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People are dying mysteriously and gruesomely, and nobody has a clue what the cause is. Only health worker Mike Brady has a possible solution, but his theory of killer slugs is laughed at by the authorities. Only when the body count begins to rise and a slug expert from England begins snooping around does it begin to look like Mike had the right idea after all.

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Release : 1988
Rating : 5.3
Studio : New World Pictures,  Dister Group, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Camera Operator, 
Cast : Alicia Moro Concha Cuetos Emilio Linder Manuel de Blas Patty Shepard
Genre : Horror

Cast List

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Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.

Tayyab Torres

Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.


It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

Jenni Devyn

Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.


Before having a hobby of watching crappy horror films I used to read crappy horror books, and I think I might have read all of Shaun Hutson's Slugs books. I can't even remember if I liked them, but if I had to pick one guy to make of a film of Slugs, I would have picked the director of Pieces. That said, this film is in no way as crazy or (to be honest) entertaining as that classic, but it is a fairly straight forward filming of the book, transferring all the stomach churning gore from the book right up there on the screen for everyone to enjoy. Somewhere in America some killer slugs are starting to munch on the population of some town I couldn't be bothered remembering the name of, and it's down the local health inspector and sanitation guy to save the town. As a civil servant myself, I can say that this town is f*cked.As we get to see various people being eaten by those slimy gastropods, we also get to see our hero bursting into an awful lot of offices demanding to see people, other government workers laughing at his crazy ideas, and him telling his wife to stay safe while she's freaking out. Unlike Pieces, there's no random kung fu fights or roller skating here, and as we're dealing with a late eighties cheeseball film, everything's done pretty well. Which is a shame because more random madness could have elevated it to another level.And are slugs covered by animal rights? They sure kill a lot of them for real in this film. I grow my own veg and hate them, so I was just asking, like.


Slugs (1988) ** (out of 4) Gory, dumb but fun "nature attack" movie about a small town coming under attack by mutant slugs. These slugs might move slow but that doesn't mean they don't like to eat some human flesh and it's up to one guy (Michael Garfield) to try and stop them. SLUGS comes from director Juan Piquer Simon who is best remembered for his cult favorite PIECES but this here is every bit as entertaining so we can really give him credit for two of the most fun bad movies of the decade. This one here wouldn't have worked even if Stanley Kubrick or Martin Scorsese had directed it because, really, who on Earth would even try to make a movie about killer slugs? No matter how much carnage they do, the viewer just isn't going to be scared of a bunch of slugs. With that said, instead of scares the director gives us some pretty wild and pretty over-the-top gore scenes and many of them have to be seen to be believed. The highlight of the film has to be a sequence where a couple gets done having sex only to find out too late that the entire floor is covered in slugs. The poor woman who falls on the floor makes for a very gory sight. Other highlights include a very memorable chain of events where one man unknowingly eats a slug. The aftermath has enough gore for two movies. There's no question that the death scenes are the highlight of the film and help it move along. The performances are a mixed bag with most of the cast giving pretty wooden work. Can you blame them considering they're in a movie about killer slugs? The pacing in the film is a bit too slow for its own good but there's no doubt that fans of silly horror films will want to check it out.


Killer slugs on the rampage in a rural community.Believe it or not, the story behind the screenplay started as a book. In the original novel, the titular slugs were not caused by radiation or any such thing, but actually on author Shaun Hutson's knowledge that there were three species of carnivorous slugs. (The book's success apparently was enough to get the author the gig to write "The Terminator" novelization.)If you love the late J. P. Simon's "Pieces" (a true cult classic if ever there was one), you may also love "Slugs". It has some of the same great things going for it: incredible special effects on the gore, a great 1980s mentality and some of the worst dialogue ever to hit a screen near you (which may be due to the fact that the actors are not proficient in English).The film is best enjoyed by taking it as not seriously as possible. I mean, thousands of slugs that come and go in unison, eat people and apparently have the ability to plan ahead? Not very plausible. A high school teacher who has his own lab for experiments? Not likely.But I personally love this movie. I think it is so unbelievable that it is just perfect for a good film with friends, some Tootsie Rolls and a soda. And if you have the legendary horror historian Jon Kitley lurking around making slug-shaped chocolates, that just tops it off. This Spanish film made in America featuring Italian actors is a must-see.The Arrow Video Blu-ray is jam-packed. We have audio commentaries with "Slugs" author Shaun Hutson and filmmaker Chris Alexander. The Hutson commentary is interesting in that he never actually met any of the film's producers, actors or director, so the focus there is much more on horror literature. There are also new interviews with actor Emilio Linder, special effects artist Carlo DeMarchis, art director Gonzalo Gonzalo and production manager Larry Ann Evans. The last one, with Evans, is really very insightful and tells you more stories about the making of the film than you're likely to hear anywhere else.


Sometimes it's hard to tell if a movie is simply just bad or if it's deliberately being bad and silly and very self-aware. I think that in this case the movie knew what it was doing. It knew it was going to be bad, so it simply decided to go and have some fun with it while they were at it. And I must say it really paid off. As bad and silly as this movie gets at times, it remains a perfectly fun and entertaining watch.It's listed as an horror but it could so easily be seen as a comedy as well. It goes over-the-top with its action, horror as well as its acting. It's therefore already quite hard to take this movie very serious in the first place.But it's not like the concept is making the movie any more believable. Killer slugs...that does not sound like the most scary or credible movie 'monsters', now does it. And of course they aren't but it does provide the movie with some excuses to come up with plenty of creative killings, that also are extremely gory at times.Never knew your head could blow up, once you swallowed a slug but according to this movie that is the case. It should tell you something about the stuff this movie comes up with at times and how incredibly random, over-the-top and just plain silly things can get at times. And yes, also gory, although it's still not exactly remotely the most gory genre movie I have ever. The movie does has a couple of good moments but it seems to got restrained by their budget to go truly all out.It was an American/Spanish co-production, which already is quite an odd thing on its own. It also means that the movie is filled with plenty of Spanish actors, who either got dubbed or are speaking English with a very thick accent.So the acting is also most definitely not the most impressive thing about this movie but so aren't its characters. It's a bit disappointing that the movie is not really having a good main character in it. The movie is focusing on far too many characters, that too often don't even add anything to the story at all. They are just in it to get killed or nude at one point, or a combination of these two things.As far as, deliberately bad or not, horror movies go, this one really isn't that bad. I at least had plenty of fun with it!6/10

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