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The star of a TV crime reenactment show becomes caught up in the mind of the killer he is playing.

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Release : 1996
Rating : 4.6
Studio : Arts Council of England,  National Lottery,  Starhaus Filmproduktion, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Production Design, 
Cast : Stephen Baldwin Pete Postlethwaite Sadie Frost Geraldine Chaplin Karen Black
Genre : Horror Thriller Crime

Cast List



That was an excellent one.


As Good As It Gets


If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


There are many reasons to watch this movie.One is not to appreciate the acting, or plodding direction, but to see how badly a film can date.1996 does not seem that long ago to me, but after seeing this, it feels like 1985, because of the costumes and the sets, it dated the moment it was printed.It's Natural Born Killers light, Baldwin re-enacts Postlethwaites murders on the titular programme, and the more murders there are, the more famous and involved Baldwin becomes.It's an interesting concept, visual media wanting crime to carry on in order to boost ratings, but it's handled so poorly. Sluzier hit the jackpot with 'The Vanishing' but here he seems like he has given up on the whole movie business.Postlethwaite is as reliable as ever, and Baldwin proves again, he is the third most popular in the family business.It's a little overlong, and the ending feels a bit rushed, but there is something unique in the movie and the story trying to get out, which is a shame, because this is a cracking concept.


i'm not totally sure what to make of this film, it has a weird mix of actors, some classy and some not so. the good actors were unable to lift crimetime out of utter mediocrity, and in my humble opinion it was over long, and bordering on painfully tedious in some places. i stuck with it simply out of curiosity, having read the other reviews, but in all honesty i just feel cheated out of 2 hours of my life that will never come back. i think it is to be avoided at all costs, except for those wanting to enjoy looking at the oil slick that is stephen baldwin's hair, or the grotesque mask like appearance of karen black's face. 4/10 is the best i can do, and those points are probably all pete postlethwaite's, whom one can say, did his best in the face of adversity.


Oh how I like this little, low budget movie. The plot is somehow interesting and something I haven't seen much in any other movie.The serial killer premise mixed with reality t.v. really got me hooked in. Also, the movie somehow deals with some kind of mental illness in the likes of "Memento". So there you go, you have an interesting plot and some really well done scenes of action and mystery.The acting is pretty good. Those British are really good actors. I love the accent. Sadie Frost delivers a sexy, sassy performance. She was tremendously sexy in this movie with all those mini skirts. Sorry, I had to point that. "Crimetime" is an underrated Thriller with some Sci-Fi influences. I dug the Reality T.V. situations because it's a topic way ahead of it's time.Watch "Crimetime" with low expectations and you might enjoy it. I did.

Daucuskarota 1334

OK, I agree it is not the great film it could have been, but we have to accept that the problem is not the film itself but the script. The film contains everything to be a hit: nice story, good plot and well done characters, even its soundtrack is excellent.Some people say the problem is the lack of deep characters, but since when this art is made only with characters? most of them represent nothing but emotions, in other words, they are symbols the writer and the director use to say something...The film is trying to establish an atmosphere of uncertainty; the big real problem is that the movie is trying to show too many different things, but it can not do so.Watch it and then judge by yourself.

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