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Bloodfist VI: Ground Zero

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Bloodfist VI: Ground Zero

Terrorists take over a nuclear weapons launch site, but don't count on a humble military courier, who happens to be making a visit

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Release : 1995
Rating : 4.5
Studio : New Horizons Picture, 
Crew : Production Design,  Cinematography, 
Cast : Don Wilson Catya Sassoon Robin Curtis Jonathan Fuller Art Camacho
Genre : Action Thriller

Cast List



This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place


The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

Allison Davies

The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.


All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.


A group of Islamic terrorists infiltrate & forcibly take over a US nuclear missile base in Nebraska, killing everyone inside except for their insider. They set up a computer to obtain nuclear launch codes & manage to locate the two nuclear launch keys in order to launch the nukes. But their plan goes awry when a former Navy SEAL turned low-level courier accidentally stumbles onto the plot whilst delivering a classified message to the base. Discovering what is going on, the courier uses his skills to seize back the base from the terrorists.The Bloodfist series has been one of the 1990s' most enduring minor B-grade franchises & a perpetual money-spinner for producer Roger Corman. Originally a martial arts showcase, the series quickly turned into a generic action series, with the only holdover for the entire series being champion kickboxer turned minor action hero Don "The Dragon" Wilson.While I thought that the Bloodfist series was somewhat negligible in the grand scheme of things, I found this entry to be probably the worst entry in the series – tying with Bloodfist IV: Die Trying. Ground Zero is one of the cheapest Die Hard knockoffs I have seen, although it did have a small sum for a budget, allowing the filmmakers to utilise some limited special effects. The story is a bit on the implausible side – how the terrorists manage to circumvent the nuclear base's security in order to take complete control is never fully explored – even if they had an insider in the base (which was in this case), this doesn't fully explain their plan. Even if you believe this plot device, the ease with which they manage to do so is still highly unlikely.Having said that, the film delivers on the action angle, although the low-grade action theatrics are nowhere even close to the quality of your average Die Hard clone. Don "The Dragon" Wilson is not exactly a good actor but he has been steadily improving over the series & here comes off as technically passable. His martial arts skills are underutilised, with the fights mainly using simple kicks & punches & a lot of gunplay.Another thing I thought was odd for this film was having the military's hierarchy – in particular Wynn Irwin's general – engaged in sexist & misogynistic behaviour. Robin Curtis's major is talked down to & even finds a male sex doll in her office. This would in real life result in a sexual harassment lawsuit but here nothing is done about it. Speaking of improbabilities, the idea of having Wilson shoot the crap out of the launch computers after discovering his abort code won't work is ridiculous to say the least. Ground Zero was also one of Cat Sassoon's last films.

Frank Markland

This time Don Wilson trades in his kickboxing approach for a Bruce Willis style hero who is the last man standing in the way of the launching of a nuke that middle eastern terrorists (Most who look Caucasian) are trying to detonate and then there is the whole...ZZZZZZZ The rules of the Bloodfist sequels do not imply, since parts 2, 3 and 4 were all better than # 1. So one was hoping this would be a fun yet harmlessly stupid take on Die Hard. Problem is, that while Bloodfist VI is stupid it isn't any fun. It is dull with Wilson engaging in mini-action sequences which are over before they barely start. Also of note is that Wilson is one of the better thesps here, with a cast so unconvincing as terrorists that it was just horrendous to watch. Worst of all is that the movie literally has no degree of style or energy, so we watch in sheer boredom as Wilson races around the clock to save us all. Bloodfist VI is basically as awful as # 5 and that is about all that can be said. * out of 4-(Bad)


It was about 2 a.m. in the morning after watching a video, when this accident happened. I saw the first 10 minutes of BLOOD FIST VI- GROUND ZERO, and couldn't decide whether it was supposed to be an real action film or a comedy. After the whole 90 minutes I was myself "ground zeroed" laughing the rest of the night without a rest. Unfortunately I wasn't able to record it, but next time when it is shown on TV there will be a fan to see this cult movie.

Karthik Abhiram

This probably is Don "The Dragon" Wilson's best film. He plays a military courier named Nick Corrigan, who finds himself trapped in a nuclear base that's been taken over by terrorists, led by a ruthless terrorist, Fawkes (Jonathan Fuller- who appears to be enjoying himself) and his men. Corrigan must figure out a way to stop them before they use the power they now have.There's plenty of nicely done action, in the style of "Die Hard". Wilson even has some nice one-liners.

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