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Watch Thanatomorphose For Free


Bruised from a night of rough sex, a young woman is shocked to find that her body, rather than healing itself, has inexplicably begun to rot. Swept up in the strange sensual experiences brought on by her slowly decaying form, she tries desperately to cling to her new existence — even as the putrid meat sack that was once her young body begins to literally fall off her bones...

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Release : 2012
Rating : 4.6
Studio : Black Flag,  ThanatoFilms, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Assistant Art Director, 
Cast : Émile Beaudry Pat Lemaire Kayden Rose
Genre : Horror

Cast List



This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place


If you don't like this, we can't be friends.


Great Film overall

Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

John Manfredi

I have seen some really bad movies in my life but I would have to say this movie was easily one of the top ten WORSE movies I have ever watched.I unfortunately watched it in it's entirety in the hope that it would get better,but no such luck.I can't believe someone actually took a camera and made this piece of garbage.If you took a mentally retarded student in an Intro to Film 101 class and asked him to make a film,there's a strong chance it would be better than this.It was one of the most (in no particular order and,by no means a complete list of adjectives) DUMB, STUPID, IDIOTIC, BORING, AWFUL, MEANINGLESS, POINTLESS, UNREALISTIC, GROSS and DISGUSTING films I have ever had the misfortune to view.Come on John,tell us how you REALLY feel about this movie.I kept hoping the necrosis would put a rapid end to the woman but no such luck.It took it's sweet time.Do not watch this movie unless you are extremely masochistic.If you choose not to heed my advice and decide to watch this movie,please comment and let us know how you feel about it.I would be curious to see other people's reactions to it.


Thanatomorphose in French means the visible signs of an organism's decomposition caused by death.The main character of Canadian art-house gore flick "Thanatomorphose" starts to literally decompose after having sex with her vulgar and abusive boyfriend.The film takes place in the claustrophobic apartment of a young woman in the vein of Roman Polanski's "Repulsion".There is plenty of graphic gore,bile and filth on display-especially in the second half of the movie.Adittedly the make-up and special effects are excellent and truly stomach-churning.Still there is almost no plot and there are some dull spots during the first half of "Thanatomorphose".The film can be seen as the metaphor of empty and useless existence of the main character,though.7 decomposing bodies out of 10.I am fairly sure that "Nekromantik","Aftermath" and "Guinea Pig V:Mermaid and the Manhole" were huge influence here.


Warning: SpoilersThe gore, the horror, the claustrophobic atmosphere, the slow tempo of the whole movie is not the problem. It is the solution. I watched it a few days ago, and I can't say I wasn't left without scars, or without scares. Both. The gory moments have done their work and the slowness has done its, too. I spent a few days thinking about how this could metaphorically mean anything, and just this morning, it hit me. This movie can be a metaphor for the whole human person, and what happens to it if it doesn't think of the consequences of its actions. Blindly following what comes from the outside (presented as the guys entering the apartment) just shows a person unwilling to change her/s fate. Not asking for help is another symptom of this behavior. Bruises, than the blindness, is just what happens to a person not fighting the world. Not taking notice of the black spot on the wall (possibly signifying the danger) leads to nothing but death. And taking all of those entering the apartment with you is the point. Inevitably ending in complete decay in the end.


I have come to love French horror films over the last 10 years. The French have really honed in on the sub horror genre of body horror. They did a delightful job with BabyBlood back in the early 90's and then really turned on the heat in the 2000s with terrific films like In my Skin, Martyrs, Frontiers and Inside. The French Canadians got involved with the morbidly tasteless cadavers in 2008 so I was very excited to embrace this new French Canadian film Thanatomorphose. I was impressed and the 100 minutes went by so quick considering the pace of the film. The gore and f/x were fantastic for the budget and the acting was great as well especially by our main lead. Yeah she could've done a few more things like call the bloody hospital but then we wouldn't be treated to such sanguineous delights. My main problem with the film is I wish they were speaking French instead of English but nonetheless there isn't much dialogue in this film. Not for most people but for people that enjoyed early Cronenberg or Clive Barker.

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