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A Fit of Rage

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A Fit of Rage

The torrid love affair between a 40-year-old man who lives isolated from the world, in his small farm nearby São Paulo and a politically engaged 30-year-old journalist. One morning, after a night of wild lovemaking, he notices a hole made by sauba ants in his fence. This simple fact raises accusations and discord between the two lovers.

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Release : 1999
Rating : 5.2
Studio :
Crew : Assistant Camera,  Assistant Camera, 
Cast : Júlia Lemmertz Alexandre Borges Marieta Severo Ruth de Souza Lineu Dias
Genre : Drama Romance

Cast List



I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.


When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.


Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.


After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

Claudio Carvalho

Alexandre Borges and Júlia Lemmertz are lovers. He lives like an eremite, isolated in a country house with a small creation of rabbits, and she is a journalist. The story begins with them meeting each other and without any words, going to a bedroom and having hot and almost explicit sex. On the next day, while having breakfast, he notes that ants have made a hole in his live fence. He poisons them and begin a very aggressive discussion with her. The analogy between the hole in the life fence and the `opening' the character of Júlia Lemmertz in doing in his private life is the trigger for the discussion. She lives the place, but in the night she is back to him. I myself did not like this movie. The excessive sex in the beginning, and the theatrical discussion along most part of the story are very boring. Nobody uses the vocabulary or the construction of the sentences like the central pair do along a hot discussion. The discussion is too much artificial for my taste. In a play of a theater, this text may work, but in a film, it does not. The DVD is excellent, containing many additional matters. Alexandre Borges and Júlia Lemmertz are married in real life, but they explain in the DVD that the sperm scene was made using a special liquid injected in a syringe. My vote is four.


I didn't expect to see such a good movie when I rented it some time ago. I thought it would be about a couple and their love. All that made me got this video was the fact that it's Brazilian, like I am. But it really surprised me. The central theme is powerful: a young couple goes to a house in the countryside where they discuss their problems in a furious, animal way. The way they speak (and scream) and the things they say is kind of poetic. Their vocabulary goes beyond popular Portuguese and the actors move as they were in theatre. What differentiates this movie from many others of its genre is that after and before those arguments, they have hot sex. It's all shown openly, what makes this film just one step away from adult movies. The two stars, Alexandres Borges and Julia Lemmertz are married, what probably made their performances much easier. My rate 7/10

Jim Shippey

Somewhere between Sartre and Buñuel, and an oblique approach of George Gilder's model of inter-gender relations, lies Aloísio Abranches' A Glass of Rage (Um Copo de Cólera). More of an existential debate than a film, the story is basically a savage tete-e-tete between a pair of lovers on an isolated rabbit ranch after an extended (and nearly explicit) night of sex, punctuated by aside comments by the man to the audience. After seeing the film this evening, most of the film festival audience gathered in the lobby collectively scratching their heads trying to make sense of it. I imagine much of the subtlety of the dialog may be lost in the English subtitles. Not an experience I will soon forget, but also not one safe from ridicule. Recommended for hardcore fans of the abstract, verbose, and existential only!


Raduan Nassar´s "Um Copo de Colera" (A glass of rage) is a short but powerful book. Sexuality, political repression, alienation and instinct are some of the themes that emerge from a fight between a couple, after a wild sex night. Overall, a superb critic on middle-class values.But the movie lacks the novel´s power. Julia Lemmertz and Alexandre Borges (who are also a couple in real life) put a lot of effort into their characters, but end up adding a comic approach which doesn´t exist in the book.The sex scenes are impressive, fantastic-realistic maybe. But after that the movie fails to turn Nassar´s words into equally strong images.

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