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The dashing Captain Hugh "Bullshot" Crummond - WWI ace fighter pilot, Olympic athlete, racing driver, part-time sleuth and all round spiffing chap - must save the world from the dastardly Count Otto van Bruno, his wartime adversary. And, of course, win the heart of a jolly nice young lady.

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Release : 1985
Rating : 5.9
Studio : Handmade Films, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Costume Design, 
Cast : Alan Shearman Frances Tomelty Mel Smith Michael Aldridge Christopher Good
Genre : Adventure Comedy

Cast List



Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .


Admirable film.


The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

Billy Ollie

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

James Hitchcock

Some years ago, when I owned a bulldog, I decided to name him (on the suggestion of a friend) "Drummond", largely because I felt that the name somehow suited my dog's personality. I was vaguely aware that there was a fictional character named Bulldog Drummond, but at the time I didn't know much about him. I decided, however, to find out some more about my dog's literary namesake- I even managed to track down a copy of one of the "Bulldog Drummond" books in a second-hand bookshop and attempted to read it. (Unfortunately, I found it virtually unreadable). Bulldog Drummond was created by a writer named H C MacNeile, who wrote under the nom-de-plume "Sapper". Drummond was a British World War I officer who, in peacetime, had become a sort of private eye cum secret agent cum knight errant, a mixture of James Bond, Sherlock Holmes and Sir Galahad, who roamed the English countryside righting wrongs, rescuing damsels in distress and foiling the dastardly schemes of assorted evildoers, generally foreign. (Even in his own day MacNeile had a reputation, which from my attempt to read his work seemed well- deserved, for xenophobia). There were a number of films based on the "Bulldog Drummond" books (some of them, oddly enough, made in America rather than Britain), but I have never seen any of them. "Bullshot" is also based on the books, albeit at one remove, but attempts to parody them rather than taking them seriously. I say "at one remove" because it was a stage play ("Bullshot Crummond") before becoming a film. The authors of both the stage play and the screenplay, Alan Shearman, Ronald House and Diz White, all take starring roles in the film. The hero (Shearman) is here renamed Captain Hugh "Bullshot" Crummond, his nickname being a play on that of MacNeile's original hero and on a vulgar expression which I would probably not be permitted to use on this site, but which translates as "the faeces of male cattle". He is likewise a British World War I officer who, in peacetime- the film is set in the thirties- has become a sort of private eye cum secret agent cum knight errant, as well as an Olympic athlete, racing driver and Wimbledon tennis champion. The dastardly villain, Count Otto von Bruno (House), is of course German. (Despite the 1930s setting there is no mention of his being a Nazi, but MacNeile seems to have despised all Germans, regardless of their political affiliation). The heroine (White) is Rosemary (or, as she would pronounce it, Wosemawy), the daughter of an eccentric scientist who has been kidnapped by the evil von Bruno and his equally evil wife Lenya, as part of a scheme to achieve world domination. Can our hero and the lovely Wosemawy foil this scheme? The film was produced by Handmade Films, the company originally set up with backing from the former Beatle George Harrison in order to finance "Monty Python's Life of Brian". Along with Goldcrest, Handmade were one of the driving engines of the great revival of the British film industry in the 1980s. They made a number of the most accomplished British films of the decade, but even the most successful studio cannot have a hit every time, and "Bullshot" is one of their rare misses. There was evidently a vogue for sending up the adventure stories of the interwar years during the eighties, because this was the period which also saw Michael Palin's "Ripping Yarns", a series of parodies of "Boy's Own" adventure stories. Yet in my view Palin succeeded brilliantly, whereas the makers of "Bullshot" failed dismally. There are, I think, two reasons for this. The first is that parody is something that works best in small doses. The classic example of a director failing to realise this was John Sturges in "The Hallelujah Trail", a turgid spoof Western which, at around three hours, is even longer and more overblown than many of the overlong, overblown films which Sturges was trying to satirise. The "Ripping Yarns", by contrast, were a series of programmes made for television, each only half-an-hour long, long enough to extract the necessary humour from their subjects but not so long that they outstayed their welcome. It is possible to make a successful feature-length parody- some of Mel Brooks's show how it can be done- but you need a pretty brilliant script to make it work, and a brilliant script is something "Bullshot" sadly lacks. (And even Brooks's efforts could run out of steam at the end, as happened with the otherwise excellent "Blazing Saddles"). The second reason why "Bullshot" is such a mess is that parody is harder than it looks. You cannot create a successful parody by taking something second-rate and exaggerating its weaknesses to produce something third- rate, even if you try to do so in an ironic way, as Shearman, House and White try to do here. They were clearly aware of the weaknesses of MacNeile's work- his jingoism, his sexism, the impossible perfection of his hero, his stilted prose style and his clichéd plots- but can do nothing with them except try and imitate them while trying to keep their tongues firmly in their cheeks. Palin, a gifted comic writer, could perhaps have got something out of this story. The writers of "Bullshot" manage to say nothing about Bulldog Drummond in an hour-and-a-half which could not have been said in thirty minutes, or perhaps even more succinctly in a five-minute comedy sketch. The ending of the film hints strongly that a sequel was being planned, but in the event none ever materialised. I can't say I'm surprised. 3/10


This was the twenty-fifth and final Bulldog Drummond film, a spoof, with actor Alan Shearman playing 'Captain Bullshot Crummond'. It is not funny. Dick Clement was not a good director. Early in his career, he took a fascinating stage play by Iris Murdoch and J. B. Priestley, 'A Severed Head' (which was mesmerising in the theatre, where I saw it at the Criterion in London), and made one of the worst films in British history of it (1970). This is very much a 'let's all get together and make a spoof on Bulldog Drummond' venture, as the three lead actors, Shearman, Diz White, and Ronald House, all wrote the script. They must have been in fits of laughter cooking up all those gags, really clever. But spoofs are not as easy to make as you think, and this was just a total flop. A really clever director might have pulled it off, who knows. It falls into the category of 'totally cringe-making'. The only person (apart from Mel Smith, of whom we get a glimpse now and then) in the film who is any good is my old friend of yesteryear, the late Bryan Pringle, as a waiter. Bryan was always good. You couldn't put him down. I am frankly amazed that several other viewers have been thrilled and delighted at this film, believing it to be hilarious and indeed wonderful. There's no accounting for taste, especially in comedy. (Some of the 'comedy' on television is so appalling I wouldn't dirty my eye-sockets with it, if that isn't too complicated a metaphor.) However, I do not wish to malign those joyous souls who loved this film. I just wish to say it stinks!


Brilliant! My husband introduced me to Captain Cwummond several years ago now and I'm so glad he did!! If you enjoy wit, slapstick, stand up and roll about on the floor laughing type humour, then you'll love this! Over the top plummy English accents and twee customs only serve to enhance the viewing delights!! It is a film for the whole family to enjoy with some gentle adult humour included that will sail over the kids heads!Get out there and find this film.... it will be worth it....GUARANTEED!!In the immortal words of ....some Irish guy..... it's a cracker!!!


One of the silliest films I've seen. It captures everything that separates British humour from the rest of the world. Captain Crummond is portrayed as an accidental hero, who wins through despite all of his failings. It is well directed. I particularly like the use of quirky English locations.

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