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Red Zone Cuba

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Red Zone Cuba

Griffin escapes from jail and teams up with two local thugs to invade Cuba. However, they're soon captured by a Castro look-alike and receive sub-human treatment. But Griffin hatches a plan- will it be enough to bring peace to Cuba?

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Release : 1966
Rating : 1.6
Studio : Hollywood Star Pictures, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Director, 
Cast : John Carradine Coleman Francis
Genre : Adventure Action Thriller

Cast List



Too much of everything


Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.

Kien Navarro

Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

Haven Kaycee

It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film


There is a good indication of whether a movie is bad if it's featured on MST3K and if it's on the bottom 100. Both of those cases apply to Night Train to Mundo Fine, a movie that has a reputation for being one of the worst movies ever made and is one that lives up to that reputation. It is a memorable movie, but as said in the review summary unfortunately it isn't for the right reasons. What is further unfortunate is that Night Train to Mundo Fine is also one of those movies where it is next to impossible to be entertained by it, because you spend the whole duration infuriated by how incompetently done it is. If there was anything that was remotely decent, no matter how small, it was the theme song which is actually pretty good. The editing and camera work however look like a real amateur's job, it's poorly lit, shot in a jumbled way and edited in a way that suggests the editor being drunk. The story is even worse, when it wasn't being so jumbled in structure and so tedious in pacing- though not quite as badly as Manos, Monster A-Go Go and The Creeping Terror- there was hardly even one. The dialogue is sheer laziness and reeks of cheese and you are never emotionally invested in the characters(as a matter of fact the only emotion for them that you feel is annoyance). To say that the direction is flat is being too kind, and the acting is some of the worst acting you'll ever witness, most look as though they're not even trying to act. All in all, so poorly done in every area apart from the theme song, no entertainment to be had in it whatsoever. 1/10 Bethany Cox


This review has been a long time coming for me. Most of the reviews I've done on this website are of low budget pictures. The Z and B grade films. There's something about them that appeals to me. It might be because I myself am a filmmaker. I've made one full length film and I know how difficult it can be even to get a shoddy film produced. Of the classic bad directors (Ed Wood, Tom Graffe, Hal Warren, and the like) Coleman Francis may be the most atypically worst. His plots are often rambling and nonsensical, and the production values are lackluster. However, much like many others (I'm sure) who have reviewed this film, his work keeps drawing people back.Red Zone Cuba is Coleman Francis' opus. Not only is it his last film, but it is his most grand in plot, setup, and story line. The film revolves around Griffin, an escaped convict, and his two drifter sidekicks Cook and Landis. On the search for the almighty dollar, they fight in the Bay of Pigs invasion as soldiers of fortune, and wind up robbing and pillaging the southwest until a shootout ends Griffin's life.The film contains all the classic Francis elements, coffee, cigarettes, implied assault scenes, closeups, and light aircrafts. The production values as you might expect are poor, as is the dialogue and acting. However, I do feel that this ambitious z-grade film is commendable. Foremost, the plot is, as I said earlier, ambitious. A shoe string budget film that involves an invasion scene, an aircraft shootout and an army training montage is no easy feat. While Francis' final product lacks the polish of a professional film, on the budget he was given I believe the product was fairly well done. His choice of sets is more than acceptable, the army base looks like an army base, the beach looks fairly close of a Cuban beach, and the bleak Yucca Flats setting was perfect for the drab remainder of the film. If I were to shoot a film like Red Zone Cuba, I could conceivably see me hiring Francis as a set director.My biggest problem with the film is the dialogue. Griffin's character of course is unlikable, there are of course all sorts of films with despicable main characters, Griffin, however is given no depth we don't get to know him, and our hatred is based only on his actions not his psyche. Likewise, we don't get to understand why his sidekicks, Landis and Cook side with him so quickly. I wanted to know more, but was not given the opportunity to given the poor script.There are sparks of genius in this film. Most often mentioned is the theme song which ties into the overall theme of evil. I also liked the film shot at the end, after the sexual assault scene when Griffin's car drives past the, "where are you going to spend eternity," sign. Small things like this show me that Coleman had at least some potential, I just wish he hired someone else for the script. Red Zone Cuba is one of those must see bad films. It's an example of a film someone made against all odds, and with few resources. It's availability outside the MST3k version is limited, but worth tracking down. If you like the z-grade check it out.


