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Scenes of the Crime

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Scenes of the Crime

A young man about to get married earns extra cash by driving a local mobster, but things go awry when the mobster is shot dead by a rival crime boss.

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Release : 2002
Rating : 5.7
Studio : Cinerenta Medienbeteiligungs KG,  Battleplan Productions, 
Crew : Assistant Property Master,  Construction Coordinator, 
Cast : Jon Abrahams Peter Greene Jeff Bridges Mädchen Amick R. Lee Ermey
Genre : Drama Action Thriller

Cast List



Good concept, poorly executed.


Absolutely the worst movie.


I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.


It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional

Robert Clarke

This captivating little film obviously benefits by the great performances of the three male leads - Bridges, Abrahams and Wyle.A mob boss' driver (Abrahams) accidentally gets mixed up in much more than he bargained and prepared for when a rival mob boss (Bridges) is kidnapped by his associate (Peter Greene) and bundled into the back of his van.A very stagy film, with a very TV feel to it, its basically all shot in one location throughout but still manages to hold the viewers attention.Only one negative, and its a big one - the ending. Just as the story seems as though its changing direction and gathering pace it ends abruptly, which spoils the film and leaves the viewer feeling cheated having to make do with the conclusion of the story and its characters hastily captioned on screen. Such a shame because an extra 15 mins of action instead of 15 seconds of words could have made this film a real find.


It seems a lot of you missed the point about the dramatic (or anti-climactic ending). Yes, they could have left some of the clues out but then you would have felt manipulated. I thought that the balance between tension and suspense was good considering the what they wanted to show in terms of what actually happened. Nobody knew why they parked where they did, but the dead man was going to see his father, and nobody else knew why they were there or where the man's father was. Watch the film and appreciate it for what it is. The smartest guy does not always win. Jimmy was too bold and his luck ran out. If not, I have no doubts that he could have turned this whole thing in to a win for him.It does make it more interesting knowing that this is based on a true story.

Ricardo Garcia Mainou

To begin lets say that the title is a little deceptive, it leads you to believe it's going to be a kind of CSI movie, but really is the kind of mob face to face movie that would have worked better under the pen of David Mamet (Heist) or even the Cohens (Miller's Crossing).Acting is good (it should since there's not much action in the movie), but the main problem would be that you can see the ending comming since almost the beginning (SPOILER* Since you see the old man paying two hundred dollars to the painters).Not withstanding, the movie unfolds gracefully (good rythm, good dialogues), maybe boring for some that don't like characters under stress studies.A solid 6.


According to the credits the movie is based on actual events. And I think it's a quite interesting story. "Scary Movie's" Jon Abrahams, "ER's" Noah Wyle, "Twin Peaks'" Madchen Amick and of course Jeff Bridges himself make a very good cast in a film, that's definitely not a typical production. Though the story is a bit predictable, and some scenes make you wonder why the characters act the way they do, but I found it very entertaining. Mostly because it's a story of a typical young guy (Jon Abrahams), who tries to earn some "extra cash" and by accident he gets involved in a conflict between two gangs. It made me wonder what would I do in a situation like this.Anyway, if you want a lot of action, don't waste your time. This movie is very "static" and "slow", but I believe it's worth seeing.

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