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The Wild, Wild Planet

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The Wild, Wild Planet

A rogue cop must stop a scientist from taking over the world with his deadly female robots, who are shrinking the world leaders.

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Release : 1967
Rating : 4.5
Studio : Southern Cross Feature Film Company,  Mercury Film International, 
Crew : Production Design,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Tony Russel Lisa Gastoni Massimo Serato Carlo Giustini Franco Nero
Genre : Science Fiction

Cast List

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Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!


It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.

Jonah Abbott

There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.

Tymon Sutton

The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.


Jack-of-all-trades director Antonio Margheriti is primarily known for his horror output, but he also took time out in the '60s to direct a handful of low-budget yet colourful science fiction epics termed "space operas". WILD, WILD PLANET is probably the most entertaining of his sci-fi movies, a fast-paced and action-packed tale involving all manner of weird and wonderful creations and colourful, tacky set designs. If one film could exemplify the swinging '60s then this retro-gem would be the one. Where else would you find caped dancers with huge butterflies painted on their capes dancing before a rapt audience? Surprisingly this film lacks an American lead this time around but there are many familiar Italian faces in the cast list. Tony Russel takes the lead as Mike Halstead and is great as the no-nonsense commander who finds himself embroiled in an extremely weird mystery. Lisa Gastoni is his pretty but cold girlfriend who finds herself in the clutches of the typical mad scientist chap, played by Massimo Serato. Serato has a ball with his good-natured but corrupted evil scientist and makes for a superb choice as a villain. A very young-looking Franco Nero also appears in the film as Jake, one of Halstead's men who will do anything to protect his boss.I find it difficult to do a linear review for a film like this so instead, I'll just create a list of all the cool stuff it has in it. Firstly, Margheriti was obviously really into his model-making phase here, as each and every shot of space vehicles or futuristic city has been created in miniature. It may not make for the most realistic science fiction film ever but it's certainly one of the most unintentionally amusing - check out the spaceship that flies back and forth on a wobbly wire! There's also a car accident which involves a model car flying off a mound of earth and is damn hilarious to watch. Elsewhere we have supposed astronauts rocking to and fro on barely-hidden wires while their fellow actors look on in surprise. We have brightly-coloured futuristic cars which somehow look very sixties in their design and unconvincing. There's a plethora of weird and wonderfully colourful costumes on display and lots of fake scientific equipment which nonetheless looks cool. The film contains a pack of female fighters who certainly have the upper hand on their male counterparts during a hotel room battle where martial arts moves are all the rage, and the women disappear into nothing when beaten. We have bald villains in black macs and sunglasses (inconspicuous see) going around and shrinking people. The miniature people are later discovered hidden inside suitcases in a state of suspended animation much to the horror of minor cast members. One such character shrinks a doctor but only half completes the process, turning the man into an unhappy dwarf! Later on we discover the bald men are in fact clones and have four arms for some reason. I don't really know why but it looks cool anyway.The film gets even better towards the end as Halstead and his men invade the enemy planet and infiltrate the base. A battle with guards takes place and lots of guys die by having blowtorches - sorry, flame-spewing guns - shot at their chests and being burnt. The good guys are later captured when a huge steel box is simply dropped on them out of the sky. The baddie takes time out to explain all of his evil schemes and we even get to see a room of genetic failures, or more realistically overacting Italians in bad makeup. It turns out that the evil scientist desires (more than anything else in the world) to merge himself with a woman! The excellent finale sees the enemy base destroyed (again mostly in miniature) by a flood of red water - I guess that's the risk you take when you build your base UNDERNEATH a huge lake! Lots of things explode and people scream as they drown, including the lead villain Massimo Serato. Luckily the good guys escape in conveniently-placed capsules and simply pop to the surface. The epilogue shows them relaxing and womanising by the poolside in a typically sexist '60s Italian way familiar to anyone who's seen a Euro-spy flick. On top of all this we have some cheesy dubbing and hilarious dialogue ("you helium-headed idiot" was a particular favourite of mine). WILD, WILD PLANET is hugely entertaining and far-out movie which is why I recommend it wholeheartedly to sci-fi fans looking for something other than the more mundane and boring fare.