Curse you, Ray Dennis Stecker! If you(also a terrible filmmaker in your own right)had'nt found Coleman Francis drunk in a gutter and encouraged him to make films, we wouldn't have been inflicted with his three opuses, namely Skydivers, The Beast of Yucca Flats, and the epitome of dreadful, Red Zone Cuba. This 'movie' stuns you with its sheer awfulness. It is a senseless, horrible piece of crap. The main character, played with greasy flabbiness by the auteur Mr. Francis himself, is perhaps THE most unlikable character I have ever seen, and that includes the guy from Manos and Francis's mentor Ray Dennis who played an amazingly unlikable character in his Mixed Up Zombies movie. This jerk is first seen escaping from prison, and for most of the rest of the movie all he does is smoke, threaten people, grouse, and of course pointlessly beat up and kill people. I've always been amazed by 'filmmakers' you cast themselves as characters in their own movies, and then proceed to make the character someone so nasty and horrible that the audiences first reaction is to want to bitch slap them. Is that how you want to be remembered, Mr. Francis? As that horrid guy in Red Zone Cuba who sunk the human race to new lows? Well, okay, then.The plot - okay, there is no plot. None. Nada. Zip. There's supposed to be an 'invasion' of Cuba, but there's maybe eight guys on the invasion team, because apparently Cuba(which looks like New Mexico for some reason) only has eight Cubans living on it. And one of them wears a terrible false beard for some reason. Then there's an incomprehensible escape, wherein the characters fly out of New Mexico...err....Cuba, and land in - where else? New Mexico. Then there's a weird bit about a really annoying blind singer and her very tall, very thin, very old Dad who gets stuffed down a well. After that, there's a ton of strung together travel scenes, and the idiots arrive at their destination, a ranch with a really depressed woman living on it. Then some High School age G-Men show up, Francis shoots the woman for no discernible reason, and he gets chased down and shot. The ONLY good scene in the whole movie, if you ask me. And that's it. Arrggghhh!!!


(r#41)1966 sure was a great year for movies! It must've been hard for the poor moviegoers to decide which movie to see first with such blockbusters as 'Manos' The Hands of Fate, Gamera vs. Barugon, Agent for H.A.R.M., Secret Agent Super Dragon and The Deadly Bees in theatres! The biggest question is, which of these movies topped the box office? It sure must've been a tough competition. Finally I realized that there could only be one box office king - THE defining film of the sixties, a milestone in artful movie-making, a touching, grim drama with powerhouse performances. No, I'm not talking about some Bergman flick - I'm talking about the epic crime drama Red Zone Cuba, also known as Night Train to Mundo Fine. What a movie.All sarcasm aside, this is a bad movie. And I don't mean it's a bad movie like Gigli or Simon Sez are bad movies. This goes beyond that. It almost equals the Fuhrer of awfulness itself, 'Manos'. It is SO unbelievably awful that it should be set as a bad example at film schools. "This is how not to make a movie". I could even go so far as to say that other bad movies can be rated on a Red Zone Cuba scale - Leprechaun in the Hood, for example, would be three Red Zone Cubas out of five. It's that bad.Let's begin with the cast. Coleman Francis himself plays "our friend and humble narrator", Griffin, a chain-smoking butt-wipe who sponges his friends' food before strangling them in their sleep (thank god our friend Bad Editing is here to make sure the victims are alive and well in the very next scene!). Coleman Francis is possibly the worst actor ever born and in this film he's in his "prime". In some shots he might as well have been dead, I swear (maybe he was, who can tell in a script with holes the size of Texas?). Anthony Cardoza, responsible for both the production of, and one of the lead performances in this film, is just awkward. John Carradine makes an inexplicable cameo and gets to sing the title song. Sound like fun yet? The true hero of the film is the plot. From what I understand, Griffin is a criminal on the run. He teams up with Cook and Landis (Anthony Cardoza and Harold Saunders) and invades Cuba. After spending some time in prison, they seek down their former inmate's wife and go hunting for a treasure or something (honestly, the messy direction lost me at this point). That's it. Seriously.The direction makes Boll look like Kubrick, the script is to scriptwriting what Aleister Crowley was to Christianity, and the film is about as fun to watch as watching your grandparents do the balloon dance (well, I guess some people are into that sort of thing). If you want to be bored for an hour and a half, this is the film. Coleman Francis is the Milos Forman of bad movies and this is his most "classic" outing. Overall this is a painful zit in the crack of the cinematic ass, and one that badly needs to be popped. Avoid at all costs.

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