocity's considerable grimy charm. Entertaining low-grade junk.


SS Hell Camp is an 86min film, financed by morons. Around 30min of the film is the 'real' SS Hell Camp, the other hour has been imported from Luigi Batzella's previous war film, depicting french villagers fighting against some Nazi's, locations are minimal, a street and a few fields, obviously set in Italy. Anyway, SS Hell camp, is split up into 3 sections, in between the war footage, the set appears to be an old room, with a wobbly cage in the middle, and cheap medical equipment hanging on the wall. some other scenes were filmed outside a castle with a pink swastika, and the cameraman's shadow appearing on it. The rest of the scenes take place in an office and a bedroom, with crappy fabric Nazi flags glued to the walls. The main torture scene, consists of the 'lab' set, stripped down, with a few tables with nude people screaming on it. The production values of this film, are mega cheap, most likely it was filmed in a villa or something. The actors are random crappy people, with only one star Macha Magall, who was in 2 other films. This film can be of some use, it can help film students, create films like this, although prehapes more against the Nazi's and it can also show you, how bad a film can be. Watch it, but only to see how really cheap it is. Does anybody have any information on Luigi Batzella, he seems to be a forgotten director?


La Bestia in Calore (also known as SS Hell Camp, SS Experiment Part 2, The Beast in Heat and Horrifying Experiments of the S.S. Last Days) is one of the 74 video nasties banned in Britain. This film was not re-released and remains banned, as it should be.This is Naziploitation taken to the extreme. The doctor (Macha Magall) creates a love machine to use in torture. This is a beastly looking chap that is hopped upon drugs and can have sex non stop. Maybe this is the stuff they advertise on TV today for sexual dysfunction. The idea is to get captured locals to reveal the location of the partisans, but nobody ever seems to get a chance to talk before they are f*cked to death.There are many other methods used by these Germans including ripping fingernails, some nasty business with hamsters, and lots of whipping.In between the sexual torture, there is a war going on between the Germans and the partisans. I believe this is some stock footage taken to fill out the film. It is not very good stock footage as they appear to use toy planes.This film is strictly for those who like the Italian exploitation films of the 70's. All others will be repulsed at the extremely violent rape.

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