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Five friends head out for a holiday to a remote island off the coast of Ireland and visit an abandoned hostel. As the night draws in and they fool around with a séance, the friends come to realise they are not alone...

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Release : 2015
Rating : 3.4
Studio :
Crew : Co-Director,  Director, 
Cast : Craig Grainger Patrick Murphy
Genre : Horror Thriller Mystery

Cast List

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Sadly Over-hyped

Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.

Bumpy Chip

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.


Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.


A group of friends travel to a deserted hostel in an isolated area of Ireland. After a long road trip they have to travel to it by row boat (which they do in the dark of night).When they arrive at the hostel there is no electric so they are in darkness. They begin drinking and smoking weed and decide it would be 'fun' to play the Ouija board game by using a glass and paper.They appear to make contact with a spirit who doesn't want to say goodbye which freaks one of the girls out. Strange things begin occurring which escalate as the movie progresses.This is a found footage style movie which, initially, is one of the better of the genre. The acting is initially excellent, very believable; the banter and chatting between the characters is very fluid and natural. The characters are happy, fun and likable. There is a subtle depth between them, showing solid relationships, affection and care.The beginning of the movie is really good and engaging but as it progresses it loses it's grip on you as the script and story begin to become shallow, predictable and annoying.Sadly there is a lack of originality, this has all been done before - and better. The characters begin to become extremely irritating with constant shrieking and screaming from the female characters which becomes unbearable at the end, so much so that I had to turn the volume down.The ending comes with basically no explanation of what has gone on or why. It's so disappointing as at the beginning the movie had so much promise. I have rated it a two purely on the quality at the beginning.


Horror movies are awesome and the ones that frighten you and make you sit at funny angles are worth they're weight in gold.There's a lot of rubbish out there believe me I've watched them all, I just cant help myself no matter how bad. Because of this that makes me a bit of an expert. So when I tell you ya must see it ........ Get on it. The characters are excellent the acting is quality I was sat at a funny angle for the second half. Not saying the build up was not up to scratch because it was it gets the horror going really well. I was forever stopping the movie and rewinding to see if anything was going on in the background. Deserves to be up there with The Blair Witch, Rec, Cloverfield and Evidence. All Fantastic FF horror in they're own right. A Must See for True Horror fans. 3:)

Bruce Spielberg

We are tired of seeing horror films with very high budgets that do not bring the true essence of the genre and not come cheap copies of movies 80s desperately trying to scare however without success, with this film Imvoked I really surprised myself, these young people with ultra low budget could bring something genuine and maintain the suspense throughout the film, with very hefty camera tricks and scares that really were scored at the right times, to be a low budget film I was with a little bias however these directors surprised me and They put me through erally moments of good scares and bring something genunino that we don't see since the Blair witch projections, Really reconmendo this film and reconmendo for all horror fans who are already tired of always seeing the same style cliché of American blockbuster.


'Invoked' is an Irish found-footage film (albeit co-written, directed, produced, shot and edited by a Brazilian, but that doesn't really matter, I don't even know why I mention it, it's just an interesting factoid... blah blah blah) in which we watch as a group of young people head out to a remote hostel for fun and frolics, but end up fearing for their very souls and all that stuff. I really enjoyed this film. Sure, it has a slow start, but that's the norm with this genre, but once the action starts, it's a thrill- ride and often quite scary. The cast are good and quite personable (although I could have slapped them for entertaining the notion of conducting a séance in a spooky location where the lights don't work!). Unfortunately, they also also frequently quite loud, but I suppose I'd be quite loud if a screaming ghost was chasing me down a corridor. The special effects are excellent and the climax is satisfying. My favourite part, though, is easy to miss, as the cast head into a tunnel beneath a cemetery, the camera waves about randomly as dialogue is exchanged and a terrifying figure is seen for a fraction of a second. I had to rewind, to make sure I had seen it. Great stuff! This was another DVD that I found on the supermarket shelf (quite close to 'Camera Trap'!), so give it a whirl.

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