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From the acclaimed director of American Movie, the documentary follows former Los Angeles police officer turned independent reporter Michael Ruppert. He recounts his career as a radical thinker and spells out his apocalyptic vision of the future, spanning the crises in economics, energy, environment and more.

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Release : 2009
Rating : 7.7
Studio :
Crew : Director of Photography,  Director of Photography, 
Cast :
Genre : Documentary

Cast List

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I love this movie so much


It is a performances centric movie


There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.

Rio Hayward

All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.


I consider this a must see for everyone. This is not the first time I've heard these types of commentary but this is a lot more detail that I find hard to hear but required to hear. We're pumped with pseudo "news" that's filtered and crafted often with an agenda and the truth put out there is often hidden in the overload of information available today. Just be a smart citizen and human being and educate yourself at what is happening around you, whether or not you see it or if it involves you, because sooner or later it will, and you shouldn't be surprised or caught off guard. I don't think most people are ready to hear stuff like this and I get it.. I lived in a bubble for a long time but it's time to wake up and get real.


Well, it has to be said from the off that Michael Ruppert is either one canny fella, or he's the craziest ding-bat you ever heard of. I have to take this with some level of salt grain-age, because we've heard these sort of arguments before. Plus, he's a self-confessed (at least at one time) Conservative, which gives me pause for thought.But... and it's a biggie... the things he says make so much sense, and at some level I've had similar thoughts myself. I truly believe that we need to find alternatives to oil, but at the same time I know that oil is used in so many applications that there simply anything else that will do the full job. Literally everything you own, barring a few items, contains some level of plastic. And even if it doesn't you can bet that plastic played some part in its manufacture or packaging. But I digress.Simply put, Ruppert is foretelling the complete breakdown of the life you know. He absolutely positively predicted the economic disaster we're now living through, and like him, I don't think it's getting better. His foreshadowing of riots and revolutions hits home when one considers the recent events in Egypt, Libya, and other places around the world. And then there's Japan, literally making nuclear energy a long-shot too.Individually, these notions don't seem to add up to much, but Ruppert does manage to tell a compelling narrative, glues all the pieces together with a level of knowledge that's certainly impressive. So why imagine that we're in the final throes of modern civilization? The answers all surround the notion of Peak Oil, that we're on the downward spiral and the supply is getting less and less. Oil is literally everywhere, from the tires on your car, to the pesticides that are used to grow your food, and there's no quick way to turn this roller-coaster around. So, Ruppert advocates preparing for the long haul, learn to live locally, and stop relying on the miracle of the supermarket.Either way, it's advice that can't hurt. Just one question: should I stock up on duct tape and bullets as well?

Will Lybrand

While reading the synopsis for 'Collapse', one could never expect the variety of feelings that it creates. It is a seemingly intellectual documentary on the surface, focusing on the never-ending stream of consciousness from Michael Ruppert. He sits alone in a warehouse with director Chris Smith as the cameras roll. But as the story progresses, I saw that this film is not just about energy depletion, the over-consumption of oil, and the global economy run wild, but instead about paranoia, fear, and loneliness.Michael Ruppert is an investigative journalist and retired police officer. He speaks with a confidence and poise that betrays an undertone of worry and concern. Initially, we learn from Michael about the complexities of the global ecosystem, our never-ending dependence on oil, and the machinations of governments gone awry. To a point, everything that he says is believable. It's obvious that he is well-educated and well-intentioned, and that as a viewer there are things to learn from him.Smith intervenes though, and the ramblings of what starts to look like a mad man progress further and further into darkness. The director has cobbled together several days worth of footage into a masterpiece display of editing. And now we enter spoiler territory. Just when Ruppert mesmerizes with his impressive repository of factual insight on the world around us, the shell starts to crack. It becomes evident that Ruppert himself is amidst a collapse. The title is both the subject and the metaphor of Ruppert's life.This is where 'Collapse' started to play games with my mind. At one point, Ruppert's confident display of reasons we should all be worried about the world around us are believable. But towards the end of the movie, it's obvious that he's completely lost, perhaps even borderline hysterical. But then what am I, the viewer? At one point I was ready to jump off the diving board, thinking about what my next move would be when the United States collapses into some sort of anarchist state. And then I realized how silly I was being… or was I? After all, everything is at stake.This movie is a masterful portrait of a lonely and troubled man who wants to warn the world. 'Collapse' simultaneously informs us of a cavalcade of anecdotal evidence and data that any rational person would be worried about. What's even better about this movie are its multiple interpretations. It's a sort of 'Rashomon' pushed upon the viewers. There are people who will watch this and think that Ruppert is a genius who bears worthwhile observations that must be heeded. But there are other people who will watch it and come to the conclusion that he is falling apart at the seams. And yet more there are people who will discount it from the get-go, labeling Ruppert a conspiracy theorist and a lunatic.I recommend this movie highly. It's a chameleon of a film that could be described as a documentary, a drama, a thriller, or even a suspense movie. Anyone who wants to see a good socio-political commentary or complex character study will enjoy it. In addition, it will challenge the viewers thought process.


I watched this last night, and found it compelling and scary. I am wondering why Glen Beck is rolling in dough and has a cult following while Michael Ruppert is going broke! We need to wake up, but, having said that, I fear that it may be way too late for that...I fear we may be past a tipping point. Fear,ignorance, hate, intolerance, greed....thy name is mankind. This is a must see, but my opinion, Michael is a unique combo of genius and crackpot and you need to know how to discern the line..he's a visionary with an unpopular message that does not resonate with our current new crop of the very least, it will make you think...never a bad thing.

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