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Deaf Smith & Johnny Ears

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Deaf Smith & Johnny Ears

Two friends help Sam Houston work for Texas statehood. Johnny Ears and his deaf-mute sidekick Erastus "Deaf" Smith go after a Mexican general under orders from Germany to agitate the populace.

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Release : 1973
Rating : 5.6
Studio : Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer,  Idea Film,  Compagnia Cinematografica, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Director, 
Cast : Franco Nero Anthony Quinn Pamela Tiffin Ira von Fürstenberg Adolfo Lastretti
Genre : Western

Cast List

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What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.


Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.


The war with Mexico over , the new republic of Texas is born . Set in 1836's Texas just after the Republic won its independence from Mexico. President Houston is actively working to have the new republic join the United States of America . But rebel forces , aided by a foreign power , are plotting against him . Houston , busy reorganizing the exhausted forces of Texas sends his faithful scout Erastus . As President Sam Houston instructs one of his agents to put down the plotters , the tough deaf-mute Erastus Smith (Anthony Quinn and based on real-life character) to carry out a dangerous mission . Deaf Smith is the man who hears with his eyes and speaks with his gun . Accompanying him is his best friend the sex-obsessed Johnny Ears, (Franco Nero) who falls for a beautiful prostitute (Pamela Tiffin) , Susie the ¨hooker¨ . But the rebels and the general Martin (Franco Graziosi) have intercepted a message that a deaf-mute spy is in their midst . At the beginning ,there takes a place a massacre executed by rebel henchmen (Romano Puppo , Luciano Martino) against McDonald family and things go wrong .Pasta Western picture is set post American-Mexican war but ignores the wealth of the authentic history and becomes yet another action/adventure/humor Western and this decent production delivers what it should . However , it relies heavily on the peculiar relationship between Deaf Smith/Anthony Quinn and Johnny Ears/Franco Nero . Here there are some historical remarks about Texas , as the Republic's future is in doubt, with various factions and foreign powers hoping to sway matters to their own advantage . And based on facts , as Deaf Smith was a soldier in Houston's army distinguished for destroying a bridge and there's actually a Deaf Smith County in Texas . Although it has some anachronisms as an out of time machine gun and hokey historical events . It is a decent Western with comedy , tongue-in-cheek , action and plenty of shoot'em up , gun-play , explosion , and some moments results to be quite entertaining . Including a spectacular ending when our protagonists using a machine gun and a lot of dynamite execute a slaughter in which they take down themselves the enemy army . Anthony Quinn gives over-acting as the deaf-mute Erastus "Deaf" Smith , to infiltrate and put down one of the growing rebel factions and sympathetic acting by Franco Nero as his companion Johnny Ears who must not only do Smith's hearing for him, but must also conceal Smith's handicap . Acceptable support cast full of ordinary Spaghetti secondaries as Luciano Rossi , Goffredo Unger , Tom Felleghi , Renato Romano and Romano Puppo . It packs an anti-climatic musical score by Daniel Pattucci and attractive ¨ballad of Deaf Smith and Johnny Ears¨ sung by Ann Collin . And an atmospheric cinematography in Eastmancolor by Tonino Delli Colli , though a perfect remastering is necessary , being shot on location in Gelato falls , El Lacio , Rome and Almeria , Spain , as usual . The motion picture was regularly directed by Paolo Cavara , a craftsman who made all kinds of genres . As Paolo directed Giallo as ¨Black belly Tarantula¨ , ¨E Tanta Prava¨, Drama/war : ¨La Cattura¨, ¨comedy : "Virility" , ¨Il Lucamone¨, ¨La Lacandiera¨ and especially shock-documentary as ¨L'Occhio Salvaggio¨, ¨Mondo cane¨ , ¨La Donna Nel Mondo¨, ¨Witchdoctor in Tails¨, and ¨I Malamondo¨ .

Chris Cuervo

It is not really a good movie. The best things are the character of Deaf Smith (Quinn), the beautiful prostitutes appearing in the film and the moves of the camera around a deaf gunman, that help us to understand how he is aware of the people around him. Anthony Quinn performance is incredible, being the most notable character without pronouncing a single word. All the scenes where he appears flows around him, even when the apparently most charming Johnny Ears (Nero) tries to be funny (sometimes he creates the opposite effect). Smith is funnier, harder and more interesting than Ears, and maybe that is the main reason to watch this film.


I like the above comment: "Watchable if not recommended". I just saw it on TV as "Deaf Smith and Johnny Ears". It breaks my heart that AMC didn't show the full credits as I am haunted by the music and cannot identify the tune.Erastus "Deaf" Smith was actually a soldier in Houston's army and was distinguished for destroying a bridge that cut of Santa Ana's retreat at the battle of San Jacinto. The movie, of course, is pure fiction with no historical basis.Anthony Quinn has always been one of my favorites and it pleases me that a Mexican actor has found such worldwide success. His AMC interview is well worth a watch.


I like Franco Nero. I like his voice, his accent, his acting style, his acrobatics. Any movie starring Franco Nero already has one thing going for it in my book. Saying that Nero is the ONLY thing going for "Deaf Smith And Johnny Ears" would be somewhat inaccurate - there is also a good score, Pamela Tiffin's spunk (at one point, she puts Nero in a reverse headlock!), and some interesting directorial touches (as when Cavara films some scenes from the deaf man's point-of-view, with no sound). But if this is supposed to be a comedy, it's much too violent (beginning with the massacre of an entire family), and if it's serious, then the plot is confused and uninteresting. Anthony Quinn is a bore...and what's up with that ending? (**)

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