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Disaster Wars: Earthquake vs. Tsunami

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Disaster Wars: Earthquake vs. Tsunami

Deep underwater in the Marianas Trench an accident results in a devastating Tsunami that destroys the Hawaiian Islands as it continues toward the west coast. Panic ensues all up and down the western coast of North and South America. In an attempt to lessen its impact, scientists launch an underwater explosion that inadvertently makes the tsunami more powerful and focused on Los Angeles. Scientists rush to a solution while the military begins planning for the worst. Los Angeles begins emergency evacuation. Lives and loves are lost even as a brash young grad student comes up with a solution: start the mother of all earthquakes to counter the rushing torrent and raise the continental shelf off the coast of the United States.

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Release : 2013
Rating : 1.8
Studio : Infinite Spectrum Productions,  Tom Cat Films, 
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Joe Estevez Priscilla Barnes Reggie Bannister Pete Punito Joseph Michael Harris
Genre : Drama Action Thriller Science Fiction

Cast List



best movie i've ever seen.


Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay


Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.

Keeley Coleman

The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;


Disaster wars:tsunami vs earthquake is one of those movies that you see that you never talk about or see it in a DVD bin or second hand shop,this into is fairly short due to the movie i have just watched.The first initial reaction to this films existence is what a weird title for a movie,then you realize that the concept doesn't really make much sense because in order for a tsunami to happen an earthquake must occur either in the ocean or near the coast that it sends aftershocks out to cause the tsunami,so logically the concept of the movie"tsunami vs earthquake"would'nt really pan out in a movie as this movie tries to emphasize(disappointingly this match between natural disasters never actually happens til the end in an extremely dragged out and terrible looking scene),as for the movie itself,the movie was something i was not expecting and bored and baffled me to a point where i had to take a break and think over what i was actually getting myself into.the aspects of this film i would like to point out for being something kind of ridiculous is the terrible cgi and set designs(this also includes filming locations such as outside shots),the first experience i had with the terrible looking cgi was in the first couple of minutes into the film and immediately regretted watching this film,the whole third act of the film is a horrible computer generated mess that is actually really hard to watch. another topic that is prominent that i have a major issue with is the "characters",the "characters"are all pretty much the exact same personality wise(cardboard),as the movie progressed i was kind of hoping that they would try and add personality variety between them but that was of a high expectation,one of the biggest problems i have with the characters is the main character,the reason i forgot his name is because the director and screenwriter must have forgotten to add him in and actually give him motivation like a main character has to have,most he does in the movie is go somewhere for 20 minutes and give the viewer exposition about the tsunami.In my honest opinion i don't actually recommend this film because there is nothing compelling about this film but if you want to waste an hour and 25 minutes of your time then go right ahead.1 out of 10


Now in my top 20 worse movies ever made. The only person I recognized was the lady who played the Vice-President. She played the President in "24". Hard to believe. Was she that hard up for work? If you do start to watch this terrible movie, you'll probably find yourself skipping ahead until you actually see something happening. Special effects looked like it was done by a few 12 years old. Avoid headaches by skipping this disaster.A bit puzzled how this got even 3 stars. People could give all the spoilers they could and this still would not upset many people. Is the man in the bathrobe the hero? You won't care one bit.

J. H.

I remember saying over and over again..."Are you kidding me"? I had to check the spoiler box, because to describe some of the ridiculous scenes that passed for a movie these days was absolutely necessary in hopes to save the rest of mankind from wasting one second of their precious time to think they might want to watch this.You've got a supposed geological expert dragged out of his house in the early morning and forced to "help" the Vice President save the world, yet he has to do it all while wearing his bathrobe. Lol They wouldn't even let him change into clothes. Hilarious.Then, two idiots on a sailboat are filming a live segment for a news channel. Really? HOW did they do that? They had a regular cam sitting on a tripod. You know, the ones you'd use for home movies and yet they were going "live" on the air. Really? How was this gal knowing when they were going live? She had no headset on. The entire time they were supposedly on the air, the camera bobbed up and down because the boat was riding the waves. I swear, this had to be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen on film.LOVE the two kids holding down the fort in Hawaii where their job is watching for earthquakes and warning the public to evacuate. Seriously? I thought highly trained meteorologists did that kind of work. Not two goofy kids. They looked like teens. Every single person involved with this film (and I use the term loosely) could not act. Not one bit. Even Priscilla Barnes was horrendous. She also looks really bad. There were so many pauses before the next person would say their dumb lines. Only a very bad director allows this to happen.I've seen really bad movies, but this should never have made it to even television. My high school cinema class handed in better movies.


Stormageddon: Earthquake vs. Tsunami is one of those rarities where it was a real struggle to stick with it well before the halfway mark, but because it is a personal rule never to judge a film without seeing the whole thing, stuck with it I did but with a lot of regret afterwards. Stormageddon: Earthquake vs. Tsunami is down there with the worst disaster movies ever made and a very strong contender for THE worst and certainly the most amateurish, managing to do the impossible and make the movies from The Asylum look good. Not in a long while has there been a cheaper-looking movie, true there are a lot of badly made movies seen recently but even they were not this cheap. The camera work will be the nightmare of epilepsy sufferers(coming from an epileptic here), even for the deliberate use of shaky-cam it felt far too excessive and unnecessary often. The photography is as dreary as muddy water and you'd be hard pressed to find any worse-looking special effects, looking 30 years at least out of date, under-proportioned and like they were made at last minute with scarce left-over materials to say they're amateurish is being generous. The sound is a lot of the time so muffled and distant that it is not always easy to make out the dialogue. From what you can hear of them though it is certainly not anything to write home about, the entire script sounding like total, incoherent and improvised-sounding gibberish, leaves a lot under-explained and does nothing to develop or humanise the characters. The concept was a very old and predictable one, but Stormageddon: Earthquake vs. Tsunami does nothing new or fun with it. Instead it's pedestrian nonsense from start to finish to the extent it is even devoid of unintentional/novelty humour and there are no thrills or suspense whatsoever. The characters can barely pass for characters, having absolutely nothing to them let alone a personality, the direction is just incompetent and there are dire performances from the entire cast who look bored out of their skulls and like they were held at gun-point. The overwrought, exaggerated crying, facial expressions that were either creepy or shockingly comical and the static posing betray a complete lack of acting talent. All in all, an appalling movie, not just one of the worst of the disaster movie genre but quite possibly one of the worst of any genre and film in general. 0/10 (a rating I do not give out often). Bethany Cox

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