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Is access to clean drinking water a basic human right, or a commodity that should be bought and sold like any other article of commerce? Stephanie Soechtig's debut feature is an unflinching examination of the big business of bottled water. From the producers of Who Killed the Electric Car and I.O.U.S.A., this timely documentary is a behind-the-scenes look into the unregulated and unseen world of an industry that aims to privatize and sell back the one resource that ought never to become a commodity: our water. From the plastic production to the ocean in which so many of these bottles end up, this inspiring documentary trails the path of the bottled water industry and the communities which were the unwitting chips on the table. A powerful portrait of the lives affected by the bottled water industry, this revelatory film features those caught at the intersection of big business and the public's right to water.

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Release : 2009
Rating : 7.2
Studio :
Crew : Cinematography,  Cinematography, 
Cast :
Genre : Documentary

Cast List

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Just perfect...


Good concept, poorly executed.


It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,


A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.


The great debate of bottle water vs tap water got bottle up and release as a well-structured awe-inspiring documentary call Tapped. Directed by Stephanie Soechtig & Jason Lindsey, the movie shows the environmental injustice aspects of bottled water. While the movie is indeed one-sided, and can seem biased. The movie does give a chance for bottle water supporters to defend their product. It was deeply surprising to see representative from these big companies, as in most documentaries, they mostly refuse to speak. I do think, their interviews was edited a bit, to make them look dumbfounded to certain questioning or expose them as spin doctors. It was bit too trickery. The movie had a lot of good amount of evidence sources. The way, the documentary told it, through interviews, music, data/graphs, and video footage made watching the film, very entertaining. While, the movie did indeed had a bigger budget, there were little to no slow lectures parts, here. It's clear that tap water is indeed better for you than bottle water. The movie shows us why, but you can clearly go research it, yourself, and you find yourself with the same results as the movie. I think a lot of people need to watch this film, as one of the big reasons why people purchase bottled water is due to the old wives tales inaccuracies. These claims are often create by companies, to set fear into the public, so that the community would purchase overprice water, over nearly free drinking water. This is a great example how fear can somewhat dictate somebody's life. While, yes, there are some proved facts that some tap water in certain areas are contamination. For the most part, even for the low-income & minority households, tap water is deed safer than bottle water in developed countries like the US & Europe. Bottled water are believe to reduce amounts of copper, lead, and other metal contaminants since it does not run through the plumbing pipes where tap water is exposed to metal corrosion, however, this varies by the household and plumbing system. Bottle water often carry similar or worst off chemicals such as PET, PETE, and BPA (bisphenol A). Of these, BPA is the deadliest. This is because due to the lack of regulated by the company. It's not as regulated as often as tap water. One thing the film also forgot to mention is the alarming rate for bottled water in poorer developing countries. Sales of bottled water in Mexico, China, and parts of India, are rising steeply, due to fear of contaminated water. In my viewpoint, bottle water and tap water have the same health risk in those countries, due to the fact, that most bottle water are indeed tap water. While, I don't believe people that should buy bottle water, I do understand the reasons why certain people choice to. The lack of safe drinking water in certain areas should be the only reason to buy bottled water. Even so, I have to agree that plastic tax has be put into place to help recycled the plastic and stop wasteful trashing. Better yet, people should learn how to purification their own water supply, which the film also left off. The movie also left out, the religious questions of if the 'privatization" of water is ethical. One thing that the movie should explore more is the myth is the taste of water because it was one of the contributing factors to the marketing success of bottled water. Pure water has no taste. However minerals and impurities can alter or add to the taste, but it's not very noticeable. Most bottle waters misleads its consumers with this false advertising. While the movie gave a lot of information that can be useful for years to come. It's somewhat already dated. If you want more information about the debate of tap water over bottle water. Watch 2003's Penn & Teller episode on bottle waters to get more information about this. Also check out, 2008's Blue Gold: World Water Wars, 2010's Water on the table and 2008's Flow: For Love of Water. All of them are very good, and worth the time, watching. Overall: I would recommend this documentary to anyone willing to sit down, and think about their future. Indeed, water will play a big role in that.

Gregor Suhadolc

Some time ago I had a constructive debate with my sister, who is just finishing her bio-genetic study with straight 10's if I may add, on the topic of tapped and bottled water. She was the first person to made me think over this and frighteningly also their tests of PET bottles as well as other EU countries showed the same result as we can see in the documentary. Its bad enough that we all know the excessive use of plastic which is an oil bye product is ruining our natural habitat and our living environment, but its also affecting our health since the corporations care for profits over our health and preserving nature. If you disagree hard with this documentary, than, I guess its time to open your eyes and stop thinking narrow minded as the earth is not here just so this extremely greedy generation could rape her all over again.Documentary mostly focuses on the USA tapped water, but since the industry is driven by world corporations its still a good example probably what's happening all over. And since the USA have (by my opinion) one of the most corruptible government / corporation relationship its a good example what could be there for us all in near future if people will not start thinking a bit "out of the box". And I would not agree with some of the comments that says the documentary is biased. If you watch it carefully, you will see there are quite some interviews or inserts that shows how unregulated this business really is.Most recommended for ALL viewers and ages. 10/10


When I first came across this film on IMDb I was 90% sure it was going to be another biased documentary which was rated highly because of people agreeing with the position they took. But after reading the reviews that swore it was very unbiased and well-made I decided to watch it with interest.After viewing the first 10 minutes I could tell the reviews were absolutely wrong. This film is probably as biased as you could possibly get. Throughout the rest of the film one side is shown and the other constantly demonized.If you like to view both sides of an argument avoid this rubbish.

Lara Call

I saw this screened at RIFF yesterday and was bowled over by the quality of this documentary. I will freely admit that I had less than little interest in the topic of bottled water when I sat down in the theatre; by the time this documentary had concluded I honestly felt I had learned a life-changing lesson. Yes, it really is that good.The cinematography is gorgeous. The sleek, concise presentation of fact upon fact kept me riveted - and as the point of a documentary is to inform, 'Tapped' achieved its purpose admirably.I would recommend this documentary to anyone who has more than a passing interest in their personal health and that of their loved ones; any feeling of social responsibility for the welfare of their fellow Americans; and anybody who has ever been outraged by the casual exploitation of natural resources by morally bankrupt corporate giants.I'm actually a die-hard capitalist (I've never hugged tree; doubt I ever will) but this documentary made me really angry.I also recommend 'Tapped' as a learning resource for any aspiring documentarians out there - this is how it should be done: a compelling, well-balanced argument, extraordinary supporting evidence, imaginative presentation and truly beautiful camera-work.I've never given a documentary 10/10 in my life, but this was the highlight of the Film Festival. Excellent!

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