Scott LeBrun

Psychedelia mixes with "future" technology in this groovy Italian sci-fi flick. The set-up by screenwriter Ivan Reiner: the all-powerful "The Corporations" are competing fiercely with the "United Democracies". But a nefarious executive / mad scientist with The Corporations, Mr. Nurmi (Massimo Serato), has a plan that involves abducting various people within the U.D., adults and children alike. It's up to a can-do rescue unit led by the efficient Commander Mike Halstead (Tony Russel) to save the day.This was the first in a "Gamma One" series of spaghetti science fiction features, also including "War of the Planets", "War Between the Planets", "The Snow Devils", and "The Green Slime". Directed by Antonio Margheriti, this colorful fluff is vividly designed and just full of eye candy - of both the scenic and the female human variety. It's not for all tastes, though. There will be viewers who will likely find it to be too slow and too dependent on talk rather than action. But that doesn't mean that the movie is devoid of amusements. There's a gut busting fight sequence at right about the half way point, and there are also elements such as sunglasses and trenchcoat wearing bald robot henchmen, hand held weapons that are supposedly lasers but act more like miniature flamethrowers, and a major deluge of Kool-Aid at the end. The costumes and sets are simply out of sight, and the music by Angelo Francesco Lavagnino is a joy.The acting is acceptable for this kind of entertainment. Russel is a decent, amiable hero, and Lisa Gastoni is similarly appealing as his love interest. Serato is a fine villain in the classic tradition of mad scientists. And it's a special treat to see a very young and studly Franco Nero among the supporting cast.It's best to go in blind, as this viewer did, so one can have a better sense of "What the Hell is going on?" while watching. The big twist leads to some pretty amusing visual gags. (It's nice to see that this movie does have a sense of humor about itself.) The special effects are primitive (such as model spaceships that seem to only go in circles), but this merely adds to the charm.Worthy viewing if one loves schlock.Seven out of 10.


Wild, Wild PlanetThe best thing about fighting in space is weightlessness makes it easy to drag the dead bodies.However, the bodies in this sci-fi movie aren't exactly human…anymore.In a not-too-distant future, citizens are being abducted by mutated humanoids, shrunken down to doll size and transported to the laboratory of a scientist, Mr. Nurmi (Massimo Serato), who is intent on creating a superior race of humans.United Democracies Space Command will not tolerate these experiments, so they send Cmdr. Mike Halstead (Tony Russell) and his crew (Franco Nero, Lisa Gastoni, Carlo Giustini) to stop them.When they arrive, Commander and company find themselves candidates for the doctor's demented eugenics.Jam-packed with 1960s camp, this Italian space romp has the era's hairdos and décor down, while the decade's drug culture is represented in the way-out script. Prophetically enough, the bodies of future humans have been physically altered…with hundreds of excess pounds. Yellow


This takes place in the future. There's a space station under the watch of Commander Mike Halsted (Tony Russel) with buddy Jake (Franco Nero) and ex-girlfriend Lt. Gomez (Lisa Gastoni). Obnoxious Dr. Numi (Massimo Serato) is conducting some mysterious experiments. It seems he's shrinking people down for...some reason. To be honest I had trouble staying awake! Sleep inducing mess full of bad dubbing, hilarious special effects (you HAVE to see the obvious miniatures they use), an incomprehensible plot, gorgeous vapid babes, square-jawed bland heroes and just tons of bad lines. "Helium head" had me roaring! Unfortunately it's more boring than funny and I kept dozing off. There is a great fight sequence between three guys and three women (the women are winning!) and a fantastic ending but that's not enough to save this. Dubbed and dull. Drink lots of coffee if you expect to make it through this one! A 2.

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