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Martial Law 9-11: Rise of the Police State

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Martial Law 9-11: Rise of the Police State

Evil has spread across the land. Martial Law: 9/11 Rise of the Police State exposes the high-tech control grid that is being set up across America Out of the ashes of the September 11th tragedy, a dark empire of war and tyranny has risen. The Constitution has been shredded and America is now a Police State. This film exposes not just who was behind the 9-11 attacks, but the roots and history of its orchestrators.

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Release : 2005
Rating : 7.1
Studio : Sacred Cow Productions,  Alex Jones Productions, 
Crew : Camera Operator,  Director, 
Cast : Alex Jones Osama Ben Laden Wolf Blitzer George W. Bush George H.W. Bush
Genre : Documentary War

Cast List

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Save your money for something good and enjoyable


I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

Hayden Kane

There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes


I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.


Martial law 9/11: rise of the police state is a documentary that puts the false flag atrocity of September 11 2001 in the context of current events of every day life in America, seen by footage from the streets of New York during the Republican convention of 2004 and related events at that time. I'll leave it up to the viewers to agree or disagree with this, but regardless, it's an excellent film.It is, as some people here have suggested, not an examination of what is fairly obvious, it's rather an exposure of all that is obvious; which is bringing to light the true function of the predominant taboo of our age: the descent of America into police state totalitarianism, made possible by the terror demagogy that the American establishment has embraced as a quasi-religion to restructure American society. The results are visible when you see the police intimation and brutality, arrests of activists, high-tech surveillance, baseless detention of protesters in disease-ridden facilities and so forth.There are of course some people here who either can't deal with the subject; or as I suspect the "people" who are slandering this documentary to degrade its standing in the statistics of this website; these viewers - supposedly from such obscure places as Djibouti, Iceland, The Faeroer Islands, Andorra and Guam- are really just one pathetic person spreading childish disinformation without having seen the film at all.Hats off to Alex Jones and his efforts to fight for what is left of America's traditional freedoms.

Kalle Lortesnask

This "documentary" is based on a Conspiracy Thoery that a US-Neo-con-Jewish-shadow-government planned and executed 9/11, and blamed it on the Arabs, so that USA could have a war on terror and get oil.Sounds like a brilliant theory, but not if you think really hard on it - it is far too complex to execute in reel life. But for a generation of lonely an uneducated men, living in their grandmothers basement, it sounds very likely. When you don't experience life, if you only stay at home and watch and read Science Fiction, it is very likely. But if you have been in the military or worked in reel life for some years, you would know that it is almost to complex a plan to execute, if you don't want any leeks. But in a conspiracy theory it doesn't matter that much.A conspiracy theory is not scientific or logic of nature, it is political of nature. That is why they are so dangerous. Especially when people WANT their leaders to be guilty for everything that has gone wrong. So a conspiracy theory basically is the will of the village idiot. So that the village-idiot can feel important. To take the despair of ones own poor life, and projecting on ones leaders - that is the essence of the conspiracy theory. When a conspiracy theorists makes a theory, he starts with the conclusion, then works his/her way from their. Making the evidence fit, or ignoring it, if it contradicts.It is the same with the 9/11-theories. Because their is a large element of political demography in the western countries that are not that well represented in the elections. And that is the conspiracy theorists, which are far-left-winged village-idiots.1) A claim from the Conspiracy Theorists (CT's) is that the Two towers could not have collapsed the way they did. So they have to be brought down by demolition. Fact: these theories are based on 1 guy working in demolition, who said that the collapse of WTC looked like controlled demolition. the CT's have talked about this ever since. Even though that countless of independent demolition experts have stated that it doesn't look exactly like controlled demolition. Because it could have been so many other reasons. The impact of the Boeing 767 damaged the support columns and steel floor trusses, causing an inwards collapse of perimeter columns, which pulled floors straight down. The CT's then claimed that all these many demolition experts, along with 3 levels of American government, Oliver Stone, Paul Greengras and all the Islamic world is part of this massive conspiracy only to fool the American public.2) The CT's claim that WTC7 was also destroyed by demolition. Fact: the backside, facing WTC was heavily damaged by the collapse of WTC, so much of the front was destroyed. Also the the WTC-collapse made the diesel-generators in the basement of WTC7 spill out much diesel, which burned the WTC7 up from the ground. Their are a couple of pictures which show this, but in their self-selected-ignorance the CT's choose to claim that all of these pictures are faked.... Also it would take weeks for people to set charges with that much explosives, also their would be wires everywhere. But it is easy to claim this when you are a CT's. While sitting in their mothers basement making, during the shifts as sales-clerk at the local mall, the make conspiracy theories - based on much science and engineering-skills which they have no idea of what means, but claim that they do. Most CT's are poor excuses of men of Science. They should not be listened to, but it is very dangerous to let them be ignored - their ignorance can spread, if the CT's is allowed to breed. Therefore the CT's should be taught science, math-skills and so on, on every single occasion we can.3) Some CT's claim that the Bush-administration made the F-15 stand down. Because else the planes would be shot down. Fact: the defense of USA is more aimed at defending USA against Russian Fighters. And if there was a hijacking they could be used to shot down these airplanes as well. But the whole air-liner-defense is based on the internal transponders in EVERY SINGLE jet-airliner. The air-jets have these transponders, so that the air-traffic-crews can see where all the hundreds and hundreds planes are around USA, and can see what the airplanes are. What the terrorists did was simple, they simply turned the transponders off. Then the F-15 or F-16 couldn't identify the exact airliners. The CT's didn't know this, or rather they choose to ignore it. Because CT's WANTS to believe in these theories, even if they have to lie or ignore the reel facts.Conspiracy theories are becoming a religion for these people - it is scary. CT's will never seize to believe i Conspiracy theories, it is their religion. The attack everyone who doesn't believe in them - saying that they are part of this massive conspiracy. CT's wants to keep their prejudges that all Arabs and Muslims are too poor, dumb and joyful to attack USA 9/11.For CT's it is so easy to say that the US-military did it. But then again, none of the CT's have any experience in the Military or anything with responsibility. If 9/11 indeed was planned and carried out by the military and US-government, then there would have been involved hundreds of civilian- and military-personal. And could that have been carried out without a single leak? Could that have been carried out without leaving behind a single piece of evidence hard enough to stand up to the scrutiny of court? The retarded Conspiracy Theorists answer would be: Yes. People with experience in the reel world's answer would be: NO! CT's: get a life.


