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A group of sinners involved in interconnected tales of murder, revenge, deceit and adultery all meet at the Gates of Hell.

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Release : 1960
Rating : 6.8
Studio : Shintoho Company, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Assistant Art Director, 
Cast : Shigeru Amachi Utako Mitsuya Yōichi Numata Hiroshi Hayashi Kanjūrō Arashi
Genre : Drama Horror

Cast List

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Best movie of this year hands down!


Let's be realistic.


A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.


This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama


When they get off scot-free after a hit-and-run accident, two friends go about their lives until their two family's start to come under mysterious supernatural forces, eventually dragging them into a struggle with the powers of Hell for their actions and must try to escape alive.This is definitely an exciting film with a lot to like. One of the better features with this one is the incredibly impressive and enjoyable visual prowess demonstrated in the film. This is a highly visual film, with a large amount of time spent on simply creating wonderful images for inconsequential moments, such as the encounter on the bridge to the weirdness of the caricatures in the opening montage to their idea of Hell, where shots feature select objects sitting in the middle of the picture with a black frame around everything else, these create all sorts of impressive and enjoyable series of scenes. When it gets to the final act, it becomes far more prevalent as it's literally in the afterworld and is just a continuous stream of incredible images, from the interactions with the God of the Underworld to the scenes with them by the river meeting each other and the conclusion where the hero climbs along the cogs of a giant machine to rescue the spirit of his unborn child that is one of the most exciting and action-packed scenes in the film. The torture scenes are just as impressive, with the violence being incredibly graphic for the time as there are scenes of teeth being knocked out with giant hammers, being trampled on by other victims and being carved up with various instruments which are also shot so well it manages to be completely fun and quite impressive. As they form a certain element of weirdness for the best parts of the film, they combine to make it so watchable on their own. The film also manages to become really entertaining in its middle half with the big fuss involving whether or not their actions are in keeping with traditions as it pretty much develops into a series of ethical and moral questions about what they're doing. The way they're presented here with the situation constantly getting worse makes for some really interesting moments which allow the film a rather nice continuation which brings the tortures to the fold for the remaining parts of the film. These here make this one a relatively entertaining film as there wasn't a whole lot of flaws in this one. One of the only problems here is the fact that, during the middle segment, it noticeably stops being a horror film and instead turns into a character study about the effect their actions have on them. This isn't incredibly exciting when it comes to being a horror film. The film has a series of scenes where nothing but drama inflicts the film and doesn't really do much. It really needs to be streamed down and had less intrusion with how much time is taken up by all the drama taking place. The scenes at the clinic and the first two conversations with the family are the prime examples of this, as they not only stretch the film out but really seem out-of- place in where they come from. It's the most damaging thing about the film and really serves as it's only real flaw.Rated UR/R: Graphic Violence, Language, Brief Nudity and a mild sex scene.


When two university students accidentally hit and kill a local gang leader who was drunkenly stammering down the road, they unwittingly set themselves down a path towards Hell.However, Tamura (the driver) comes off as a sociopath, and seems like he is mentally equipped to walk the path of Hell. Shiro, on the other hand, can't handle the overwhelming stress and anxiety. He has everything to lose and starts to crack under the pressure.Hallucinations start to kick in, and he decides that he better go and turn himself in. But he chooses to make the trip by taxi. And this inevitably culminates with a crash that kills his fiancé.It's now becoming clear, to him, that their sinful actions have triggered an ongoing series of events that will act to torment him.They aren't the only ones who have chose to walk the path to Hell, either. The mother and widow of the slain yakuza boss have also chosen such a fate- as they plot their revenge against the two any means necessary.The fact that Tamura seems to know everything about everyone- including all their dirty secrets; and how he manages to pop up whenever bad things are happening...and people die...leads you to believe that he is some sort of demon. And considering this, it sure seems like he has been sent to lure Shiro down the path to an eternity in Hell.Eventually, fate catches up with Shiro. He finds himself dead, and transitioning into the realm of Hell, across the River Sanzu, where he will be subject to the torments of the 8 layers of Hell.As he undergoes this ordeal, he meets all the lost souls he knew in life- who died with sins on their conscience- witnessing the divine retribution they are being subject to. He, particularly, is being punished for letting his conscience side with the devil (Tamura).Throughout this psychedelic katabasis, Shiro has one shot at redemption. If he can catch up to, and save, the soul of his unborn child- Harumi- as she drifts down the River Sanzu, then he can escape eternal torment, and return to life.What an awesome film: masterfully constructed, filled with excellent special effects, beautiful scenery, and loads of mild gore. The plot is basically broken up in two halves: the first taking part in the world of the living, and the second taking place in the realm of Hell. The final shot offers an interesting little psychological twist, that makes you question whether this was all truly a journey to hell; or whether it was all a hallucinatory experience, brought on by the onset of death, resulting from the consumption of poison fish heads.A truly beautiful film, all around. Highly recommended.8.5 out of 10.


