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Five Across the Eyes

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Five Across the Eyes

On their way home from a high school football game, five teenage girls become hopelessly lost. When they stop to get directions at a desolate store, the girls are involved in a minor fender bender which leaves an unattended SUV one headlight short. Inexperienced and frightened that they'll get into trouble, the girls flee the scene of the accident and speed away down the dark and unfamiliar roads. As they blindly make their way across an area the locals call THE EYES, the girls are suddenly shocked to see one lone headlight appear behind them. As the driver of the damaged SUV begins one terrifying assault after another, the five girls will lose their innocence and possibly their lives in this brutal and shocking thrill ride.

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Release : 2006
Rating : 2.6
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror

Cast List

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Redundant and unnecessary.


Let's be realistic.


Awesome Movie


Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.


One of the most terrible movies I ever seen. I understand that the budget was not great ($4,000 according to IMDb). But a small budget can only explain things like equipment, film... but it can't explain a bad writing or terrible acting.This movie is from top to bottom full of lame excuses to keep the weak story going on. How can a woman attack 5 girls at the same time without problems? In one scene the 5 girls are together and the crazy woman attacks one by one. While one is attacked, the others are lost in the scene or too hysterical to help their friends. The girl being tied to the car seat is a too damn stupid scene. All that she could do was to literally watch the crazy woman tying her. She almost helped the woman.The acting is just terrible. The woman is crazy, OK. The girls are scared, fine. But do they need to scream during 90% of the time? Even when the talk to each other they are screaming. It is too much scream that makes the viewer want to stop watching the movie.I'm surprised how the director managed to finish the movie in 90 minutes with a story that could be told in 30 minutes. And if the writer was good enough, a short good movie could be made. Indeed, I kept watching the movie because I thought that it was a short movie and that soon it would get to the end.Terrible production!


i gotta say this is one of the worst movie i have seen.may not be the worst,but probably top doesn't really make a lot of sense,and it's actually quite perverse,just for the sake of being perverse,in my opinion.a lot of it also just a bunch of random chaos and's also very repetitive and,for me at least,i found it,the reaction of the character don't ring true.i don't believe that someone who went through the same thing in real life would react that way.i watched all the way through,though i wish i hadn''s basically 90 odd minutes gone down the's inexplicable to me how anyone could enjoy this movie,but everybody has their own taste.i hated it,but that's me.for me,Five Across the Eyes is a 0/10

Paul Andrews

Five Across the Eyes starts as five young teenage girls are driving home in time for their curfew, they stop off at a store & accidentally hit another car & decide to just drive off & leave it. Soon after the other car forces them to stop & a crazy woman with a shotgun gets out & shouts at them, makes them take their clothes off & makes them pee on them & then randomly drives off. Shaken & shocked the girls think their ordeal is over but the crazy woman comes back for seconds as she seems intent on killing the terrified girls who are lost & are low on gas...Produced & directed by Greg Swinson & Ryan Theissen with Swinson writing the thing & Theissen responsible for the cinematography & editing I have to say that Five Across the Eyes is easily one of the worst films I have ever seen if not the worst, I mean I'm struggling to think of a film I have seen that's worse. Now let me start off by saying that I am sure a lot of the film-making decision taken here were deliberate to try & provoke atmosphere, tension, realism & suspense but there is not one aspect of Five Across the Eyes that I didn't hate it to be honest it looks like a bad home video that has been put up on YouTube & even then it's still slightly embarrassing & a frankly worthless waste of 90 odd minutes of my time that I could have been doing something more entertaining & fun like pulling my fingernails out with pliers. The reviews on the web seem quite positive but on the IMDb (the amount of 1 Star comments is revealing & they can't all be wrong, right?) & it's message board which I think is much more of an indicator of what the average person thinks it's absolutely trashed by just about everyone & the phrase 'the worst film I have ever seen' is used a few times & to be fair most of these negative comments mention th same things & I have to agree with them. The story is terrible, alright I suspect it's meant to be minimalistic but this minimal? There's never any reason or explanation for the events that happen & it just feels totally random. It goes on for ages, the amount of plot here would struggle to fill a thirty minute made for telly program let along a full length feature. The dialogue is awful with these annoying girls who don't seem to have a brain cell between them taking about random stuff & screaming a lot. Oh god the screaming, there are seemingly endless scenes of these girls screaming or crying or whining which not only irritates & annoys & prevents any sane viewer feeling any sort of sympathy for them it also makes what they are trying to say almost impossible to hear properly. Then there's the real killer, the entire film is set & shot within the confines of a mini van, seriously the camera never leaves this car & as you can imagine it gets really boring, add that the low body count of just one person killed on screen & Five Across the Eyes is a film that I hated with a passion.On a technical level again I can see that the film-making style here was a deliberate choice but I have to be honest again & say Five Across the Eyes is the worst looking film I have ever seen. As a fan of film I like my films to look like proper films as it's a visual medium & I definitely don't want them to look worse than the average YouTube video or my home films shot on a camcorder while I was drunk. It really does look that amateurish & that bad, it's a complete eyesore & I hated every moment of every second of it. Just think The Blair Witch Project (1999) only ten times worse looking & sounding & you will be almost there. There are times during Five Across the Eyes when you literally can't tell what's going on or happening because of the camera-work & the almost pitch black & grainy contrast levels. The violence is tame too with a few splashes of blood & a stabbing at the end.Low budget doesn't even begin to describe Five Across the Eyes, with a supposed budget of about $4,000 this is easily one of the lowest budgeted films ever given a wide release. The two vans in the film were owned by members of the production & that's basically pretty much the entire budget right there, the locations. The acting is pretty bad by the main cast, I just hated all the fake put on crying & screaming that didn't convince at all but did irritate immensely.Five Across the Eyes will go down as one of the worst films I have ever seen & I have seen a few films, whenever anyone now ask's me what's the worst film I have ever seen Five Across the Eyes will definitely get a mention. I hated it, every single aspect & wretched moment of it.


Its a shame that some of you don't recognize brilliance when you see it. Five Across The Eyes is a horror movie masterpiece! It is by far the best horror movie ever made! The end!!! It is the only horror movie that can successfully disturb and horrify me every time I watch it. I've lost count of the number of times I've watched it and the tool box scene makes me sick to my stomach every time! The Blair Witch cinematography is brilliant. It made me feel like I was watching actual real footage and not just some crappy bigger budget Hollywood movie like The Strangers for instance. Or the horrendous remake of Friday the Thirteenth. Both of which are terrible terrible movies. But the cinematography in Five Across The Eyes makes it feel totally realistic. I believed what I saw on the screen was actually happening. And that made it all the scarier and completely pulled me into the film from beginning to end.At first the acting seems like it might not be that good but that is not the case. As the movie progresses the acting by the girls felt so natural that I forgot that I was watching actresses and the five girls became real people to me. And that made me genuinely like and care about them and root for their survival. And Veronica Garcia as the deranged woman that is terrorizing these poor girls is absolutely mind blowing! She is the most psychotic and sadistic villain ever to be seen in a horror movie! There are not enough good things I can say about this movie. The musical score and soundtrack is great. The song that plays when the girls finally exact their revenge is perfect. The cinematography is brilliant. The acting is natural and believable. The dialogue is good and often times funny. The ending is brilliant! This is the only horror movie I've ever watched that left me completely satisfied at the end. It is the epitome of what a horror movie should be and it proves that you don't need a huge budget to make a masterpiece.

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