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Our hero Colin is bitten by a zombie; he dies and returns from the dead. We follow him as he wanders through suburbia during the throes of a cadaverous apocalypse.

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Release : 2008
Rating : 4.7
Studio : Nowhere Fast Productions, 
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Alastair Kirton Daisy Aitkens Nick Stoppani
Genre : Horror Action

Cast List



Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.


This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.


The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.


By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.


This film finds a somewhat different slant on a theme that's been done to death. Zombie movies have been done as classic horror, campy fun, and action adventure, and this doesn't fall into any of those categories. Remember those after school specials about the dangers of drinking, drugs, and sex? Imagine one about the dangers of becoming a zombie and you'll come close to the vibe of this movie.It takes an arguably absurd premise - people turning into zombies - and then explores the consequences in a pretty believable and powerful way. You actually find yourself feeling genuine sympathy for the zombies.A lot of the hype has been about the ridiculously low budget of the film, and it holds up surprisingly well, considering. I enjoyed the movie, but it did drag a bit at times. I think it would have been better as a 30 minute short, but they just didn't have the material to fill a whole movie. There's a quite a bit of just walking about, and one really dark scene that went on for about 20 minutes where I'm still not entirely sure what was happening.Still, all in all, an interesting flick.


I've got to say i'm perplexed by all the negative feedback this film has received, I've just watched it and found it to be an intriguing and understated low budget film. Its angle (from colins perspective) is beautifully and intelligently executed. The confusion, born out by elements such as the normal folk remaining nameless, the very fact that there is very little plot development rings true of the unfocused mind of a zombie. The complete lack of empathy bestowed by the film maker on anyone except Colin is, to me, a fantastically under played tool allowing the viewer to really see the post apocalyptic world from the eyes of a zombie.To folks complaining about the setting, why would the film be made anywhere else than normal "drab" surroundings? this is where the majority of us live! And to counter those of you that found the lingering shots of street signs or just of Colin ambling along, I personally found these moments the most striking, they gave room to breath an contemplate the situation, what sparks they may be triggering in the virus addled zombie mind.Just to counter balance myself, and for the sake of reasoned argument, yes, there are a few moments of hammy acting, such as the youths trying to steal colins shoes, and a few moments of absurdity, fighting of zombie hordes with saucepans... but i must say, the action sequences were the low points of the film for me anyway. The true embryonic genius (yes genius) of the film maker lies in his ability to capture moments of pure poignancy in the simplest of moments, Colins captivation of a brightly lit road sign, relating to the stolen sign in the flat where he was first bitten, a perfect example. If you want big budget and balls out action, go look at Hollywood, if you want a subtle, delicate, occasionally bleakly humorous examination of the soul via the apparently soulless, forgive it its bugbears and try Colin.


After reading reviews on here for this movie I got quite hyped up to watch it. I was lucky enough to record it on television and save myself a good £8. The movie cost £40 to make apparently, but it looks like it was made on £5. I honestly cannot work out what cost £40! There is no lighting in the movie and most of it is darkness. The camera shakes throughout the movie, which yes helped to make Cloverfield good, but it did not work here.I am a huge zombie movie fan and this was more of an insult. The main character get ill before he turns, yet you see another infected person who is infected for what I can guess to be about 2 days, showing no signs of sickness and she just turns. Continuity?????Granted that this movie was an independent movie, it is nothing more then a movie you would make as a joke with your friends. The acting is terrible, including when one of the actresses smirks whilst saying that there is a zombie in her bathroom and the main character almost laughs. It really is a horrible movie. Good try but nothing I'd pay to see. Do NOT buy this movie. You will regret it.

Paul Andrews

Colin is set in London where a mysterious virus has been been bringing the dead back to life as flesh eating zombies, the city is in disarray & panic. Colin (Alastair Kirton) is an ordinary bloke, unfortunately Colin's been bitten by a zombie & thus is infected. Poor old Colin is doomed to die & then come back as a mindless flesh eating zombie. Colin has to adjust to being a zombie & deal with all those nasty humans who try to kill him, this is his story...This English production was shot, edited, written, produced & directed by Marc Price & I am finding all the positive comments absolutely baffling as Colin is surely one of the inept & tedious films ever made. For a start lets a get a couple of things straight, Colin is not the first film to be told from a zombie's point of view neither it is the first film to try & create sympathy for it's flesh eating undead despite what some may say. Where to start? To be fair the concept of a zombie film told from a zombie's perspective is cool but with such a low budget & very little talent on show the concept was doomed to die as we get endless scenes of Colin stumbling about doing nothing in particular. Occasionally Colin meets some humans who are being attacked by other zombies or are themselves attacking zombies, we never meet anyone or learn anything about anyone or the situation they find themselves in. Colin doesn't seem to take sides, neither the zombies or the people are seen as heroes or villains either way. Nobody says a sentence for like half an hour into the film, Colin doesn't speak until the very end in which he has a flashback revealing what happened at the start which should have been at the start rather than the end as it might have made us relate to Colin a bit more or emphasise with his transformation from ordinary bloke to mindless zombie. With zero character development or any sort of plot other than Colin wandering around the odd London street it's hard to see why Colin is getting so much praise. It's not a study of society in a crisis situation as we never see the wider society, only a few random people & the subplot about Colin's sister taking him home goes nowhere & like everything else here feels like padding. At over an hour & a half long Colin surely is one of the most uneventful & dullest films ever released, no character's & no plot basically add up to one long bore where the initial intriguing premise becomes old after about two minutes.Right, rumour has it that Colin cost £45 to make (about $72) & all I have to say is where did all the money go? Obviously shot in people's houses & without permission on a council estate somewhere (central London is never seen) on a crappy hand-held camcorder (I think my Samsung Wave mobile phone HD camera can record clearer & sharper video than seen in Colin) Colin looks awful in every aspect. From the terrible lighting to the annoying shaky camcorder crap, whenever anything happens on screen it seems like it was shot by someone have a seizure or epileptic fit since the jerkiness is truly hideous & serves no artistic or practical function. There are scenes that are so badly lit, so dark & so shaky that it's literally impossible to tell what's happening, that cannot be right & Colin is just one long eyesore. The make-up effects are poor, there's some fake blood splashed around & some bits of meat probably brought from a local butcher for the zombies to chew on but there's no proper special effects here.Probably edited on a PC or in camera Colin really is nothing more than a home movie, & a bad one too. Colin is a mindless zombie so the guy playing didn't have too much to do, the odd person that pops up are pretty terrible.Colin is a film that I hated, I thought it was an ugly eyesore of a film that bored me to senseless & wasted a potentially decent idea. Maybe with an actual budget & actual filmmakers at the helm the concept may one day be turned into something good. Despite all the glowing praise I struggle to find one aspect of Colin that I liked.

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