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Celsius 41.11

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Celsius 41.11

This film attempts to correct the record when it comes to the left's attacks on President Bush, 9/11 and the war in Iraq and Kerry's 20-year tenure in the Senate.

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Release : 2004
Rating : 4
Studio : Citizens United, 
Crew : Director, 
Cast : Michael Moore Richard Nixon Yasser Arafat Madeleine Albright Osama Ben Laden
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,

Murphy Howard

I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.


The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one


One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.


Celsius 41.11 is a political documentary made by Citizens United that would serve as a rebuttal and response to the highest grossing political documentary of all-time,Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11.The known conservative political organization that produced it tries to bring up 5 of the many charges against the former President George W.Bush that were presented in Moore's extremely popular documentary.In addition to that,it also brings up charges against John Kerry,the Democratic Party's presidential candidate for the 2004 U.S. General Elections against Bush as it was released during that particular year.The title was inspired about the temperature that the brain was suppose to die in Celsius according to the film's tagline.The film dealt with defense the five charges that was brought against incumbent President George W.Bush in Moore film are the following:Bush stole Florida during the 2000 General Elections,Bush didn't do enough to stop 9/11; Bush is stealing our civil liberties; Bush lied about WMDs; Bush Doctrine inflames Islamists.In addition to that,the military record of John Kerry was brought up particularly when he served during the Vietnam War.It brought neoconservatives such as Michael Ledeen, Fred Barnes, Charles Krauthammer and Michael Medved to discuss these issues.Interestingly,Terror expert Mansour Ijaz also discussed about the 9/11 incident. Too bad that watching this documentary today only proved how weak this documentary was as a whole and it would definitely look laughable and ridiculous as a counter-argument against Fahrenheit 9/11 despite bringing only five issues against it.Let's discuss the defense they brought in favor of the incumbent President briefly. First,it brought up that Bush won Florida in 2000 overwhelmingly and that the networks called the results early.But it never brought the fact that there were a lot of incidents of faulty counting machines used in areas that are known to be Democrats and how minority voters primarily African-Americans were intimidated and harassed from voting.This was reported in the media numerous times.Second,it brought up that former President Bill Clinton did not do enough to prevent terrorism during his 8-year term as President and presents many attacks that happened in the 90's.It also brings up Clinton's failure to capture Osama Bin Laden.Too bad that even Bush was unable to capture Bin Laden as well during his term and seems to forget that 9/11 happened during Bush's term and not during that of Clinton's.Then,it brings the issue of Bush is not stealing our civil liberties with the implementation of the Patriot Act during his term.The conservatives have full support for it.But looking back,many politicians - Democrats and most especially Republicans - have called for it revisions or better yet removal. Dinesh D'Souza's latest pro-right documentary,America:Imagine A World Without Her now even blames the Democrats for its implementation and that they use it against President Obama critics.Funny!!!!!!!!!!!Also,it brings up that Bush never lied about the existence of WMD's in Iraq by showing old videos of Saddam's stockpile and that he fooled U.N. inspectors.But Americans already know the truth after the definitive report made by CIA weapons investigator Charles A. Duelfer, which stated that IRAQ HAD NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!!!!Again,we all know who is lying. LOLFinally,it tries to convince us that the Bush doctrine infuriates Islamic countries.Now,many Americans believe the war effort in the places like the Middle East is more or less useless just like the Iraq War and only benefits rich people with business interest in it rather than the whole country as a whole.As for Kerry's military record in Vietnam as well as his activism towards the war,another documentary entitled Going Upriver counters these charges.The said documentary proves that Kerry's experience in Vietnam made him realize that the U.S. war effort over there is a waste after seeing many of his comrades suffer and dies continuously.After pointing out what is wrong with information this documentary provides,another thing that would definitely bother the viewer is its blandness,lack of entertainment and lack of sense of humor.One would probably feel bored watching it.Overall,it only serves as a political ad for President George W.Bush and nothing more.No wonder it's title is Celsius 41.11 - the temperature the brain begins to die- considering that one's brain will definitely reach it while viewing this documentary. That is why avoid it at all cost!!!!!! LOL


I am always a little suspicious when I see a movie or book title that is obviously a rip-off of a successful or well-known work. That said, this "movie" isn't too bad. Being a person that leans towards the right side of the aisle, this is not arousing any great negative emotion. The commentators are mainstream conservatives (no black-helicopter-warning kooks). Some of the points of view given are ones that have occurred to me, but have not received much mention in other media. While F911 is the liberal equivalent of Falwell's "The Clinton Chronicles", C41.11 falls short of hysteria. That said, liberals are still going to hate it, because of the points of view given.Worth the time to watch if someone loans it to you. I would probably not buy it.


FINALLY THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!! The truth hurts...but it needs to be told. It is hilarious to me how some feel Michael Moore's version of events is the gospel and criticize Conservatives for not being able to keep an open mind- and then they bash this movie and call it propaganda. Get real! This is how most NORMAL Americans see reality- they can see the absurdity in the Liberal Leftist Press and they deal with it! So if you see this movie and disagree- don't be a whiny baby! Just be glad you live in a country (unlike pre-war Iraq) where both points of view can be expressed!!!GOD BLESS America!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wow, this is the biggest piece of right wing propaganda to come out yet! I think everyone should at the very least take a deep look at the trailer, if you can't, let me break it down: 1. Michael Moore sound byte -"..there is no terrorist threat...". 2. Plane flies into trade center. 3. Man gets hand chopped off. WAIT A MINUTE! Thats not terrorism, thats Islamic law! The guy probably go caught stealing! So let me get this straight, are we no longer at war with terrorists, we are now at war with Islamic culture? Keep this on the down low! Better not tell the Saudis:) Bush might get a pay cut!

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