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Two filmmakers searching for the perfect documentary subject stumble across a story that even they don't want to believe.

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Release : 2016
Rating : 3.2
Studio : Rare Legend Films,  Parking Garage Pictures, 
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Ryan Templeman
Genre : Thriller

Cast List



The Worst Film Ever


Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

Jenna Walter

The film may be flawed, but its message is not.


All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

Michael Ledo

This is a found footage film about Slender Man meant to be a documentary on two missing children, supposedly abducted. It takes 8 minutes before the group decide what they want to film poorly. They opt for a fictional anorexic figure which they apparently have never witnessed. Milli (Mili Parks) is the mother of said children and they PLOT SPOILER decide to surprise her with a fake Slender Man they created as a joke,Okay, I am not going to tell you how that works out, but like most found footage junk, you don't get to see the title character. There was nothing interesting about the film.Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity. For those of us who have seen the real slender man, he normally appears at dawn or dusk when the shadows are long, almost never in bright daylight or at night. He comes out from the right side, not left like you see with the police footage. He is all black, no white markings. Slender, but not abnormally tall. He can travel alone, in numbers or with a wolf-like creature. And BTW you don't have to believe in him to see him


I personally liked this movie a lot I, however, am also a big fan of the games and psychological thriller movies and games in general. I also like indie type movies and such so in this instance my stance is quite biased: however, this movie is better than people give it credit for. It felt and looked very realist for the most part aside from the few errors like glitches that shouldn't have happened in the beginning and it wasn't as realist as it could have been in the end but aside from that it was pretty decent. The ending was not my favorite. I will admit and this is the spoiler alert but the ending sucked compared to what they could have done, but as it was a lower budget movie it makes sense to end it the way thy did as they were likely very low on funds at that point and had to cut the movie short and deal with what they had. Still though i found this movie very enjoyable and would recommend it to anyone who wants a little bit of an adrenaline rush late at night, which just so happens to be when I watched it and when I recommend you watch it to.

John Brown

In my adventures in looking for some good movies, I came across "Slender", one of those fake documentary horror films that show a bunch of people making a documentary only to reveal to themselves a terrifying truth. Alright, I like what some people can do with that. But this, this movie was simply a video of a bunch of pricks only really focusing on this poor lady who lost her two sons. And that's just a summary of the film.The movie starts with a video recorded on a train of a seemingly crazy woman talking about a monster with tentacles and no face taking her children. Wonder who the monster was... (SlenderMovieCover.jpeg) And then it goes to my favorite pricks ever, one of them wanting to make a film! So we meet our group, boring filler happens and finally 30 minutes in it starts acting like a documentary. We find crazy lady and they interview her, not happy enough they decide to invade her dead children's old room, surprised that it has stayed the same for 5 years(This is what parents do when a child goes missing, they hope the child will return and keep the room the same. It's very sad actually...) We then leave poor lady at her house for a god damn year. During this time, the director decides the documentary is about fear and what it does to people. For them to show the effects of fear, they decide to prank this woman who is still looking for her sons after 5 god damn years and in the directors words, "pull the rug out from under her feet." They do this by dressing one of them in a costume of this spooky monster to pop up and scare her at her kid's old school. In the basement. So basically, they're gonna give her a big ol' middle finger with a note saying "Your kids are dead, deal with it." This ends up having them discover that the monster is real! How, you ask? Well the poor lady arrives at the school, dies what can only be guessed to have been the most terrifying and painful moment she ever was able to experience, and they all die except for the director, who ends the film in a dark classroom saying "You're not real, you're not real."


This has to be a joke. I mean, who seriously thought the quality of this movie even resembles that of a real, honest-to-goodness film? There is absolutely nothing redeemable about this movie, and aside from some of the acting, it offers nothing new, unique or interesting to the Slenderman mythos, or even the found-footage sub-genre as a whole. The cast is narcissistic and unlikable (3/4th's of the film is spend "getting to know" these jerks), and once things start to get mildly interesting, it falls flat like a full and soiled diaper. Once the credits started to roll, I wondered what I was doing wasting my time on this crap. From now on, if a movie does not have at least 10 reviews, I am not even going to bother watching it. It's bad enough that these untalented people released this festival of feces onto the world, but I'll be damned if I support it with my hard earned money.To the people responsible; if you don't have the budget, the talent or the skill, just stop. You are only making yourselves look bad, and are making a mockery of the once respect craft known as film-making. Leave film-making to people who actually understand what it takes to make a compelling movie, as you have proved to lack any ability to do so. I will be looking for your names in any future film in order to avoid it like it is contagious. Simply tragic. F-

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