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A sweeping, epic tale of a martial arts warrior who attempts to defy a kingdom to be with his love.

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Release : 2000
Rating : 6.1
Studio : Cinema Service,  Shanghai Film Studio,  Taewon Entertainment, 
Crew : Costume Design,  Director, 
Cast : Shin Hyun-joon Kim Hee-seon Jung Jin-young Jang Dong-jik Kim Hak-cheol
Genre : Fantasy Drama Action

Cast List



If you don't like this, we can't be friends.


How sad is this?


Good concept, poorly executed.


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.


At the time this was made, Bichunmoo was the highest budget film in Korean history. Since then there are lots of high quality Korean movies, so I am sure that record has been long shattered. This Korean wuxia looks great with excellent cinematography, as well as great period sets and costumes. This film is solid on the dramatic side, but is quite action packed with excellent fight choreography and wire work. The story takes place at the end of The Yuan Dynasty, where Mongolians, The Han and The Koryo(ancient Koreans)were factions fighting for survival. Bichunmoo is a very powerful martial arts/swordplay epic with themes of love, loyalty and revenge. The acting and storyline are strong. Korean cinema is very similar to its Chinese counterparts, but it does have a different flair or flavor. Compared to Chinese swordplay films, Bichunmoo certainly holds its own and is highly recommended to fans of the genre as this is a great film and high quality production.


Everyone in this movie wants to get their hands on the secrets of Bi Chun Shin Gi Sword Fighting; that's because once you've learnt it, you can make your sword go all glowy and send out bursts of energy that decimate your enemy. Luckily for Jinha, he and his 'uncle' have the only copy of the manual, and they aren't sharing with anyone.Jinha is the only surviving member of the Yu family (who were wiped out by the evil General Taruga and his men whilst searching for the book). He and his pretty childhood sweetheart, Sullie, want to get hitched, but their plans go awry when Sullie is forced to leave the region by her father (who just happens to be the same nasty warmongering general who slaughtered her boyfriend's mum and dad). She vows to meet Jinha every full moon, but things go from bad to worse when Namgung Junkwang (snigger!), an influential aristocrat, declares an interest in Sullie and gets the full backing of Taruga.When Jinha pitches up to meet Sullie, he fights Junkwang but is shot down by Taruga's archers. He falls over a cliff into some water and is presumed dead. Of course, he survives and, after being nursed back to health by a friendly stranger, he sets his sights on revenge.Bichunmoo is a Korean film with a distinctly Chinese feel to it. The fights utilise the wire-fu techniques seen in many a Hong Kong (and, more recently, Hollywood) epic, whilst the story does its best to capture the romantic melodrama seen in countless Wuxia Pian movies. However, thanks to its complicated storyline, overlong running time, and difficult to follow fight scenes, it is only a partially successful attempt. The look is right (beautiful cinematography and a photogenic cast), there are some nice gory moments (arterial spray is always welcome in a film of this nature), the music is great and the plot contains all of the necessary elements (revenge, death, betrayal, love), but somehow it just doesn't quite gel as perfectly as one might hope.The MTV-style editing during the action scenes is overdone, resulting in a visual mess of flailing limbs, blowing leaves and flapping cloth, and the story meanders aimlessly at times, making it hard to stay focused on events. But my major quibble is with Jinha's resurrection and subsequent reappearance as the leader of a team of mysterious assassins. Almost immediately after Jinha is pulled from the water and given a face-pack(!), the story shoots forwards a decade; Sullie has married Junkwang and has a son, and Jinha is in charge of a small army of bad-ass warriors. No explanation is given (I believe that the film was edited heavily to reduce the running time from three hours to just under two, but when the film suffers this much for it, this is no excuse).With a tighter script, and better handling of the action, Bichunmoo could have been something special, but as it stands, I can only bring myself to give it 5 out of 10.


I really liked watching this movie. I guess I was lucky to watch it in the original language. What impressed me the most, was the fighting scenes, that is, there were not much blood in them, especially when Jinha fought :) However, the grand finale was quite predictable... My biggest regard goes to the costume makers and the cinematographers of this movie. As usual, the Oriental films are characterized by awesome views of landscape and battle scenes, and the outfit of the characters. I just love when the panniers are fluttering in the wind. And of course, the long-haired guys ^__^ I guess, it was the Bichunmoo, which finally hitched me on the long-haired ones. Grazie mille to the stylists... Respect


Feeling the vibe for renting some combat action, we thought this piece looked interesting by reading the story, who itself were not really original, but the coverage gave us another shoot of it, and we we're off home and put this piece in the VCR. I saw someone over at IMDb stating, that this piece were a little bit confusing. Well I found David Lynch's stuff freaked out perfect understandable after seeing this one. I were totally lost, and so were my friend. The scenes switched very fast, very bad camera work and characters were called names through out the film that were kind of confusing - and in summary I didn't really get a dip when the ending credits rolled. What did really happen? If someone please knows - call 911 - because I don't know what to do. This is worthless, and I bet the whole production team forced the citizens of Korea to vote for this piece at IMDb, all other possibilities are disqualified - it just can't get 6.2 from the middle of nowhere with regular votes. Totally dip! If you see this in the shell over at the video rentals, throw it away and jump on it's coverage! Lousy!

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