Why did this get a 6.9. The story line is awful. The acting is awful. It is not scary. Do not know why people like this movie. 6.9 is just overrating this pile of pooh pooh. I give it 1 out of 10 because it is a big pile of pooh. Do not see this movie it is awful. Do not see it. The people who made it have no talent. It just a stinky pooh pooh movie. The ending is awful. It is very slow. There is no point to this awful movie. I do not why people like it. It is a big pile of pooh pooh. Do not wast your time. Do not wast your money. Do not see this awful movie. You have been warned this not scary. This just pooh pooh in the toilet. Sinners in the toilet that is what they should have called it. Do not see this movie. It is one of the worst horror films ever.


I picked this one up on a lark and I was pretty underwhelmed. The opening is both stylish and genuinely creepy with its laments, wrapped corpses, and surreal hellscapes, and it segués cleverly into a college lecture hall where our protagonist, a young theology student it seems, is listening to a lecture on concepts of hell. It's by no means fair to say that it's all down hill from there, but the movie only intermittently reaches the same heights. There are deeply unsettling and scary moments, but they're balanced by lot of ho hum bits and few others that almost set one to giggling. The plot is a complete mess it pulls credulity to bits and keeps on ripping and its all so rushed that there's neither time to build any real suspense or develop the characters. This is another problem: The female lead is a stereotypical picture of what I take to be a traditional Japanese idea of womanly virtue and the protagonist is just kind of wishy washy and uninteresting. His demonic friend and tormentor Tamura steals every scene he's in; the actor was clearly having a blast chewing up the scenery. And he succeeds wonderfully in what (I presume) he's supposed to do, which is making evil look a lot more fun than our hero's imperfect handwringing sort of virtue. But of course all the plot and real world stuff is just to set up hell right? Well the hell doesn't redeem it. It's often beautiful in a sick sort of way (Brueghel has a run for his money here) and viscerally repulsive, but while it might shock and perhaps even awe the viewer at points it's more gory and repulsive than unsettling. I suppose my reaction might be culturally conditioned, perhaps it would get under the skin of a Buddhist much more than it did a (somewhat lapsed) Christian like myself, but this brings me to another point: The theology is harsh as well you know. Almost everyone's evil and even the people who've committed fairly understandable and, I'd think, forgivable sins end up in hell. I grew up in an avowedly evangelical church and their theology was much more forgiving and understanding of human weakness. Sometimes we seem to have landed in the world of those terror tracts some churches in my home town used to pass out; there's a definite air of grim disapproval (whether affected or genuine I can't tell) for the sinful modern world hanging over the thing that's so stodgy it's more than a little funny. I'll give it high marks for the visual style and for the cool jazz that floats through and most of the actors acquit themselves quite well (though some don't have too much to work with). But to say that makes a complete mess of plot, pacing, and characterization is, if anything, kind.

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