Firstly I will say that there are some people who will find this material disconcerting and disturbing, and they are unlikely to be able to accept the possibility that any facts are supported by reality or evidence.But Alex Jones is no coward when it comes to looking for that which is unpleasant but nonetheless real. He puts a lot of emotional oomph into his work as he hammers on those in corporate government that he feels may further imperil our liberty, making the ride here enjoyable to those who feel that unfettered government and corporate power is more than just necessity or greed, but two truly sinister menaces to freedom.Right or wrong Alex has strong opinions.Okay, the fragile beliefs of many persons require them to seek out reassurances that facts presented here must not be true. How could anyone in power bear them ill will when they are at most a mere statistic? But it is the job of those in power to perform analysis with statistics, and to make decisions based upon these analyses. Isn't the most frightening theory the one that sez no one is even minding the store at all? While I don't support all of the conclusions or views I would be a coward if I didn't point out to the visitors to this site that much of the information here is in fact valid, and much of it also comes from mainstream sources, legitimate footage (such as the protester in the U.S. whose arm is broken by the police on purpose - the most revolting scene here).It is, for example, found elsewhere that the majority of children in foster care are on psychiatric medicines - an obvious outpoint for a society that is bent on further socialist programs and micro-chipping of its public.Obviously Alex wants no New World Order, and yet there are many who feel we must subscribe to some form of world government to solve crises such as global warming (for those who accept it.) A co-worker of mine said that we need to be ready to take the microchip one day soon.Liberty. Is that an outdated word? What form of liberty is sustainable? One thing is for sure, if there were no Alex Jones' in the world we would have a more homogeneous society. And speaking up to the possibility that more is going on would be even more difficult over the complete lockstep around us.An interesting point to note is that September 11 is New Years Day according to the Coptic calendar. Llewellyn's Spiritual Almanac sez so.And George Bush senior first announced the "New World Order" on September 11, 1991, ten years before the fateful day.So, count back EXACTLY 3 millennia and you arrive at New Years Day, Year One, Coptic (Egyptian Christian).To every season, turn turn turn, a ritualistic sacrifice to launch a new millennium, another "1000 points of light for the homeless man, a kinder gentler machine gun hand". Go Alex Jones. God Bless America, and GOD I hope you're not right.


I found this documentary interesting. It is ample as you may find all commentators will agree and disagree with some of the points made. From attacking communists to attacking the supposedly fascist conspiracy ruling America and the world today, the extras even include torture by the police towards a pro-life demonstration. Alex Jones does lack professionalism but it is interesting seeing him criticize Michael Moore and the actually state of US policy with good points made too. I can only describe his politics as populist.Schwarzenegger for president, the Nazis ties to the current political elite, the 9/11 truth commission, the bohemian grove sect, it's all there. I recommend this documentary to anyone interested in a bit of amateur journalism mixed with the greatest intent of institutionalizing conspiracy theories.

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