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Bitch Slap

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Bitch Slap

Three bad girls - a down-and-out stripper, a drug-running killer, and a corporate powerbroker - arrive at a remote desert hideaway to extort and steal $200 million in diamonds from a ruthless underworld kingpin.

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Release : 2010
Rating : 4.5
Studio : IM Global,  Bombshell Pictures, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Concept Artist, 
Cast : Julia Voth Erin Cummings America Olivo Lucy Lawless Zoë Bell
Genre : Drama Action Comedy Thriller Crime

Cast List

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Surprisingly incoherent and boring


Am i the only one who thinks........Average?


It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.


Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.

Phil Hubbs

Do you like gratuitous violence, tits 'n' ass? course you do, who doesn't. Well what better way to show off some blatant soft porn than in a low-rent, Tarantino/Robert Rodriquez-esque rip-off or clone...but minus the decent acting, effects and everything else. I mean look at that title, it speaks volumes about what your about to head into, you literally can't fail to understand what you should expect from something called this. And its those exact reasons why I decided to watch this movie...translation, sleaze fest...because who doesn't like a good sleaze fest now and then? Oh wait I already covered that angle.The plot is actually a slight mix of a few genres for starters. Obviously there is the outrageous, CGI filled, guns 'n' gore side of it which is clearly taking cues from certain Rodriguez movies. But then there is a slightly more noir-ish side to the tale, at times, its not a constant theme but its there. Then you have this clear comicbook- esque vibe about it, obviously more along the lines of 'Kick-Ass' and more so 'Sin City', there are also small nuggets of Bond spoofing going on at times, and finally you that rather obvious grindhouse type quality about everything. So nothing of any originality to be found here lets be honest, although again, if we're honest, this did actually come out back in 2009 so I guess this may have been more original than I'm giving it credit for.The story is told with constant flashbacks to previous incidents that slowly build a full picture (gee I wonder where they got that notion from). I guess this could work if the flashbacks were any more coherent that the main plot segments but alas they're not. In fact they don't really add that much to the backstory at all really, they don't exactly clear up any plot holes...but tend to add more if anything! All they seem to do is give the director an opportunity to add in more gratuitous soft porn scenes involving his main female protagonists in different seedy locations, in very tight latex/scantily clad outfits (I'm not overly complaining about that though). You see all of the main plot is based out in the desert, all of the flashbacks are set in gritty, seedy, neon lit bars or alleyways in some city, so they just add seedy tits 'n' ass in a different location.The main story is basically a common as muck tale about these three women trying to locate some buried valuable items (not totally sure what actually) in the desert. The valuable items are of course property of some mega violent criminal mobster, who we only in name for the most part, and the three women are of course not entirely who they appear to be. Yep its the old ulterior motive type situation again, with the old twists, turns and back-stabbings that come along with it. The three protagonists are naturally very hot, very sexy, very firm and very delicious. One is an innocent, slightly submissive, weak, brunette stripper. The other is a tough, martial arts knowing, slightly ripped, very suspicious, dirty blonde, mouthy bitch. Finally, the leader is more of a calm, level- headed, stylish, classy red head who is definitely modelled after the classic, black and white noir detective flicks of the 50's.These three pretty much bicker and fight each other for the entire runtime as they try to locate this buried treasure. Every now and then you get the odd character turning up to attempt some level of suspense such as the cute young police officer who amazingly doesn't get f*cked and used, even though you'd bet your last Dollar on it. What we do get is lots of close-ups on the girls faces showing their expressions (for some reason), lots of gunplay and gun sounds, lots of desert, lots of girly sexual innuendos, plenty of lesbian action (and I mean plenty), and a shittonne of tacky CGI and ultra tacky greenscreen effects. Hell we even get a full on wet t-shirt type sequence where all three women throw water over themselves in slow motion. And what Tarantino/Rodriquez rip-off/clone would be complete without a cute psychotic Asian woman in a micro miniskirt, pigtails and a unique deadly weapon in the form of a razor bladed yo-yo (she also has a very crazy Mad Max-esque partner). Oh and not forgetting the fact they even manage to crowbar in a gratuitous, nun in hot black PVC underwear, sequence too, you know...because its a top rated fetish with pervs (absolutely nothing wrong with that of course, he says with a broad grin across his naughty face).Lets be frank here (you can be Bob), as I said at the start we all know what we're getting into with a movie like this. You can see it on the cover, you can see it with the films title, you know what to expect and naturally you get plenty of it. The movie isn't pretending to be anything else, its set out its stall and its sticking to it, and with that I can't fault it really. not on that front. The movie wanted to be a sleazy, grindhouse type flick with bucketfuls of hokey, cartoonish CGI action sequences...and that's exactly what is it, at no point does the film hide from this. So all I can say is, if you enjoyed movies like 'Machete' then firstly you'll know where I'm coming from. Secondly, you'll probably enjoy this as its basically a lower budget version with (probably) more tits 'n' ass.5/10


