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The Ghastly Love of Johnny X

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The Ghastly Love of Johnny X

A truly mad concoction, blending 1950s juvenile delinquents, sci-fi melodrama, song-and-dance, and a touch of horror, everything in just the right combination to create an engaging big screen spectacle! This curious and curiously entertaining story involves one Jonathan Xavier and his devoted misfit gang who, incidentally, have been exiled to Earth from the far reaches of outer space. Johnny's former girlfriend Bliss has left him and stolen his Resurrection Suit, a cosmic, mind-bending uniform that gives the owner power over others. Along the way, there will be several highly stylized musical numbers, lots of genuinely humorous dialogue, and a wacky plot-twist or two, all beautifully captured on the very last of Kodak's black-and-white Plus-X film stock.

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Release : 2013
Rating : 5.6
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Will Keenan Creed Bratton Reggie Bannister Jed Rowen Kate Maberly
Genre : Fantasy Comedy Music

Cast List



if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

Allison Davies

The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.


The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.


It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.


N this dreary age of endless and pointless remakes and reboots comes this spectacular and beautiful movie from cosmic genius Mr Paul Bunnell. I saw a trailer for this movie on YouTube and it blew my mind! I am the target audience for this! but alas not available here in the UK!!! And so I bought a multi regional DVD player just so I could see it, I watch it at least once a month now. This is the most sensational, dazzling and phantasmagorical film I have EVER seen. A gorgeous homage to Sci-fi/horror B movies of the 50s/60s but this is no B movie this is a work of art. The cast are PERFECT, Will Keenan & De Anna Joy Brooks as Johnny X & Bliss are delicious! Paul "Swan" Williams turns up as cousin Quilty, Reggie Bannister as King Clayton and Kevin McCarthy as the grand inquisitor and Creed Bratton as the man with the grin Micky O Flynn an undead Rock Star!! Best supporting actress Oscar should go to Heather R Provost as Lily!! A special mention goes to Jed Rowen as the Tor Johnson-esque heavy who among other things was never shown how to hang up a telephone correctly!!! And I would not recommend listing your favorite scent flavors in front of him either!! He steals every scene that he's in!!! The soundtrack is mind blowing too, highlights being; Big Green bug eyed monster, These lips that never lie and What's up with Johnny? I recommend this movie to those who love it campy and fun, those with a love for old B movies or for those that love it weird and wacky. Criswell predicts that this movie WILL become a cult classic eventually and he's right. Something this amazing will not stay hidden for long. Buy it, see it, show it to all of your friends, family and even your mad aunt kept locked up in the attic!! Paul Bunnell will one day be regarded rightly as the true genious that he is!!!


When I saw the trailer for this over a year ago I had to watch it. Unfortunately, living in rural America, it never came to any theaters near me. When it hit Vudu for purchase I snagged it almost immediately. Anyway, here goes.If you love campy sci-fi humor you will love this movie. The musical aspect also give a nice touch and is well done. The choreography is also top notch. If you appreciate odes to an era gone by where campy sci-fi flicks were plentiful then you cannot go wrong with this film. When comparing this to modern flicks in the same vein, it holds up well. While Repo The Genetic Opera remains my favorite indie musical, The Ghastly Love of Johnny X holds up well. I give it a solid 9/10 stars with zero reservations.

Plain Jane

A decade in-the-making, The Ghastly Love of Johnny X really comes together in the details. In order to make such a concept pop, this one needed as much research as guts and gumption to see it over the line, and filmmaker Paul Bunnell has obviously invested a significant amount of time and money into making sure his film rises to its many, many sources of inspiration. I can see John Waters in here; I can see alien invasion films; I can see the big monster movies of the atomic age; I can see West Wide Story; I can see James Dean's oeuvre; I can even see a bit of Frankenstein and Re-Animator. The fact that Bunnell has managed to rope all these influences together into one cohesive package is a feat that deserves 'high five' recognition. The songs by Ego Plum and lyricist Scott Martin aren't quite that of Bacharach or Leiber & Stoller, but they're tight, finger-snapping ditties that recall the show tunes of a bygone era and ornament the film perfectly without overwhelming it. Ultimately, The Ghastly Love of Johnny X is just too unique and beautiful not to recommend. You may like it, you may not. Either way, I guarantee it will be unlike anything you have seen before.


This is a unique kind of a movie, no question there. The genre is more or less unclassifiable.Let's get to the point. For all the ways I wanted this movie to be great, it's so-so at best. It's disorganized and inconsistent.But the movie has one high point: De Anna Joy Brooks. She plays "Bliss", a member of the Ghastly Gang from another world, sent to earth as punishment or perhaps redemption. Brooks literally steals the movie with one song and dance routine, "These Lips That Never Lie." She is positively dripping with personality and suave. I wish I could say that about the rest of the cast, but De Anna is the only one who's clearly overqualified for this movie.Overall, I'd say skip this movie. But don't miss De Anna's dance number, perhaps on YouTube, etc. I've watched it a dozen times and never tire of it.

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