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In the year of 2039, after World Wars destroy much of the civilization as we know it, territories are no longer run by governments, but by corporations; the mightiest of which is the Mishima Zaibatsu. In order to placate the seething masses of this dystopia, Mishima sponsors Tekken, a tournament in which fighters battle until only one is left standing.

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Release : 2010
Rating : 4.8
Studio : Warner Bros. Pictures,  Warner Bros. Japan,  GAGA Communications, 
Crew : Storyboard Artist,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Jonathan Patrick Foo Kelly Overton Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa Ian Anthony Dale Luke Goss
Genre : Drama Action Thriller Crime Science Fiction

Cast List

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If you don't like this, we can't be friends.

Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.


All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

Shaun Anderson (ShaunAlanAnderson)

As a huge fan of the Tekken series, upon finding out about the game being adapted into a film, I honestly never had high hopes in the first place. Normally, video games that are made into a film are normally horrendous (with the exception of Resident Evil) and on seeing the trailer, I knew this would be no exception. First of all, there are a lot of inaccuracies in the film. First of all, Jin (the main character) wasn't introduced until the third Tekken game but it is understandable to have him in the movie as the majority of the games are centred around him. However, Jin was only 15 when his mother died but in the film he was an adult. Speaking of his mother, Jin, in the video game she was murdered by the character Ogre which is the reason why Jin began to fight and enter the King of the Iron Fist tournament, but in the film she is not killed by Ogre but by a bazooka? and Jin goes to the Iron Fist to kill Heihachi, who in the video game was Jin's mentor!I could ramble on more about the inaccuracies like Steve Fox being Jin's mentor, or Paul Phoenix not being involved in the film even though he is in all the games, but there are other criticisms at hand. The acting - TERRIBLE! It was like everyone done a half-hearted performance, not bothered about what events occurred. It was like they were just waiting for filming to end.Characters - Now I know that they can't include every character in Tekken, but they probably had the worst selection ever! They had Christie to play the female lead which makes no sense. They had Sergey, Raven, and others who weren't introduced until Tekken 5 or 6. And Foo, who played Kazama didn't even look like Jin! He wasn't broad enough and they pathetically modified his hair to make it look like Jin only to have it look like an ice-cream cone.And where was Hwoarang in this? Everyone loved a bit of Hwoargie in the games!So overall, I give it a 3/10. The visual effects, the fight sequences and Yoshimitsu's outfit are the only positives about the film. You can tell that they put a lot of work into locations and such with their rather large budget. However, if you're a die hard Tekken fan like me, don't watch it, you will be frustrated. This goes on the list of bad video game to movie adaptations along with Street Fighter, House of the Dead and more. So don't waste 90 minutes of your life watching this frustrating film. Just play the game.Anderson

Jeff Radford

From Dwight Little, a somewhat inconsistent but generally good director, comes a brave attempt to transform a rather one-dimensional (story-wise) subject into a feature film. I remember playing all the Tekken games when I was younger - I absolutely loved the fighting mechanics, and also had an appreciation for the typically over-the-top story introductions for each character. While not expecting much from the film (there seems to be an urge to cash-in on game popularity with poor movie adaptations), I was hoping some of my favourite characters would make an appearance...but was unfortunately let down a little in this area. However, I quite enjoyed the film as a simple fighting/tournament action movie.The Tekken storyline in the games is sparse at best, but I appreciate the efforts made to tell a decent story here. It's actually more pertinent than you might think, and has an element of social commentary also (Gil Scott Heron quote included). In the future, giant corporations run the world - the biggest of which is Tekken. The story follows Jin as he struggles to make a living in the slums outside of Tekken City. He ultimately finds his way into Tekken's Iron Fist tournament on a quest for vengeance but the impact he has, alongside family feuds and quests for truth, is more than he could have ever imagined.So the story is adequately told, but most people will come for the fighting and there's plenty here. I am a little numb to fighting films these days since I watched so many when I was younger (including Little's 'Rapid Fire'), and I certainly don't believe that this film breaks new ground in this area, but it ultimately achieves what it sets out to do - entertain. There are other action pieces not involving fighting, with the film starting out well thanks to a well choreographed chase scene.With regards to the acting, Luke Goss is very good once again (see 'Blade 2' for another great performance from him); the girls are unfortunately cast a little (no pun intended) one-dimensional and lack the fluidity of the male fighters when fighting; John Foo is likable as Jin, the guy we're all cheering for; and the bad guy (Ian Anthony Dale) is suitably menacing. The other fighters in the tournament are lacking depth, but they serve their purpose. It's great to see Lateef Crowder showing his great Capoeira fighting style as Eddie Gordo - check out 'Warrior King' for better choreographed fights from him.The music is fitting for the subject matter, with plenty of rocky, aggressive tunes, and more chilled notes for the quieter parts. Ultimately nothing to write home about. Overall the sound is good, with accented blasts of sounds to match the explosive action on screen.Overall, I would recommend this for fighting fans ('Bloodsport' is a fairly good comparison), but with the omission of key Tekken fighters like Paul, King, Jack and Lei Wulong, and an absence of focus on key moves from the series that gamers know and love, I'm not sure I could recommend it to avid Tekken fans...*Note: Review is of the Blu-Ray version*

