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The Mangler 2

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The Mangler 2

A teenager girl mistakenly downloads the Mangler 2.0 computer virus into her highschool's new state of the art computer system and all hell breaks loose.

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Release : 2002
Rating : 2.4
Studio : Banana Brothers Entertainment Inc., 
Crew : Production Design,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Lance Henriksen Chelse Swain Dexter Bell Daniella Evangelista Will Sanderson
Genre : Horror Science Fiction

Cast List



To me, this movie is perfection.


Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike


Memorable, crazy movie


it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.


I actually liked The Mangler 2, it is low budget and doesn't have any connection to the first film but for some reason I still enjoyed it. One thing I liked was the plot, the whole idea of a school that has a high tech computer security system that controls the whole place malfunctioning because of a virus is pretty interesting.The film sees a girl named Joanne who's an hacker getting caught in her dad's building and being sent to her private school again where a new high tech security system is being installed by her dad's company, after a incident with the headmaster her and a few of other students who are also suspected have to stay in the school while the others go on a trip, after an argument she goes to her computer and downloads The Mangler 2.0 virus to get at everyone, the virus soon goes into the computer system and then things start to happen. The computer watches the whole school with the cameras and begins to use the various things linked to the computer to kill people. Soon they discover this and try to escape from the school but The Mangler 2.0 virus watches them and tries to stop them from leaving the school.The Mangler 2 is not that bad and is a pretty good film. Check it out. 10/10


Ladies and Gentlemen, The times of great film are thought to have gone the way of the Tasmanian Devil and the Ne-Ne--lost to the ages. If you find yourself a believer in this school of thought, I submit to you "The Mangler 2--Graduation Day." Our times are defined by a select few films, viewed by folks generations from now who see the characters and scenes of these films to portray the thoughts and emotions of those living in its time period. Truly, "The Mangler 2" is one such film. With its true-to-life dialogue, allowing the viewer to not only empathize with the character but to BECOME the character, this movie takes us by the collar and pummels our emotions brutally, stomping on our conceptions of modern security systems and slicing away piece by piece our false sense of safety in our schools. From the first intense seconds of this film, the viewer follows along the turbulent life of a young girl who struggles with her father as well as herself and what society expects of her. She soon meets up with several friends, all of whom are perhaps the most well-developed, complex characters to grace the big screen since those of "Taxi Driver" or "Citizen Kane." These young men and women struggle against a foe far greater than they can comprehend, and several succumb to its evil plots, meeting only the most horrible (yet thought-provoking) deaths imaginable to the human mind. Without spoiling the ending of this cinematic classic, I will suffice it to say that the climax is gripping, a true testament to fine camera-work, acting, writing, and music. The viewer is left on the edge of his seat until, finally, the movie comes to a breath-taking close, leaving us to ask "what's next?" Not only do I give this movie 10 stars, I give it a standing ovation and offer it my first born. Dare I ask when "The Mangler 3" will come squealing from the womb of its writers, squinting into the bright lights of fame?


Looking to spend some movie-time with my girlfriend, we both made our way to a local Blockbuster. While browsing lanes, a certain title caught my eye - Mangler 2. I had seen part one years ago, and really enjoyed the movie. Naturally, I thought this "sequel" would be just as entertaining, if not slightly less.Let me tell you, this had to be the worst movie I've ever seen. The only horror coming from this movie is the acting; absolutely horrendous in every way possible. Sure, this is the kind of thing you expect from a low-budget movie, but did it have to be this bad?The Mangler in this one is completely different and unrelated to the Mangler in part 1 (which, for those who haven't read the tag line/seen the movie, is a laundry machine). I won't compare the movies for sake of spoilers, but the fact that the Mangler has taken a steep downhill turn of scare-factor from devil-possessed machine to computer virus should be convincing enough that the first-mentioned prevails between the two.A predictable storyline, poor acting, corny jokes, and a plethora of shallow sexual innuendos will have you racing back to your rental store for a refund.Said several times and true, "You can't do a low-budget horror film."


I just rented this film two days ago, and got around to watching it last night. It's not as bad as people say it its, it doesnt deserve this bad of a wrap. Farfetched? Yea Horrible? No, it has an interesting plot and the acting isnt half bad, and face it people we dont need a freakin gore fest to have a good movie *Helloo Halloween?!* Onto the review...The Plot: A Disturbed girl, Jo Newton, breaks into her father's office and plans to download a virus onto her Father's computer. All goes well until the alarm goes off, and she bolts. Her father ends up catching her and as a punishment sends her back to her Private School, where everyone is getting back from Spring Break. Jo isnt exactly what you would call popular, although her father donates INCREDIBLE amounts of money to the school, yet Jo only has about four friends. So Headmaster Bradeen decides to add an incredibly high-tech security systme, all controlled from one computer. Before he does this, he sends all students but five onto their geography trip, guess who the five that stay back are...Well Jo gets mad at everyone and downloads a virus called Mangler 2.0 onto the school's System, which in the end wreaks havoc on the entire school and soon, begins Killing off the remains one by one...The Acting: It's a DTV, get over it, the acting isnt gonna be Award Winning Material. Although it wasnt horrible either. The Actress who stood out for me was Daniella Evangelista, not only was she a good actress and plays "Bitch" very well, but was great Eye-Candy. Chelsea Swain was all right, she handled her role well even though she's not the best cryer, but she did what she for the others they did ok, the Stoner, African American Guy and Boyfriend were all about the same, they did what they could, the Chef was good for Comic Relief and also did what he could, the other teachers, electrician and Bradeen were all on the same level. It's a surprise that Lance even did this. He went from Scream 3 to doing DTV Films...?Blood & Gore: There's really nothing but some blood spatter here. Some guy gets his skin peeled off by scaulding water, some other guy gets his hacked up by Hedge Clippers (Held By Computer Wires...?) Another falls down a flight of stairs and gets his head chopped off by a Fire Ax, Another woman gets her hair caught in a Fax Machine and has her hair ripped out, then theres an electrocution, hanging, and a guy gets crushed in the bleachers. As bloody as this all sounds, most of it is Off-Screen.Directing: The Director of this film wasnt that bad for a First Time Director. He did fairly well for his first time. Different angles and the Night Vision angles and Security Camera angles were pretty cool, so over all it was a pretty decent film. Nothing to get scared over, but just a fun film to watch on a night with friends.ALSO ive heard numerous reports of a Glitch on the DVD where a scene is cut out, i didnt see this. After an Un-Named Character dies in the bleachers, it's obvious all the others run out of the gym and out to the field, it's not that hard to understand, unless im missing something or something i dunno, but i didnt find any "Glitch".OVERALL the film was decent, dont rent it if you want to be scared shytless, but just for pure fun. Its a refrshing installment into the Slasher Genre, something we havent really seen before. I Give Mangler 2 an 8/10, talks of a Mangler 3 and 4 have been heard, i wonder...

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