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Bad Boy Bubby

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Bad Boy Bubby

Bad Boy Bubby is just that: a bad boy. So bad, in fact, that his mother has kept him locked in their house for his entire thirty years, convincing him that the air outside is poisonous. After a visit from his estranged father, circumstances force Bubby into the waiting world, a place which is just as unusual to him as he is to the world.

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Release : 2005
Rating : 7.3
Studio : Australian Film Finance Corporation,  Fandango,  South Australian Film Corporation, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Production Design, 
Cast : Nicholas Hope Ralph Cotterill Syd Brisbane Celine O'Leary Grant Piro
Genre : Drama Comedy Crime

Cast List

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Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!


Save your money for something good and enjoyable


Excellent, Without a doubt!!

Donald Seymour

This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

Jack Hawkins (Hawkensian)

I say this not because my review is full of spoilers, but rather that Bad Boy Bubby is a film that's best viewed with no prior knowledge of what it's about. Much time has passed since I watched a film as strange and original as this.It begins in a hellish room with no natural light and disgusting, filthy grey walls that's inhabited by Bubby (Nicholas Hope), a simple man-child and his obnoxious incestuous mother who has brainwashed and abused her son, teaching him that the outside world is a dangerous place with poisonous air that will kill him if he dares to leave (she wears a gas mask when she leaves the apartment). To further ensure he obeys, she also puts the fear of God into him, placing on the wall a slightly broken model of Jesus on the cross.With its infamous scenes of animal abuse and wretched themes of incest and nightmarish oppression, it initially seems to the viewer that they're watching a misery-flick. However, the film is a big surprise; it takes turns that you would never, ever expect. Put simply, Bad Boy Bubby is a demented version of Forrest Gump, with pitch-black humour instead of sickly treacle.The film is driven by Nicholas Hope's performance, it is a very convincing depiction of a man completely bereft of social conditioning. Bubby speaks in broken English, the only way he can expand his vocabulary is by imitating verbatim the few abhorrent people around him. He also imitates behaviour, most notably his mother's abuse by dressing in her clothes and repeating her threats, only he directs it towards their cat, the bottom of the household hierarchy. Hope's unhinged, primitive performance is truly compelling, his absence from cinema following the film's release in 1993 is a shame. Unfortunately, his most noteworthy role over the past twenty years is probably in Scooby-Doo (2002).After over thirty years in utter isolation, Bubby manages to escape, beginning an experience so liberating, sensory, vivid and colourful that it must feel like a perpetual trip on psychedelic drugs. I feared for him as he navigated this new world, desperate to understand the variety of people (and animals) he meets. While not every plot development may be believable (parts of them approach Forrest Gump in their sentimentality), the film is edgy and abnormal enough for it not to matter. In fact, I was pleased for any good fortune that came Bubby's way, regardless of its implausibility.BBC film critic Mark Kermode is not flaky, he believes it's his duty to watch any film from beginning to end, however he walked out of a film festival screening of Bad Boy Bubby in 1993 - ' I have a principle where I definitely leave any film which features actual cruelty to children or animals… I walked out of the Australian film Bad Boy Bubby in which they mistreated a cat..' Kermode was not alone, the BBFC objected to it so much they banned it.Director Rolf De Heer wrote to The Italian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in 1993, detailing how the cat used in the film was given to them by the Australian Animal Welfare League, who intended on 'destroying' the animal once filming was over – 'We were handed the feral cat by the Welfare League on the strict understanding that we had to return it to them to be destroyed… feral cats are too wild to be tamed and it is considered cruel to keep them in captivity for any length of time'We filmed with this feral cat, and the approved representative of the League was on set at all times during this filming. She had complete authority, from me, to stop filming with the cat, or change the way we were filming. The cat was well fed, treated very gently, and the shots were designed so that we would only have to do one take of one angle to get the desired effect. Filming went very smoothly for these reasons.'I think De Heer gives a very reasonable account. The scenes in question are indeed disturbing, but I don't think the cats suffered to a great extent at all, the moments of cruelty last only seconds. These scenes are not just vapid shock tactics either, they are important to Bubby's character development. Such matters will always be contentious, but, ultimately, the animals benefited from the production.Bad Boy Bubby is a film as wild and unpredictable as its primitive central character, who embarks on a remarkable journey armed with only his instinct. Please, watch this instead of Forrest Gump.


