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Daddy's Little Girl

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Daddy's Little Girl

After the police find Derek’s daughter brutally murdered on the beach, he vows to make the culprit suffer for his actions, even if that person is ‘part of the family.’ With careful research into the history of torture, Derek prepares himself and his basement for a week of brutal tactics that will make his daughter’s killer feel the pain that he has inflicted upon so many others. In a time when stranger danger is ever present, a single father learns that it’s the ones you trust most who have to be watched the closest.

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Release : 2014
Rating : 5.7
Studio : Slaughter FX, 
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Allira Jaques Holly Phillips Brooke Chamberlain
Genre : Horror Thriller

Cast List

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Fresh and Exciting


When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.


Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.


It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.


Yes, most -if not all- of the people who gave this 9's and 10's are likely family and friends of the filmmakers, but the people giving it 1's are being pretty melodramatic and jaded.Cinematography, writing, acting, directing, editing, music - it's all passable. None of it really wow's, but it all gets the job done. A lot of the dialogue feels forced and unnatural, but none of it yanked me out of the narrative.Where the film excels is the violence. The gore effects are all very good and a lot of it succeeded in getting under my skin. I don't understand how so many reviews here can point out how good the effects are and still give the movie a 1. I think the technical work on the gore is easily worth at least a 3 out of 10 on it's own.(minor spoiler) My only major complaint is that I don't think people can scream like that with a tracheotomy. Though maybe I'm wrong there. I also didn't like how the mother character just completely disappeared from the movie after the funeral. (/end spoiler)As far as revenge films go, this isn't a satisfying ass-kicker like John Wick or The Crow, nor is it a classier drama like Man on Fire or Ransom. It's more of a torture film, comparable to Guinea Pig: Flower of Flesh and Blood. But if you're into that, definitely check this out.


Prior to seeing this I'd taken into account that many of the positive reviews on here may have stemmed from people doing the director a favour, and knowing that he has a large following on Facebook it didn't surprise me. But I wanted to check the movie out for myself and make up my own mind, especially since learning more about Chris Sun of late. I now truly believe that the positive reviews are completely fabricated, as there is just no way anyone could possibly believe this movie is worth more than a 5/10 at best.Everything I just read about how bad the acting was is totally true. I didn't believe in a single character, which left me devoid of any emotional attachment. This resulted in me having no desire to see the killer get what was coming to them, which is essential in a revenge flick. I usually love seeing the bad guys get what they deserve in movies, but this time around I just didn't care.The plot had too many holes, especially how the killer is revealed. Completely implausible. If I were doing something so despicable there's no way in hell I'd leave evidence lying around where anyone could find it. It would be more believable if the culprit were severely mentally ill and incapable of thinking rationally, but in this instance he was just a boring, regular guy.I haven't been excited about Charlie's Farm, being that it looks like a derivative slasher flick that I've seen 100 times before and proudly boasts Sharknado's Tara Reid as a star. I was hoping that watching DLG might boost my eagerness, but now I'm even less enthusiastic about it.Still, it gives us filmmakers hope that you can still achieve success by churning out utter crap. All you need to do is somehow trick the public into believing that your arrogance towards people and high self-opinion is charming.


In it's starting, you really think you're in for a good quality drama, which later, sadly, gives way to some of the most tortuous, hard to stomach violence, I've seen, there's a lot. But don't get me wrong, on the other side of that token, the culprit in question, which becomes a devastating blow of shock, as being family, where in the back of mind here and there, I suspected him, deserves everything he gets. This movie opens your eyes to a lot of things, about how precious children are. Shot in Queensland, this film, worse than any horror movie, I must say, suffers from a bad script and mostly laughable overacting, unconvincing, but embarrassing too, although the three leads are genuinely quite good, especially the father. When acted at the start by these three, it was more naturalistic acting that really worked. A father who's baby girl is snatched, stumbles onto the truth while at the party of the younger brother, where in the previous six months, he's dealt with the grief and unbearable pangs of heartache, after losing his little angel. Blaming the wife for not properly fixing the window, I'm on his side, where watching this film, I really hope that this a pre warning to parents out there to ensure little jobs like this are dealt with. The killer too has kept a sick diary of horrid details, not just about killing his niece, but other little kids too. When the torture starts, let me warn you, it's very graphic, if underestimated, much like the victims of the Asian torture porn flick, Grotesque, as so what's left of the state of this victim too. There's very funny moments too, which this avenging father, during torture session, 101, thanks to some of the dialogue, which I must say is pretty ordinary, if stereotyped. Watching just how much pain, this poor ba..ard, endures, had me wondering what that really feel like. How much pain, can a guy endure, and let me tell me tell you, he does a lot of squirming. The plucking out tooth scene, had me licking my teeth to confirm if I still had em', it was the most unbearably visual moment. Daddy's Little Girl shows a lot of promise early, but in it's neat hour, it's resorts to such sick and reprehensible violence, to illustrate the points and consequences of about being a child murderer and paedophile, where real justice even though excessive, in my opinion, is warranted and truly justified, where many of the film's viewers who have kids will feel that way, too.


Daddy's little girl I was disappointed with. Primarily because of the relationship between Derek and his brother; it just seemed fake and 2 dimensional.In the scene where Derek fired him on the beach I felt like they were just 2 actors saying lines not 2 characters having a really sad and hard conversation. So when you find out that he murdered Georgia, it wasn't a shock and I didn't find it as sad as I would've liked to; Because finding out something like your brother killed your daughter should be devastating - but because I didn't really believe in their relationship, or that they had grown up together or had a past together, when I found out that he was the murderer it didn't bother me nearly as much as it should of. I actually found the some of the most believable acting was seen in the torturing scene, and any time when Derek showed anger - like in the scene after Georgia's funeral where her parents are fighting. Which once again bothered me because Derek's transition between loving his brother and hating him didn't feel natural or real to me. This was because Derek's hate was the more realistic emotion and the love just felt awkward and fake, because when the 2 characters interacted, it felt like they were nothing more then work colleagues. However those are the only real issues I have with the film the rest I thought was really well done, but unfortunately they are very big issues, which made the film for me less real and heart breaking for me.

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