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Sex Pot

“Half Baked” meets “Superbad” in this hilarious comedy following two young losers whose lives are unexpectedly turned upside down when they find some marijuana that has aphrodisiacal side effects. After deciding to use the wacky weed to their advantage, the guys meet an array of pot-loving beauties.

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Release : 2009
Rating : 2.9
Studio : The Asylum, 
Crew : Production Design,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Rollin Perry Seth Cassell Michelle Penick Elina Madison Myles Cranford
Genre : Comedy

Cast List



Sorry, this movie sucks

Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.


One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.


This movie was a fantastic analysis of the developing male 'id'. The tumultuous plot is a beautiful reflection on the chaotic destruction and recreation of the self-perceived identity of an adolescent mind.With stunning visuals and brilliant cinematography, this movie simultaneously pays homage to, and critiques classics such as 'American Pie', 'American Pie 2' and 'American Wedding'. It highlights the purity of mirth found in simple humour whilst deriding a director's desperate desire to cling to a plot.Whilst this movie may not be for everyone, such as the pessimistic and pretentious like Harry Sorensen; those who seek pleasure in entertainment and life in general are sure to enjoy this art film.


Before I wanted to watch this movie, I saw the low score on IMDb.I always say: well, I have to see the movie myself, in order to know whether it's good or not.I can tell you: this time, I just could have trusted the low score..Damn, this movie is really boring and terrible.The jokes were lame, the actors were bad and the storyline was very weak. 90 minutes you're wandering yourself: what is the point of this movie?When the end credits are appearing on the screen, you're glad that the movie is finally over.Yeah, you can certainly skip this one..


If you made this movie with your mates using your iPhone, you would not show it to anyone for fear of the humiliation.There are no real jokes, and events rarely make any logical sense. Its very unlikely that anything was cut out either, and a lot of scenes give the impression that they were done in a single take without any formal script. Just to give an idea of the low production quality, there are lines where you can clearly see the actors forgetting what they are supposed to say, pausing, and then sort of improvising it. They borrow their jokes, some even from youtube videos but tend to leave half of it out, so you just get a punchline you cant understand(unless you remember the original joke).The movie logic is contrived also(I cant even call it a plot). There is a sense that the characters are sometimes saying "I should hate you right now, but the next scene requires us to be friends so we are now friends, for no reason". Its like they were so eager to get specific references or gags in that they did not put enough effort into transitioning them. Expect every scene to follow the pattern(no spoilers): Guy 1: Hey, lets go to xxxxx Guy 2: OK Scene:Gag then some standing around Guy 1: Hey, lets go to xxxxx Guy 2: OK Scene: Gag etcThe writing is very questionable, I would question if any of it were ever on paper or just a general idea and word of mouth. Word for word, maybe 20% of the entire script is one of: dude, man, generic f-bomb. It really feels like it was written and shot at the same time, shot for shot, line for line. It will not be clear what is happening at points, a result of trying too hard put zany gags in awkward places and set up scenes lazily. Scenes are too long. Its as though they didn't know how to progress the story at times so nothing happens, for a while, and then there is a random subject change.Weed is treated like a 13yr old whose older brothers friends gave him some weed once would act around it. Like if you saw a stranger wearing a bob Marley tee shirt you would try to "high 5" them and make "thumbs up" and smoking gestures while pulling a de niro face. Not hilarious, just sad. The gratuitous shots are more pervey than most and the sex is very pubescent-fantasy-esque. Most of the sex is also self administered, so be forewarned.Its actually worth watching(a few clips will do) just to see how bad it actually is, but do not dare to give it money or you will hate yourself.


I don't know what is wrong with people who didn't give this a "one star" and tried to be nice. I for one was enraged that such a terrible movie could be made when so many others never get out of the script phase. This movie was a F minus rip off of the Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle movie. But in this version not one OF 50 OR 60 jokes in this movie was funny. The no name actors(a term obviously taken loosely during casting) where painfully bad and the whole movie was shot out of one camera. I really felt like the people at the movie store ripped me off by even making this a possibility. Twelve year old boys will like this film because of the boobs but even they will be fast forwarding to get to them. Teens will not like this movie, Adults will not like this movie, girls will not like this movie, children 10 and under will not like this movie and 11 and 12 year old boys will only like it if they somehow manage to rent it on there own and have a DVD/TV in there room with a fast forward button. Worst movie I have ever seen!

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