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Circle of Eight

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Circle of Eight

Jessica moves into a loft on the eighth floor of a Los Angeles apartment building called The Dante. The other tenants all seem friendly at first, but when she starts witnessing horrible deaths, she must team up with her neighbor Evan (Doom) to solve the mystery -- and uncover her own connection to the place.

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Release : 2009
Rating : 3.7
Studio : Bronson Avenue,  Paramount Pictures Digital Entertainment,  Mountain Dew Green Label Studios, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Art Direction, 
Cast : Austin Highsmith Katie Lowes Josh Kelly John Bishop Natashia Williams
Genre : Horror Mystery

Cast List

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Very well executed


Absolutely the worst movie.


What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.


The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one


A variation on "Groundhog Day", with the difference that everyone except the main character knows they're existing in a loop. The movie is set up in a fairly interesting way, but establishing an interesting set-up is always the much easier part. The harder part is RESOLVING it - at least in a logical way. Apparently, the lazy writers couldn't find a neat enough way out of their writer's block so they left the ending open.About as wide open as a prostitute's t**t. Basically, the viewer is free to interpret the movie in a wide variety of ways. In other words, there is no explanation given, not enough clues are offered for any viewer to present a strong case for their favourite theory, hence the movie has no real meaning. It's a tried-and-true confidence trick that's been used in films for decades. Stuck with no ending to a complex, bizarre plot? Just end the movie without explanation, and hope that enough people will be too embarrassed to admit that they don't understand it so they come up with various semi-baloney theories to save face, and that way pretend as if they both understood and enjoyed the film. The inferiority complex related to the viewer's own intellectual (in)abilities has been a great friend and ally to the more pretentious (i.e. lazy and incompetent charlatan film-makers). What would they do without it.As far as the enjoyment factor goes, it's by no means a terrible movie. It isn't dull, for one thing. Secondly, movies with an interesting set-up but no conclusion are at least fun to watch before they implode at the end. That's better than nothing. And it's certainly better than the opposite: a boring movie that explodes at the end, like "The Village" with its excellent ending for which the viewer unfortunately had to sit through 100 minutes of tedium and awful acting by a nepotistic cast of anti-talents. I'd rather have fun for 90 minutes and then be disappointed at the end – given a choice between the two extremes.To anyone who is desperately trying to take this movie more seriously than it truly deserves, consider this: the early lesbian scene. There was absolutely no point to it, except to titillate the more desperate viewers. It had exactly zero to do with the story. Consider also the amazingly overlong intro which includes Jessica singing along to the ENTIRE damn song. So was this movie just a means to promote a hit-single wannabe? That song is awful, it's annoying, and we didn't have to be exposed to each and every of its 45 crappy choruses.Jessica had expressed a desire to repeat the drowning event with her younger brother, i.e. have another go in which she'd save him. So why didn't she get THAT (her brother and a batch of water) instead of this whole nonsense with the "Dante" building? OK, fine, the name itself is a dead giveaway, of course she is in some kind of Hell. But WHY? Why is she in Hell? Because she didn't save her brother? That would be ludicrous, even by the many moronic religious criteria.A reviewer (rather desperately but imaginatively) suggested that Jessica's loop may have to do with a Buddhist belief related to reincarnation and going through the same loop (i.e. life) until you stop making the same mistakes. Even if the writers did have that in mind (which is doubtful, hint-hint: lesbian scene), it wouldn't explain that much. Besides, does anyone truly find LOGIC in that particular religious belief? You're punished for your "sins" by repeating them over and over, without KNOWING that you'd committed them a zillion times? That makes no sense. What kind of a chance at "redemption" does that leave you? And once you've finally stopped making that mistake, you stop existing! That makes even less sense. Perhaps you have to be a Buddhist monk (or Richard Gere) in order to understand this line of reasoning, probably by giving it some bizarre spin that doesn't sound utterly ridiculous only to the fanatially faithful.There is also the suggestion that Jessica one day burnt down the building and "dragged" the other tenants into this hellish loop, and the day is repeating over and over so that by sacrificing herself for hunk-boy she may give them all a chance to finally rest in peace(?) or live on(?). But WHY would the others be punished for her sloppiness with matches and fire? Illogical. If the other tenants are all in Hell as well, why is SHE the one whose actions decide whether they get to break the cycle or not? What maker her so damn special? Illogical.The rather flimsy credibility of CO8 hangs by a very thin thread. How thin? It's like a one-armed man hanging on to a cliff's edge with three fingers while elephants are being tied to his feet to drag him down tumbling. That's how barely the logic in the story holds out without collapsing in on itself – even with outside help (such as the Buddhist-related explanation).I'm all for intriguing movies with ambiguous endings, but they do have to give you a fighting chance to wonder about the conclusion. However, there is a distinct difference between an equation with one or two unknowns and an equation with a dozen unknowns. The latter type of equation does not have a solution. X+U-Jx3-R/G-H+B=X-1 is an unsolvable mess, not an intriguing mystery. Learn to distinguish between the two, ye who art cast out of excessively optimistic, naive material.


