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Men Behind the Sun

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Men Behind the Sun

The film is a graphic depiction of the war atrocities committed by the Japanese at Unit 731, the secret biological weapons experimentation unit of the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II. The film details the various cruel medical experiments Unit 731 inflicted upon the Chinese and Soviet prisoners at the tail-end of the war.

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Release : 1988
Rating : 6.1
Studio : Sil-Metropole Organisation, 
Crew : Director,  Producer, 
Cast : Wang Runshen Mei Zhaohua Zhang Guowen
Genre : Horror History War

Cast List

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Too much of everything


Excellent adaptation.


Brilliant and touching

Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.


All I know of Unit 731 is from reading the wiki page, but that gave me a good understanding of what was done and why. This film provides a thin story following some of the key characters in the real events, and is obviously structured to reveal some of the experiments done at that time. However, the story itself doesn't leave you sympathetic to the characters much - perhaps that is intentional, as the Japanese who did this weren't meant to be sympathized with from the director's view perhaps. I am a gore fan, and I was looking for more historical insight than the wiki provided. With this film we have to start by accepting it was made in 1988, in a time and place without much special effects and still following a lot of Shaw Brother kung fu theater type films. So the quality is 'dated' to be kind. I appreciate the director's intent and attempt, but in this day and age it falls short. The gore is more than most of it's time, but simply looks cheesy 1980's now. The historical aspects appear true enough, but 20 minutes reading the wiki page will give you a LOT more. So I ended up feeling short on gore and history by the film. Had I seen it within a few years of it being made, I may have a different take. Seeing it now, 'meh' not worth your time, tbh.


This film is very heavy, full of gore, torture and suffering. If it was a curry (the hotter the gorier) it is the phaal; certainly not one for those with a weak stomach. Snow is meant to untainted and pure white. In Men behind the Sun it is a torture device. What was once a carpet of untouched white is scarred with crimson Children, babies, women, men and animals are tortured in this film. If you have sensitivities towards any of these groups then please avoid this film. If you can't handle very graphic images that are relentless throughout the film then don't watch it either. There is no light relief. This film shows how desire to win a war turns the human heart into ice.So who do I recommend this film to? To be honest I can't think of anything beside those with a high gore tolerance. You won't enjoy this film and it was never meant to be. Every torture scene is not art, it is a stake warning. This kind of thing happened once and could happen again. How I wish I had the ability to delete certain scenes from my mind after watching. Despite this I don't regret viewing the thing. On the contrary, it isn't just a mindless gorefest with no purpose other than to titillate and stun the audience. It is beautifully shot and the acting of the large cast is realistic. Like other reviewers have said 'one viewing is enough'. This film will live with you for a long time.

Adam Venedam

This film sucked, boring and didn't scare me at all, don't go into this film as a movie that will scare you, if anything its just a historical film about the secret 731 experiments.The film was boring as hell and some of the torture scenes were so cheesy when the girl gets her frozen hands ripped off and shes screaming is just so stupid, there were a couple scenes that will forever be embedded into my head for ever that were the most disgusting things I've ever seen in my life, the compression chamber scene looked real, maybe it was real, the scene where they do the autopsy on that living breathing boy to take his organs was real for sure I know that because it was autopsy footage that was the most disgusting things I've ever seen it make me squirm. the cat scene was just retarded to, I don't get how everyone thinks its real, they just cut the camera and kept putting some sort of red sauce on the cat so the rats would lick it off the cat, its not violent at all.Other than it having a couple of real looking torture scenes and it being a good history lesson thats all its good for, its not good for entertainment or anything, its interesting to see how it happened but thats it.The only reason I rate it so low is not only because it was boring but is because of editing reasons to


because it's one of those films which takes a long time to think about. I've put off writing about this for some time but I do want to write about it. Not only is it one of the most disturbing, depressing and disgusting films I have ever seen, it is also extremely powerful and surprisingly well-made. The director goes to many lengths to make this more than an exploitation film, but at points it can't escape being an exploitation. T.F. Mous (director) gives this a documentary feel as he (loosely) chronicles the true events that occurred during World War II at Squadron 731, a Japanese experiment facility where they tested biological weapons on Chinese and Russian prisoners of war.Before watching this movie I had heard and read countless reviews about how disgusting and vile the movie is. I had heard plenty about the violence and gore and how bad it was. Having seeing countless exploitation and splatter movies before I honestly didn't know what to expect considering this was meant to be one of the worst. This movie is much more than gore, though, it is a brutal re-telling of some of the worst war crimes committed. The acts of torture and murder are all spaced throughout the movie because in between T.F. Mous tries to develop the story and characters. He goes into some detail about the Youth Corps and their training, he tries to flesh out some of the young ones and the commanding officers and even some of the prisoners. It shows he is more than just a director trying to create a shlocky horror movie, but someone who wants to tell an accurate account of the atrocities humans can commit so easily.That is not to say the gore is weak, all of it is realistic (too realistic) and disturbing. Just the thought of some of it makes me feel sick and cringe. It's enough to turn most people off food for awhile. However, one of those instances of gore put me off enough to deduct 3 marks off the movie. The use of real animals in two scenes completely disgusted me. I have always stood by my opinion that real animals should never be killed for the purpose of a film and in this case it is no exception. Aside from that it is one of those movies you must see before you die, only once, however.3½/5

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