Marco Del Percio

I'd like to tell Dwight H. Little a couple of words about Tekken movie. Dwight, what's wrong with you? Have you ever tried to play (or at least watch playing) a Tekken game? I don't think so. Usually cinema shows that famous video game films aren't enough similar to the original game story but you won every negative record with Tekken :) This movie is a complete and personal re-interpretation of the true Tekken story, the only similar things are some characters and...maybe the title. Personally speaking I also liked the story introduction since at the beginning I thought it could show Tekken from another point of view but then...after watching the 1st hour I realized it was all completely wrong and misunderstood, trivial and with so many errors.If you are thinking this is just my personal point of view I invite the reader to search on the net "Tekken film Notable_Differences_from_Game_to_Film" where there's a huge list of wrong things for a Tekken film; starting from the name "Tekken" itself that has NEVER been the name of a corporation, even children know that in every Tekken chapter for over 10 years Mishima's corporation is called "Mishima Zaibatsu", everybody knows that, it's written everywhere.The movie completely ignores some of the key characters of the story, I'll write here only some of the major errors: - Where the hell is Lei Wulong? - Where the hell is Paul Phoenix? - Where the hell is King or Armor King? - Where the hell is Craig Marduk? - Where the hell is Hworang? Hworang!! He is and always has been Jin's opponent, ALWAYS since Tekken 3 - Where the hell is Xiaoyou? Xiaoyou's in love with Jin while in the movie he easily finds love and sex with Christie (absurd!) and an unknown character named Kara (completely invented) - Kazuya also sports beard and mustache!! Have you ever seen Kazuya's face??? - There is no connection or interaction between Steve Fox and Nina Williams despite the fact that they are mother and son!!! - Anna and Nina Williams HATE each other!!! While in the movie they work together! - I wasn't able to understand in the film where Jack was, then I realized it is so different!!! Jack is a robot with the appearance of a BIG BIG man with short hair, big arms, military jeans and boots. In Tekken movie Jack is a thin android-soldier dressed with a samurai-like uniform.


let me just start by saying this. I am a massive fan of the Tekken series and for what it's worth i understand the video games story OK. This film is horrible honestly it is horrible probably one of the worst films i have seen and i had big expectations for this film after seeing some of the trailer. now to the films credit one thing it manages to do is get the costumes right. I mean every person who is in this film has a very close look to the characters that they are portraying,however that is it because there is nothing else in this film that is any good.One thing that annoyed me straight from the start is that Kazuya and Hehachi are working together and in the game there is only one part where they work together and that is the start animation for Tekken 5 and that was only for kazuya to set him up for a trap but in this they are happy son and father.Another thing that really annoyed me is that Christe and Jin kazama are boyfriend and girlfriend and that there is no mention of his actual girlfriend in the film atall in this whats annoying about that is the fact that they do not interact atall in the main story. even more annoying is the plot to the film with a story that makes the expendable look like inception this film is truly terrible. you owe it to yourself to go right up to the director of this film and get out money as if you are going to purchase it then say to his face. Wait why would i want a film this bad,then go and buy something good like the shawshank redemption or inception,or even if you want to watch a video game based film then buy the mortal kombat no the first one

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