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Dr. Maddy Rierdon, an investigator for the Department of Agriculture, is the only person who can protect America from a deadly breed of bioengineered locusts.

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Release : 2005
Rating : 3.7
Studio : CBS,  Granada America,  Von Zerneck Sertner Films, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Production Design, 
Cast : Lucy Lawless John Heard Dylan Neal Gregory Alan Williams Mike Farrell
Genre : Horror Action Science Fiction

Cast List



Memorable, crazy movie


Good story, Not enough for a whole film

Verity Robins

Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.


All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.


After seeing Locusts out of curiosity, I have to say that I didn't find it great or terrible. My general reaction was that it had moments, but pretty lame on the whole. The scenery is great though, and the photography is not too shabby either. Lucy Lawless and Mike Farell try their best too, and both are decent. However, the script never feels as though it is naturally flowing and a lot of it sounds cheesy, and the story is unsurprising(the ending is one of those that you can smell a mile off), often ridiculous and the suspense factor is simply lacking. The characters are clichéd and don't have much personality, and while the acting isn't dire as such it is no great shakes either. The effects I have seen worse around, but they have a campy and artificial look to them that hinders seriously any scene that has them.In conclusion, I can certainly think of worse movies I've seen but I can't say I recommend Locusts. 4/10 Bethany Cox


I liked this movie. OK, it was not perfect. But movies with disasters are usually so boring that I don't watch them until the end. I started watching this one because of Lucy Lawless, which is a wonderful actress, and I didn't regret doing it. Lucy Lawless did a good work, and so was the music of Joseph LoDuca. The other characters weren't as interesting a Lucy Lawless one, but they weren't bad. The crisis in Maddy's marriage was interesting, but didn't take attention from the main problem, the locusts.My favourite scene was the one with the helicopter, where Maddy's acts reminded me a bit what Xena would have done. I felt a bit shocked when a little girl suffered a coma just because she fell to the floor of a bus attacked by the locusts, but fortunately this plot didn't take much time from the main plot. I also liked the way Maddy's pregnancy wasn't a problem for her in order to solve the situation.In conclusion, I think that movie won't win any Oscars, but I spent a good time watching it. Now a sequel is going to be filmed, and I hope it is at least as good as "Locusts".

Robert W.

Television has spoiled me in the last few weeks...I saw the unbelievable Warm Springs, the very well done Mork and Mindy story, and Rosie O'Donell's heartwarming Riding The Bus. For every great Gem is a great big lump of poo and here it is...Locusts!! First this has been done numerous times before and I don't just mean the premise...the actual Locusts thing and it's just dumb. They had to have known that?? Director David Jackson has done enough decent Television to know a stinker doesn't he? Locusts is the "story" of a scientist who was secretly developing an unkillable swarm of locusts in his lab...don't ask why...we'll never know. When his boss Maddy Rierdon discovers this she insists that the Locusts be destroyed but unfortunately a few of them escape and due to their massive re population powers they intensify to a deadly swarm that will within days eviscerate the entire crops of the United States...and then I assume settle in Hawaii for a vacation...sorry....Now Maddy together with her estranged boyfriend, and the scientist who created them must figure out a way to stop these locusts or save the countries crops from their destruction.The story is just so incredibly plot holed it's disgusting. The team moves around the country effortlessly from one end to the other in seemingly minutes. There is a pointless love story entwined in the middle of this, and it seemed like the writer got to a point in the story where they said...good enough I give up...electrocute them all and let's move on the a new project. It's not only the writers fault, the cast is god awful. John Heard who I really respect as an actor plays the completely shallow and empty character of the creator of the bugs. He shows no emotion or depth but then no one does. Star of the film...what a claim to fame...Lucy Lawless, looks great, finally out of the whole Xena thing. But she does an equally crappy job. They are all vapid and unemotional and BORING!! The locusts are also BORING...although I have to give slight kudos to the fact that it doesn't look like a big swarm of computer animated bugs flying around. But you don't ever get that creepy crawly feeling a bug movie should give you. The film has one or two spots of slight excitement before dive bombing into B-Movie crap. Avoid this one like a plague of locusts. 4/10

Charles Herold (cherold)

I only watched this because I was curious to see Lucy Lawless do something besides Xena. I always thought she was a good actress, but it's hard to tell when none of the lines are worth speaking.I did not watch this for very long. It just had that, cheap, inept movie quality to it. The dialog was bad. It had these painful soap opera scenes between Lawless and her husband, or boyfriend, or whatever he was. I would get a bit nervous when I knew the bugs were about to attack, because it just seems icky, but the bug scenes I saw were notable for how completely unscary they were.I might have watched a bit more of this if I were a bigger fan of creepy crawlies. I'm not big on bugs, and while I'll watch a decent bug movie like Arachnophia I will not suffer through a bad bug movie.It's really very sad. Lawless was the star of a hit show and Heard has been in tons of major movies and here they are in a movie apparently made by a high school student of below-average intelligence. What a shame.

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