An entertaining film. I about gave up on it a time or two, but I hung in there and it redeemed itself. Better than any Russ Meyer film I have seen, and maybe even a notch above Tarantino. Much effort went into this film especially by the three female leads, well chosen for their role. There were the boobs and blood and all-out raucous catfights. If Tarantino style turns you off, you may not like it, but if not I suggest you watch this one and watch it to the end. The plot twists and ending are worth it. And a worthwhile and revealing view of women which one of the female trio expressed as "We are all just bitches in the end". I like that and late in the film a quote from a several hundred B.C. Chinese text which begins "All warfare is based on deception . . .", a thoughtful commentary giving a certain meaning to the film and raising it above the usual grindhouse fare for those paying attention to more than just the action.


Three hot ladies end up in the desert digging for something. They have a bad guy named Gage with them, in the hopes he will reveal where this is what they are looking for. Gage is played by Hercules' side kick Michael Hurst, who lays the accent so thick it's hard to understand a word he says. In flashbacks we are told how they got there. Then we are back to the desert, and then a flashback farther in the past. This repeats again and again as the story unfolds in reverse.Turns out they are looking for diamonds as well as a secret weapon that some really bad guy named Pinky is supposed to have. Pinky is this movie's version of Keyser Soze. But his identity will be revealed in the end. One of the girls is a sweet and innocent stripper, well played by newcomer Julia Voth, the other played by Spartacus' Erin Cummins is some secret agent working for Kevin Sorbo! and the third is a tough convict played by America Olivo. All three are gorgeous and wear impossible outfits in the movie and during their desert adventures. In flashbacks we find out quite a bit about the girls, how they met, and what they are up to. In the present, the agent and the con are lovers but we learn that the agent is actually in some long-term relationship with the stripper. There's plenty of sexual tension ending in a ridiculous clothed sex scene.One really wants to like this movie, it has hot girls, fights, weapons, the entire main cast of Hercules in cameos, an interesting story that makes you want to see it till the end to find out what is going on. There are surprises and twists. And yet it's hard to like this movie. The format of telling everything in flashbacks does get annoying quickly. As soon as you settle in the present, you get a flashback. Each flashback takes place in a different green-screen-CGI scenery: alps, Vegas, strip clubs, etc. This movie is also too long. There are not one but two long fight scenes between the girls that aren't all that impressive. Sure, they're acted out by girls, but still, this day and age with wirework and martial arts and all the rest, a fisticuffs brawl is hardly impressive. Bitch Slap is exploitative, it's campy, it's fun. The camera loves to linger on cleavages and behinds, and yet there is almost no nudity. There is a topless scene by some extra that lasts a second or so, and that's it. You simply cannot do a movie like Bitch Slap with next to no nudity, that could well be this movie's fatal flaw. The idea is excellent, the main cast and cameos are impressive, but the execution doesn't fulfill what this movie ought to have been.

Nick Damian

This is a total awesome movie to watch -with not only cool camera work, tacky lines, totally tacky leads, but over the top sex action and nonsense that makes this more fun than the Tarantino movies that it is compared to.Certainly focused on women as eye candy, it doesn't try in any fashion to be anything but. There's somewhat of a story and it eventually gets there, but really - watching tits and ass in fine form will detract and distract you from the plot.Guns, strippers, creative camera work, split screens make this seem like a comic book and it probably actually is based on a comic book story - who knows.Perfect movie for those who aren't politically correct in terms of how women should behave. This is what the "Spice Girls" movie would be like if it was really a movie -not just a bunch of giggling girls.With totally ridiculous humor, over the top drama / action and women that truly bring the "Girl Power" on, this is a movie that is fun to watch - even with your girlfriend.Easy potential to be a series or a music video.I loved it.

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