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Tiger Heart

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Tiger Heart

A teen martial arts expert takes on a bunch of thugs who are forcing a community to sell their property in order to build a mall.

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Release : 1996
Rating : 4.1
Studio : PM Entertainment Group, 
Crew : Production Design,  Set Decoration, 
Cast : Carol Potter Jennifer Lyons Robert LaSardo Rance Howard David Michael
Genre : Action

Cast List



Slow pace in the most part of the movie.


Really Surprised!


A lot of fun.


This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama


A true insult to martial arts and film.This is the worst movie ever made.First Ted Jan Roberts is good actor,but in this role he's the worst,it's so post to be an action movie not some love drama.Ted Jan Roberts plays a Eric who get in love with a girl and than he play's a hero,when bad guys come he beat's everybody up,but he's never hit,ten or fifteen guys attack him and he beat's them up,but he's never hit,how's that,i'did not like this love drama,and than some blond bimbo get a guy like Ted Jan Roberts,this is bullshit,i'see beater movies like this,all fighting scene are fix'up and only girls and teenagers are here.This is not martial art movie it's bullshit.And the bad guys never strike back,he's never hit or blood,probably the worst Steven Seagal clone movie ever,Than the martial art's hero get always a girl,i'hate that why the heroes must get a girl,even Don Wilson's movies are the worst,he always get a girl,he must have always sex in action movies,what the hell they were thinking.This is probably all PM Entertainment Group Inc fault ,they are doing the worst movies ever.Even The Perfect Weapon is beater than this,even Rocky 3 was beater,when Rocky say it was all fix up,even all Jackie Chans movies are beater than this,he never get's a girl and it's beater than this crap movie.His movies are filming in China.But this is a joke, i'you kidding me.Next time when they are doing movies like this,they warned us to stay away.Next time when they are doing movie like this they first say that it is a dram not an action movie,this movie is a fake.I wonder can Ted Jan Roberts really fight,or is doing his stuntman his fighting scene.This is a joke,come on,were are the other martial arts.I got just say one thing,stay away from this movie,it's a fake and copy.


I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my life, and I am an avid Family Guy/Simpsons fan.This movie deserves to be way at the top of the bottom 100. I have got to get this on VHS (doesnt come on DVD even) The martial arts scenes are horribly choreographed, the acting is superbly horrible, the dialogue is fantastically disgraceful. The lead character is a scrawny annoying dork and the sidekick is even worse!But, there is some eye candy! You must go see this!!! Please vote this as a 1.0 and not a 10.00. I know you are trying to be satirical but, please this must be viewed by all as this is one of the best worst movies EVER! -"Thanks Soccer Mummy. You made me believe in myself again!"


Okay,I have seen the movie. And you know what problem I see, T.J Roberts! He is the most horrible, most pitiful actor I have ever seen! And for those who dislike karate kid ripoffs, do not watch this film. And if you thought Kickboxing Academy was horrible, heres a warning. YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ANYTHING YET! And if you go to any websites where you can buy or rent movies, do not check this out. Don't rent the movie, don't buy the movie. Just go on and look for other good movies like The Power Within or Superfights. But do not get this movie because if you do, you are going to experience cinema badder that anything you have ever seen before! So whatever you do, DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM!


I expected the worst but got what might be some of the funnest. Even though at times the script is full of holes and the acting might not be the strongest I still enjoyed the movie as a whole. The star TJ Roberts carried his role with a sense of fun and panache and his action choreographed by action-meister Art Camacho was an homage to Bruce Lee without taking itself so seriously. If you want to watch a serious action film this is not for you but if you want to spend s 90 minutes having a good time, watch this movie. The direction was very well done and in fact saved the film from it's barely passable script.

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