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The Donner Party

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The Donner Party

Based on the real events of The Donner Party tragedy. The Donner Party was a group of California-bound American settlers caught up in the western expansion of the 1840s. After becoming snowbound in the Sierra Nevada during the winter of 1846-1847, a number of the trapped settlers joined together in a final effort to reach California and organize a rescue party.

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Release : 2009
Rating : 4.9
Studio :
Crew : Art Direction,  Production Design, 
Cast : Crispin Glover Clayne Crawford Michele Santopietro Mark Boone Junior Christian Kane
Genre : Drama Western

Cast List



Good , But It Is Overrated By Some

Donald Seymour

This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

Fatma Suarez

The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful


OK, so "based" on a true story opens up a number of creative license avenues for writers/producers....but generally speaking, if you are going to do a semi-historical piece about folks getting stuck in a blizzard and having to eat themselves because there is nothing else to eat (hunting or forage), then it might be wise to include some snow scenes (I counted two) and when Crispin's character bashes "Luis" head in, if you look at the surrounding trees (from the angle of Luis looking up at Cripsin), there isn't one shred of snow on the trees in the's SUNNY outside...notice too how few times the characters breath can be seen when they speak...a tell-tale sign that shooting (which took all of 12 days) had been during the late summer months...granted, hard to get production crews up into the Sierra Nevadas during January..but maybe a snow machine and a couple of fans at least...I was seriously laughing at the film (which I doubt was the intention of the film's director/producers)...aside from the hideous historical fabrications and omissions, it should at least shoot on days that weren't so bloody sunny outside (I still contend that Crispin Glover looked like he was out for a Sunday stroll)...and another thing...make them wear the snowshoes...not carry them as crutches, strapped over their backpacks...and looking like they just were purchased at an outfitters store...too funny...a horrendous film and the only reason I gave it a one, was because I at least got to laugh out loud for 84 minutes


The film is not based on any true historical fact as far as I could see. Even in the opening, the eventual place the Donner party hoped to get to was written as 'Sutter Fort.' Twice. Most Californians know the fort was Sutter's Fort. Glaring typo from the get go or laziness with regard to historical accuracy. You don't even have to be a Californian to know it is Sutter's Fort because the site is mentioned in grade school textbooks.The rescue party consisted of much fewer members than were portrayed. The cannibalism occurred in the Donner camp and it was only as a very last resort and the 'victim' was already dead from exposure and starvation.The film would have been much better if the director had focused on the powerful stories of the survivors instead of resorting to a sensationalistic cannibalism tale. There was so much more to this drama than starving humans compromising all they believed in by eating human flesh.I could not even watch the entire film because it was so dreadful.


"The Donner Party" (tagline: Based on the true events of The Forlorn Hope) is a pseudo-historical depiction of the ONLY portion of the Donner Party tragedy that has any hopefulness to it; the splinter group (AKA: The Forlorn Hope) that attempts to find rescue for the rest of the party.Notable for Crispen Glover's remarkably subdued performance (remarkable in that I didn't know he knew how to do anything "subdued"), the film does an amazing job of capturing the feel and tension of the situation.As with another film that involved subsistence cannibalism (the movie about the Soccer team that crashed in the Andes called "Alive"), the cannibalism, while somewhat central to the story, is very understated. You know what is going on, but it is hardly obvious; I doubt most kids would understand what was going on. That's not to say that this is a film for kids, but just as an example of how delicately the subject matter is handled.Some fairly severe liberties were taken with the screenplay. Yes, they drew straws, but they were unable to follow through with that plan. Glover's character does come across as a little too eager to slaughter others. It's one thing to consume another person's body in order to survive, but it's entirely a different matter to TAKE a person's life for the same purpose. Plus, it hardly seemed necessary (in the context of the film) given how many others were dropping dead from hunger or exposure already... why execute someone who is still mobile? Regarding the demand that Glover repeatedly makes to the other party member about everyone needing to "contribute to the pot"... The character he was talking to had been hoarding food for himself. Glover knew about it, and was willing to put up with it until he found out the provisions they were looking for were non-existent. Glover was asking (demanding) that he share whatever food he had left with the rest of the party... and to do so without raising the ire of the others in the party who were apparently unaware that he had been eating while all were starving to death around him.Shooting the film in the actual area where the events occurred, and with a believable amount of snow, really adds to the feel of the film.Having Glover's character killed at the end is the most pointless change in the whole film. Why kill off one of the real survivors? Could it be just to shock and surprise all those Donner Party experts? Doubtful. Seems more like a sloppy screen writing attempt to wrap things up with "a bang"... disappointing.I give it 5 out of 10... the 5 are for the mood, cinematography, location, music and Glover's performance. I can't give it more than that, as the changes they made to the actual events for the most part were somewhat pointless. They could easily have made the same film while maintaining historical accuracy without losing any of the story that they ended up with.Worth watching it, but I can't see owning it.

alex (mousenhowz)

you'll eat it up :-). the cinematographer fit the right mood of this somber yet compelling event.the music fits the mood as well. the cast is very very good. Crispin Glover actually plays the straight role with a few twists here and there.this is the director's first, he succeeds and his future work will be worth watching. according to a review i read on the external reviews, the movie was shot at the Donner Pass. that ramps it up a bit for me and the historical aspect. a very very good attempt at storytelling. since this is the first review published for this movie, i will refrain why i changed my orig vote from 8 to 10.Overall a great attempt at storytelling. not as good as maybe Alive but well worth the viewing considering the grim subject matter.

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