The film originally seemed interesting but by the finale I started thinking perhaps there was no point.I like when films don't feel they must spoon-feed the audience information about what's happening. People are generally reasonably smart and movies claiming to be smarter often end up insufferable.However this movie was different. It didn't shove information up the audience's nose, but as the credits rolled it seemed as though the movie existed simply to appear intelligent without actually being intelligent. I'm not sure even the people who wrote this knew/decided what the story was. I only know its nothing I'd watch again


From the description on the TV guide, this looked like it might be interesting. Unfortunately you cannot believe everything you read. The concept was quite good, however, the execution didn't match up by a long chalk. I'll explain what I mean later, but here's a brief summary first (summary haters and those that don't wish to know anything about the plot please help Jessica move in while I write the next paragraph).Jessica is moving into her first apartment in the big city (Los Angeles in this case). Driving through the streets she's full of optimism and looking forward to her new surroundings. Outside the building, the Dante, she meets Evan, an attractive young man who helps her with her stuff. The building manager, Ed, is a bit odd, but likable enough, although he's a bit particular about tenants going into his 'File Room'. Having moved in, Jessica is then visited by several of the other occupants, an odd bunch to say the least. They are all very insistent that she joins them for a roof-top party to celebrate the New Year. And then strange things begin to happen, Jessica begins to see the other residents murdered, one by one. Nobody seems concerned about this and so she goes to Evan to try and get some answers. I'll leave it there and I've probably made it sound a lot better than it really is.This film has the look and feel of a student short that got made into a feature. It all seems very amateurish, everything from the cinematography, to the sound, to the acting seems to have had little thought to it. Nobody on screen really deserves a mention, but I will name a few so you'll know who's responsible. If anything, John Bishop was the best performer as Ed, but he wasn't great, Ryan Doom (great name!) was adequate as Evan and Austin Highsmith was OK, I guess, as Jessica.I feel I've been a little generous with my score (below), but the concept behind this very poor film was actually quite good. The trouble is, little, or no, thought went into the execution. Maybe some of it could be blamed on budget restrictions, but I've seen much better than this made for a lot less. I think you can probably guess what comes next… definitely NOT recommended… You have been warned.My score: 4.1/10


Contains Spoiler- although I still have little to no idea what this movie was about. Jessica, (farm girl who is living with the guilt of not trying her hardest to save her little brother from drowning), for no apparent reason moves to a slummy apartment in LA, with only a single box and a mirror. They make reference to the mirror immediately, and it never ties in to the movie again. Weird. The hallways are dimly lit,lesbians getting pg13 freaky in the hallways,the place is filthy, moldy food in the fridge,and her neighbors are repeatedly walking in. In the midst of the filth and chaos,she again doesn't lock the door, and decides to take a bath with the door unlocked. Scariest part of the movie right there, I couldn't be paid enough to get into that filthy tub. Her neighbor Evan walks in with a gift while she's in the tub, so she gets dressed and leaves her apartment. In the hallway, she finds a dead neighbor hanging in the hallway. She freaks out, runs outside and hysterically flags down the police, who investigate and find nothing. An hour or so after she finds the dead body, she's in Evan's apartment about to have sex with this guy she's known only for a couple of hours. I guess a dead guy hanging in the hallway wasn't enough to leave a lasting impression? As she is in the throws of passion and seemingly just fine after a traumatic event, which makes no sense. He turns her down. Sex scene definitely not in this budget. So the movie aimlessly drags on and on this way. It's only evident that everyone but her knows what's going on, and that this cycle of events has occurred thousands of times. I waited until the last minute to find out what this movie was about. Never did. I would definitely not suggest this movie to anyone, unless your goal is to cure your insomnia.

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