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An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker

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An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker

Senada is 31 and she lives in Poljice neighborhood in Lukavac municipality with her partner and two daughters. She is pregnant with her third child for approximately five months. Since she didn’t have health insurance, she does not go to the doctor’s. When she started bleeding, she goes to the hospital. The doctor told Senada that she needs an emergency surgery and she needs to pay 500 EUR. Without a health insurance card and without money, Senada returns home.

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Release : 2013
Rating : 6.8
Studio : RAI,  Asap Films,  Vertigo/Emotionfilm, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  First Assistant Camera, 
Cast :
Genre : Drama

Cast List



Why so much hype?


It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.


Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,

Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.


so simple than it can be mark of a state of things who seems be normal. portrait of a case, it represents image of a community challenges. because it is a honest, cruel in its honesty, story about ordinary people, a bureaucratic system , about the importance of the other and about hope. nothing new. only useful as precise remind of the small events around us. a story of survive. one of the examples who transform the policies against discrimination in weird speech. because it is a film about the other and its great virtue is the science of precise measure , the admirable cinematography, the symbols of a clash between Nazif family ad the world. a film about life. and its prices.


at first sigh, a film about Gypsies life. a case from Balkans. at the second, a kind of documentary. in fact, only a picture. because it is a beautiful puzzle in which the survive of a small community, the fight against the rules of the others, the furnaces from Tuzla and the fear, hope, sadness of Nazif , the links between community members, solution for a serious problem, the hall of hospital, the girls, the dialogs, gestures of Senada are more than scenes but pieces of a message about East reality. Danis Tanovic has the great virtue to maintain the precise measure in each scene. nothing strange. nothing extraordinary. only a honest picture from East. in the skin of humiliation resignation and unusual solution for the viewer out of this small circle.scenes from ordinary existence, so far by usual jaundices


It could also have been "An incident in the life of ...". The movie that plays as if it was a documentary (the story does not seem too far stretched) and the people who most likely are not actors in this do a more than proper job. I defy anyone not being touched by the events unfolding in this movie.Of course some might also say that this shows how far apart we are from each other. Simple things like this would not have broken a sweat in another country, but it is a real tough break for the characters here. Should you start re-thinking what you feel about your life then? It might work for a second, but we mostly fall back to old patterns until we actually are shaken ourselves that is.So while the story and the idea in general is really good, actors would have actually made a difference. A proper script too. The shooting style fits the no budget/money category this plays in. For a couple things did really annoy me and drew part of my sympathy from the people portrayed in the movie. The situation and the fact, that people have to go through those circumstances is despicable. And it's good that a movie made people aware. But I'm rating the movie, not the impact or the real story behind it


Danis Tanovic's semi-documentary won this year's Grand Jury Prize at the Berlin Film Festival, in spite of having been produced on a shoestring budget of €50000. The jury thus honored the most relevant film in the competition, owing to the fact that for the first time ever, the conditions of life of Roma (gypsies), Europe's largest stateless minority, is accurately described. The film is much more effective than I expected it to be for two reasons: one, it's focused on a not particularly spectacular, yet shocking incident and two, instead of using professional non-Roma actors, the actual Roma couple to whom this happened re-enacts the events - a move so bold that the jury deemed it worthy to award the actor's Silver Bear to the male lead.The story: Nazif, an 'iron picker' who takes apart used cars and household appliances with basic tools to sell their metal for scrap. His wife Senada, a mother of two, takes care of their ramshackle house in a remote Bosnian village. One day, she complains of cramps so Nazif takes her to a hospital in the next city Tuzla. They learn that Senada has miscarried and needs to have the dead fetus removed. However, the clinic they are referred to refuses to perform the operation because they have no health insurance; they are asked to pay 980 marks (€500) which they do not have. Nazif must find a solution within days or else Senada dies.Tanovic's skill as a film-maker shows in his strapping of the story to the absolutely essential. Working with non- actors, he waives all emotional development, which is a radical departure from his earlier films, like the Oscar-winning 'No Man's Land' (2001) or the Colin Farrell-starring 'Triage' (2009). I've read reviews which criticize this rigid no-nonsense approach, citing the muteness of the performances, but in fact, Nazif and Senada's unexcited response to their predicament is the very strength of the film, because this is the response of people who have been said 'no' to all their life: resignation. So it comes as no surprise that when aid workers urge Senada to accompany them to go to the clinic for a third time, she refuses, meekly repeating 'it's no use'. Being half-Rom from my mother's side, I can assure you that this is indeed the fatalistic reaction to even far more serious challenges, but many people seem to expect gypsies to behave like in a Kusturica film. These, however, are not and were never intended to be an actual portrayal of gypsy life.What prompts Tanovic to tackle this issue materializes in a brief exchange between Nazif and the aid workers: although he served in the Bosnian war of Independence, he did not receive any benefits or a pension like other veterans. The film does not elaborate on this - too much explanation would have hurt the film's focus, but since I translated testimonies of Ashkali (Kosovo gypsies) refugees for an NGO during the conflict, I might as well add that this is a common phenomenon on the Balkans where gypsies represent the lowest end of the social spectrum, and suffer from structural racism in accordance with this 'role'. For instance, in Kosovo, gypsies were driven out of their houses by returning Albanians who had their houses razed by the Serbs, accusing them of collaboration, and UNMIK - the UN administration - didn't act on their behalf because they focused on appeasing the national minorities.The solution Nazif finds in the end stays in the family, illustrating that Roma have only their own kind to rely on. Because of the film's two wins, maybe a larger number of people will finally become aware of this problem which, in my view, is the most pressing and shameful European reality today: we notice Roma when they steal or beg or wipe our windscreens without asking, but we never wonder why they do. There's an uncomfortably large number of people who believe that Roma are abject and poor or even criminal 'by nature', and this film could serve as an instrument to change this perception if it gets screened in classrooms.

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