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The Gracefield Incident

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The Gracefield Incident

On August 16, 2013, the Supreme Court mandated the CIA to declassify files that had been kept secret for the past 75 years. Visual records of documented paranormal events were released to the public. The following incident took place in Gracefield, Quebec.

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Release : 2017
Rating : 4.2
Studio : EuroVideo Medien GmbH,  Momentum Pictures,  MVK, 
Crew : Production Design,  Costume Design, 
Cast : Alexandre Nachi Mathieu Ratthe Victor Andres Trelles Turgeon Juliette Gosselin Laurence Dauphinais
Genre : Horror Action Science Fiction Mystery

Cast List



Sorry, this movie sucks


Really Surprised!


Absolutely Fantastic


This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.


I have never been this angry at a movie!! It was funny at first with the clumsy dialogue and first grade thanksgiving pageant acting but now I'm just mad I've pissed away and hour and a half on this garbage. I would prefer Plan 9 From Outer Space-at least some real effort was made there.

Peter Kourakos III

Matthew and Jessica are on their way to the hospital. Jess is pregnant and they're going to their second ultrasound to learn the sex of the baby. Matthew is recording a video journal and in the midst of it, they get T-Boned.The accident causes Jess to miscarriage, but also takes out Matthew's right eye.One year later, Matthew is installing an iPhone camera into a prosthetic eye to record a party over the weekend.Along with two other couples, the weekend excursion is at Matt's boss's house. His boss is letting them use it as part of recovery for Matt's accident. He's also a conspiracy theorist/trapper and built the property to catch a sasquatch.Matt's friend Joe brings along his new DSLR camera and is also frequently recording.During the party, a meteorite hits and Matt and Joe go to investigate...That's essentially the jist. Mathieu Ratthe wrote and directed what could have been a brilliant movie. Instead what we got was something that was almost good.The acting was at times forced and wooden. Other times it wasn't terrible. The plot involved stupid people doing things they shouldn't be doing - like sticking their arm in a strange meteorite. There seriously could have been a better catalyst for everything. The ending was a bit disappointing as well. It wasn't badly written, but I felt it was badly delivered.That being said, there WERE some good points in this. The movie involves aliens (not sasquatch), and we only truly see the alien at the end (see my previous statement). The scenes where the alien is involved have great tension and deliver some pretty good jump scares.Also, the direction is done really well. The cast may not have done a great job, but Mr. Ratthe has his vision and I only hope he improves. Also, the production values were very good for being a low budget film.As some people know. I've become a fan of found footage movies over the years. The best in recent memory were Chronicle, The Frankenstein Theory, Diary of the Dead, and of course, Cloverfield. With a little more refinement this could have joined that group. In fact, this could have worked out as a Cloverfield movie. If it had a bigger budget...who knows?All in all, the bad in this outweighed the good. The potential to be great is there. Mr. Ratthe just needs a little more time and the right support behind him.Frankly, I hope he gets it.


To start, I'm not an educated film critic. I watch movies for entertainment value, mostly. I watched The Gracefield Incident to be entertained and I was.When others say this is the worst movie/acting/soundtrack ever, I don't think they've seen: All Hallows Eve: October 30th, The Yearly Harvest, Chameleon Shadow, 666: The Beast, or Creeper, just to name a few. Watch those and The Gracefield Incident will move to a 10 star film.

Rino The Bouncer

I watched this with little to no expectations and the early parts played out in a pretty predictable and cliché cabin in the woods kinda story, but it surprised me towards the end. It's nice. I don't think these reviews and ratings are fair. I've seen so many horrible found footage horror and sci-fi movies but this one's good.

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