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Born in a tribe of fierce warrior women, Hundra has been raised to despise the influence of men. An archer, fighter and sword fighter, Hundra is superior to any male. Hundra finds her family slain and takes a vow of revenge until one day she meets her match.

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Release : 1983
Rating : 4.6
Studio : S.T.A.E. Productions,  Continental Movie Productions, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Set Decoration, 
Cast : Laurene Landon Jahangir Ghaffari María Casal Luis Lorenzo Cristina Torres
Genre : Adventure Fantasy Action Science Fiction

Cast List



Absolutely Brilliant!


It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.


I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.


Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.


HUNDRA is another gender-swap variant on CONAN THE BARBARIAN, much like SHE and RED SONJA; the main difference is that this film is absolutely terrible. It's directed by the awful Matt Cimber, whose YELLOW HAIR film was equally dreadful, and like that film it stars non-acting blonde starlet Laurene Landon. This film was shot in Spain and had the dialogue dubbed in afterwards. The plot is a straight copy of that of CONAN, with Hundra's village being massacred while she goes on a rampage of revenge afterwards. But the execution is terrible, and the locations are the only good thing about this. Cimber's reliance on ridiculous, endless slow motion shots during his action sequences is not anyone's idea of good choreography; it's so bad, it's not even funny.


I have several problems with this film. I do not have a problem with women warriors but I do have a problem with them being physically stronger than male warriors in a face to face fight when the women are less massive than a man. Why was the village attacked, just wandering nomads?? Anyway they sure paid a price when they attacked. The entire tribe fought very well and killed a heck of a lot of the attackers. Hundra is the only survivor and she encounters an old seer who tells her she must perpetuate her tribe so she goes in search of a progenitor. Now one person male or female is not going to get it done but this ain't my movie. She comes across a very over acting Tatar type when he camps with his slaves (?). Boy is he a pig!!! She gets rather abused by him to say the least and ends up killing him and freeing the slaves. This is an uneven movie with the ups and downs in the plot and the acting could have been better (when couldn't it usually?). She comes to a city where the high priest seems to rule, an oppressive oaf and things take off from there. They try to to take her to the priest but have a little problem!!! She finds a man she wants to have a child with, goes to the temple because she thinks that is what he is looking for. Well the temple scene just seems to be an orgy. Hey keep the men in line with sex and they will usually do as you want. So she goes to the temple where they try and turn her into a temple slut. Boy does that not work well!! She learns the ways of a temple courtesan to save another plus to get close to the high priest. She has a child which is taken by the priests and they use it to hold her hostage to their god. The scenes in the pit are so chauvinistic it isn't funny. Anyway all ends well as the bad guys die off when Hundra's child is rescued. I like the end where the high priest is torn apart by the courtesans.


Beautiful blonde warrior woman Hundra (Laurene Landon) would rather have a good horse between her legs than a man, but after a savage attack on her tribe by a horde of hairy barbarians she is forced to seek out a mate to ensure the continuation of her people.Matt Cimber's Hundra supposedly turns the tables on the male-dominated fantasy genre with a barbarian woman who is more than a match for any man; it soon becomes apparent, however, that the feminist angle is just for show, the film exploiting its female star's physical appeal—and that of the other women in the film—just as much as any other B-movie trash. Bad news for the women's liberation movement, but good news for fans of sexy ladies in small loincloths.Landon's wooden delivery of her lines makes it abundantly clear that she was not hired for her acting ability, but rather for her sex appeal and athleticism. Hundra might swing her sword as skillfully as any Cimmerian, but she does so in a skimpy outfit that frequently gives glimpses of her shapely behind; when she's not fighting, she likes to go for a naked ride through the surf on her horse.Cheap titillation aside, Cimber's movie is at its most entertaining whenever there is fighting, the blood flowing freely as Hundra hacks and stabs at her opponents; however, there is a prolonged absence of action once our heroine enters a city where the local high priest, whose temple doubles as a knocking shop for barbarians, vows to add her to his stock of subservient women. While avoiding capture, Hundra falls in love, gets pregnant, gives birth to a daughter, and teaches a slave girl how to fight, all of which is fairly dull to watch.Things eventually pick up for a rousing finalé (aided immensely by Ennio Morricone's epic score) in which Hundra rallies the women to revolt against their captors, but despite more bloodletting and the hilarious demise of the high priest (a woman suffocates him by straddling his face), Hundra remains a fairly mediocre affair overall.


Hundra is one of the best films of its genre. It combines humor and violence with attractive women doing most of the fighting. The movie starts with an ambush of an Amazon village and the destruction of all but one of the Amazon warriors. Her adventures and vengeance ensue in what only can be described as a very fun movie. The light soundtrack adds to the fun as some of the fight sequences come across almost as dance production numbers. But, it's not all fun and games. The characters can be and often are vicious and kill their opponents without mercy. This movie is 100 times better than its sister film "Yellow Hair and the Fortress of Gold" also starring Laurene Landon and filmed back to back.

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