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Two Hearts As One

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Two Hearts As One

A look inside the story of two newlyweds who are parted from each other and spend the next half-century of their lives trying to reunite.

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Release : 2014
Rating : 7.5
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Hande Soral Serkan Şenalp Atılgan Gümüş Yağmur Kaşifoğlu Sema Çeyrekbaşı
Genre : Drama History Romance

Cast List



Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful


Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

Ariella Broughton

It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

Allison Davies

The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.


This old boy fettullah gulen so collad Hodja,lives for 19 years in Pensilvania in the shade of the cia.And this man's terror group made a so many terror acts in Turkey last 15 years.. The terror group fetullah Gulen(Feto) kicked out or jailed members from a lot of countries because of they were under cover of the cia organisation..Actually,we know that this homosexual fetullah gulen has no education without primary school but he collects a lot educated peoples around his terror organisation by making them obeyed people to his instructions without questioning.. This group look likes historical hero Hassan Sabbah who made own member terrorists or assasin in the history! Finally; do not waste time by watching this propaganda film...


This is a must watch movie who likes sentimental movies. Even if you don't like being emotional, I'm sure you'll love this one. You keep on crying from the beginning till the end. You can find all the feelings like emotion, action, happiness, sadness etc. As it's based on a true story, it really touches your heart. It has a huge cast including Fikret Hakan. Everyone played their role to the best. I wish Ser film can make movies like this in the future too.Just one humble advice for your next movie, please put more emphasis on the Hizmet schools. I believe you can find a lot of scenarios from the establishment of Hizmet schools. Education is today's and tomorrow's cure for the humanity. We need education to establish peace in the World.Congrats Ser Film!


Was a great movie. I liked it very much. I would recommend everyone to watch. The film is quite successful and eyes filling with visual and audio quality. Fascinating subject and fiction. I thank everyone who contributed. This film critics around the world and issues that affect the world in terms of examples that might have been nice in a movie. That can impact on people's emotions have beautiful dreams will accomplish great work with them issues and scenarios. This film is an example of great things for quite eye-filling and succeeding generations will be achieved in terms of the Turkish film sectarians. Derğerl the director and I wish success to all players in the many nice films.


I feel i'm watching like Hollywood production with Turkish casting at the first. I really like and happy for watched best quality Turkish movie ever seen before. hopefully someone do it again dram movie about our real stories. I recommend to every age groups esp couples. I really affected meeting scene end of movie in train station. I said to myself we've to understand like them about love and passion. We can do ever if we give a promise. nowadays over 1 M people watched. Reboutsika said her previous two collaborations with a Turkish filmmaker have yielded positive results, adding: "I'm happy with the music I made for 'Birlesen Gonuller.' I think it goes very well with the story. I hope it turns out to be a good (soundtrack) that everyone will be fond of."

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