If you are looking for an entertaining film with easy laughs, this dark, strange voyage into the mind of a man warped by his environment is not it; this can be a shocking film, dealing with incest and unexpected death, but it is also a thoughtful film, carrying Bubby on a picaresque adventure though a decaying culture in search of redemption.Surprisingly this film deals with both Christianity and with rock-and-roll, and while the barbs are sharp, the humor is good-natured at heart. I cannot emphasize too strongly that this is not an easy film to watch--it isn't a mindless Quentin Taratino blood-fest bracketed in late-teen attitude, but, not unlike Candide or Tom Jones, is a journey away from primary influences to discover how to get the best out of life; the scenes behind the end credits contrast neatly with the ghoulish Samuel Beckett humor in the first twenty minutes. This film will put your brain to work, and maybe it just wants to play; Nicolas Hope's central performance is brilliant.


This film is listed as a Comedy, Crime, Drama, and it definitely is. But know that this is definitely a comedy first and foremost, a comedy layered with a light dose of satirical social commentary.This film came out before Forrest Gump, but it definitely is comparable in many ways. Try to imagine a darker Forrest Gump on hallucinogenic steroids and you basically have Bad Boy Bubby. Just like Gump, not much of the story is told in a very believable way. In the case of both films however, neither let that get in the way of telling a good story. And in the case of this film, there is definitely some hint of substance that accompanies the fantastical madness. When I first saw the film, I couldn't help thinking that this is just what Forrest Gump would have been like if a young David Lynch had written and directed it. Mainly because there is no film more comparable to Bad Boy Bubby than Lynch's intense social commentary masterpiece, Eraserhead. This film basically is a light Eraserhead, but with a darker Forrest Gump type character as the lead. Both films stories and commentary are delivered in a similar manner. Though it would also be fair to say that Eraserhead is definitely far more complex in it's detailed metaphors and far deeper in it's overall vision and social commentary.All that said, this film is a well under the radar standout in its own right. Every adult film lover should see this film. It has a little something to say, and it also delivers a lot of laughs.7/10


Yes, at first sight this might seem like an usual movie. But that's only a good thing in this case and also seems to be the entire point of it. It holds up a mirror to today's (or 1993's) society.No, this movie is not typical Hollywood stuff. It's an Australian production, that takes a more sort of European cinematic approach, with its storytelling and also minimalism. Guess this movie is considered to be an art-house film but that is only because it doesn't really fit in mainstream cinema's. Saying something is art-house doesn't necessarily mean it's also artsy fartsy. As a matter of fact, most of the time the movies are perfectly accessible ones but there isn't really a mainstream crowd for them, which is the foremost reason why movies like this end up in art-houses and on DVD's, hidden somewhere back into an obscure section.This is a very dark comedy, that through its comedy could had be a sort of cute movie but instead the movie decides to be very dark and dirty. It's a movie that is literally filled with shocking themes such as incest, killings, crime and rape. All no laughing matter you would say but it gets seen all through the eyes of an adult person who has never been into the outside world. He's of course naive and totally oblivious to everything that is good or right but that is really what the movie tries to say with it. Because the entire movie gets told from the eyes of a person who has entered the big evil world for the first time, we get to see how rotten society itself is, when for instance also people try to abuse- and take advantage of Bubby's naivety.It all does so but not really necessarily following a main story. Bubby is just roaming around, visiting places and meeting new people all the time. It suits the overall style and atmosphere of the movie that everything seems to happen by pure chance and at random. It makes it sound like this is a fragmentary movie but it in fact really is not. It at all times feels like one whole because the movie simply stays purely focused on its main character.I also love the transitions the movie goes trough. At times its being an extremely dark and depressing movie but at others it also manages to be an hopeful and even funny one. You'll laugh at some of the movie its dark themes and moments and some of Bubby's his backward antics. It's such a rich filled movie, with basically every emotion in it. Don't feel ashamed to laugh at a rape sequence or a murder, this is actually what the movie wanted you to do. It wants you to see how crazy the world can get at times, seen all through the eyes of an oblivious and crazy person. Due to this approach it also becomes a real provoking movie.It really is the ultimate Nicholas Hope role and I have yet to see something by him that tops it. He simply suits the role very well, not only just with his acting but also with his looks. He's a dirty and potentially very dangerous guy but yet you start to really love him and hope he ends up well.Now I'm interested in seeing more Rolf de Heer movies.8/10

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