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Yakuza Apocalypse

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Yakuza Apocalypse

When young protege Akira Kageyama is bitten by his dying vampire boss, Genyo Kamiura, he must get used to his new powers before seeking revenge.

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Release : 2015
Rating : 5.5
Studio : Nikkatsu Corporation,  Django Films,  OLM, 
Crew : Production Design,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Hayato Ichihara Riko Narumi Lily Franky Reiko Takashima Sho Aoyagi
Genre : Horror Action

Cast List

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i must have seen a different film!!


A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.

Patience Watson

One of those movie experiences that is so good it makes you realize you've been grading everything else on a curve.

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


One thing you can't accuse director Takashi Miike of is predictability: I was surprised enough to learn that some of the Yakuza in this film are vampires, but I would never have guessed that Yakuza Apocalypse would feature a man in a frog costume doing karate. Or that the 'man' inside the costume actually has a frog head (complete with Kermit style neck frill). Or that pulling a plaster off the frog/man's belly button would result in a giant man in a frog costume emerging from beneath the Earth's crust — a fire-breathing Frogzilla that stomps on buildings.On the Miike scale of Asian weirdness, Yakuza Apocalypse is right at the top, up there with The Happiness of the Katakuris and Gozu, but in terms of entertainment value I would put it somewhere between those two films: not as joyously absurd as Katakuris but nowhere near as tedious as Gozu. For those who decide to give this one a whirl, be prepared for such weird and wondrous sights as a Kappa goblin, a woman whose brain melts (and leaks out of her ears), a shiny truck armed with mini-guns, a garden of animated children, and one of the strangest (and drawn out) final fight scenes I've ever seen as Hayato Ichihara and The Raid's Yayan Ruhian proceed to repeatedly punch each other squarely in the face until one of them falls over.5.5 out of 10, rounded up to 6 for IMDb.

Bram Veneman

This movie is from Takashi Miike so its on the weird side. That said, if you like slow paced Japan style logic and if you like action; this movie delivers in the most pure form. Combining the crazy and absurd." Like Sukiyaki Western, but not a western and way better! "Story 9/10 Action:8/10 Romance: 7/10 (there is) Acting:10/10 Cinematography:10/10The story line is insane but also good if you think about it. If you think there are gaps, you need to let go and just take it and move on. There are mysteries in life too and these gaps were put there purposefully. Thats the difference. Fights are well fought, and the final fight is the essence of fighting: brutal. Its a stupid fight but isn't all fighting meant to be stupid. You can argue, but fights don't decide whose right, just whose left.Visual aspect is whats most surprising. I watched Full HD. Selected scenes are portrayed in such a cheap way, its almost nostalgic. Reminded me of watching stuff like Power Rangers or Teletubbies. And still it was good.


When I started watching, the only information I knew about it was the basic plot I read here, which seemed interesting, from an action movie point at least, and it had a 5.5, which wasn't that bad also. Boy, was I wrong. The story does make sense for the first 10 minutes or so. After that, it turns into an insufferable 1:30h+ of stupid dialogue, ridiculous characters, and nonsense scenes. I seriously can't pick one single good thing about it once it starts sinking.I managed to watch the whole movie, don't really know why, but at least I can write this review to warn others not to make the same error.You're probably thinking "It can't be that bad". And for those who are thinking that, this is my first review on this site, and I took the time to come and write it because it really is an awful movie.The worst part is that this could have been a good movie, if they didn't screw every single part of it. I even stopped to see if this was based of an anime or something, because that could justify some of the ridiculousness of it. Do yourself a favor and delete this movie from history, I've seen low budget shorts with more quality.Now I'll just go wash my eyes and pretend I've never seen this mess.


The reason I wanted to see it was because it had mad dog from the raid series in it, the second reason is because I love super gory foreign action thrillers. yakuza apocalypse is honestly the most violent, gruesome, insane vampire movie I've seen in a long time and it ROCKED, and it was so over the top that I was laughing out loud quite a bit, i mean, a guy in a frog suit beating the crap out of people, need I say more? Lol, there is tons of crazy brutal action and tons of extreme gore in this badboy, it's a vampire action thriller on acid and it's just so much fun, screw all the kiddie twilight movies, THIS is the real deal

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