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The Hunter

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The Hunter

In an act of vengeance, a young man randomly kills two police officers. He escapes to the forest, where he is arrested by two other officers. The three men are surrounded by trees, the woods. They are lost in a maze, a desolate landscape, where the boundaries between the hunter and the hunted are difficult to perceive.

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Release : 2010
Rating : 6.2
Studio : ARTE,  Pallas Film,  ZDF, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Rafi Pitts Javad Nazari
Genre : Drama Thriller

Cast List



Brilliant and touching


Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.


While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

Quiet Muffin

This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.


As this film opens we see protagonist Ali, a hunter, loading his rifle in a forest; we then learn that he works as a night watchman at a factory in Tehran. He is married with a young daughter. His life is fairly mundane until one day he gets a phone call from the police; it turns out his wife have been killed in the crossfire in a shootout between the police and insurgents; they have no idea what happened to his daughter though. Ali then sets about looking for his young daughter without any luck; eventually he learns that she too has died. Sitting on a hill above a busy dual-carriageway he takes out his rifle and fires at a police car; it swerves and comes to a halt, then he shoots and kills the policeman who gets out. He flees the city but is caught by two cops in the forest. By the time they have caught up with him though they are well and truly lost; one of them wants to kill Ali for what he has done but the other won't let him; as tensions rise it looks as though the two policemen are a danger to each other as well as Ali… inevitably it will end in tragedy.Inevitably much of this films interest comes not from its contents but from the fact that it was made in the Islamic Republic of Iran; not a country most westerners would associate with film making. I suspect the biggest surprise for most viewers will be the fact that the characters don't seem that much different to those who might appear in a film made in the west. That isn't to say the film looks like something that came out of Hollywood; it certainly doesn't. The pace is much, much slower, there is almost no music and there is little explanation… for example we aren't told how the two policemen realised Ali was the man they were after and we don't see the moment they catch him; one moment they are chasing him the next he has his hands tied behind his back. Rafi Pitts does a fine job as Ali; a man who is clearly broken by what happened to his family and barely cares what will happen to him once he is caught. Overall I'd say that while this isn't the most exciting thriller it is worth watching if only for the glimpse it provides into a country that rarely gets positive coverage.


This review was made following a screening at Cambridge Film Festival (September 2010):This film runs to 92 minutes, and, for me, achieves much more than it has been given credit for here without squandering resources, the main one being the enigmatic lead portrayal of hunter.Ignoring whether this is mere photography (a dissatisfaction better founded, say, as a response to Jarman's experimental films?), it is a moody film, and it takes time, deliberately, to establish moods. Although I several times predicted where it was going, it still disrupts and undermines our notions of where it fits into our typology of films (as the festival write-up indicated).Say that there is no plot overlooks the significance of the whole trajectory, and fails to relate later events to earlier ones: obviously, I cannot spell it out, but, to understand it, it is important to pay attention to what is said to the hunter in the woods. That information explains his earlier actions, which seemed motiveless (or arising from some nihilistic and sleep-depriving reactive despair), but which turn out to build on events that we have not been shown.Knowing, at this point, what he has done, we can maybe guess why: we were given detail earlier about his daughter that had been kept from him, but which he might have uncovered, and could have made him see his family life differently. Or he might have had some extreme and pathological reaction to the conditions of his existence.We already knew something about his past, and can soon see that he has something of the stamp of a loner that is seen in TAXI-DRIVER, content to drive around in his car and wait for first light to hunt. These are important elements in both films, and I was soon reminded of this one's older brother.Dialogue is sparing in both films, and they share the desire for revenge that comes over characters at what cannot be tolerated in someone else's behaviour. That, coupled with the recurrent impulse here to implicate others, is at the heart of this film.It is one of quiet scenes into which sudden loud noises tear and where threat and intimidation inject, by the nature of their origin, onward twists that lead to the final scene and complete what, for me, is a very definite structure. That being said, if one expected this film to spill its explanation into one's lap, it will remain tightly closed as a story-book, and seem to have taken the viewer nowhere.I rate this film highly, but there is one niggle to do with how the ending is set up, with our three figures in isolation (and a good misdirection that others will be on the scene): the hunter is given something by one man, but, irrespective of whether it was his own, it would not only have been traceable to him, but his fingerprints would also have been inexplicably all over it. In those terms, unless I have misunderstood the closing shot, I do not see that it worked as intended.


I viewed The Hunter at TIFF, entering the theatre without having researched anything about the film. The only thing I knew was that it was an Iranian film. Essentially, I went in with an open mind and zero expectations, yet I still came out fairly disappointed.The film kicks off full of energy with a still referencing tense relations enjoyed between Iran and America since 1979. We meet a lower-class average man named Ali who sports the same sullen face from beginning to end. Is he angry simply because his employment as a watchman doesn't afford him much time to see his family, or is there a deeper plot about his time spent in prison? We never find out. Why did he go to prison? We never find out.Occasionally, Ali steals away from the city (where he's bombarded with political propaganda, which again is not touched upon in any detail) to a quiet area in the country he knows very well; a hunter and his trusty rifle alone in the wilderness. Ali stalks an unknown prey, and fires off a couple shots (probably the most exciting part of the film, as the gunshots are devastatingly loud). What is he hunting? We never find out. Does he actually kill anything, or bring it back home? We never find out. He must be the most incompetent hunter in the world, or he's letting off some steam. We never find out - especially given that he maintains the same sullen face upon returning home.Even when his family dies as a result of a shootout between the police and "insurgents", Ali oddly expresses little, if any, reaction. Was his wife secretly an "insurgent" (and did he know?) or was she merely caught in the crossfire, as the police told him? We never find out. Why does he express zero emotion at the sight of his dead child's body? We never find out.Eventually, with nothing to lose, he finally expresses some talent in hunting by plucking off two police officers driving down the highway. With the authorities chasing after him, you'd expect some feelings of anxiety or excitement, but it's too strewn out to be much enjoyed. Worse, a second plot that develops about the corruption of the two police officers who apprehend Ali drags out long enough for me to check my watch.The Hunter is a film that appears constantly to reach for deeper themes, deeper emotion, and a deeper plot, but always falls short. Any promising element succumbs to extreme minimalism, which, ironically, destroys the element of art in film making by trying to be so artistic. It's not ambiguous, it's vague. It's not subtle, it's empty. And it's not patient, it's boring.Such minimalism causes the viewer to imagine plot development, and it is the source of major frustration. It's like imagining vivid additions to a canvas painted in a single colour, but why are we making stuff up in our minds when the art piece should be guiding us along to the story? There is so much rich substance the director, Rafi Pitts (who stars as Ali), could have incorporated even slightly into the plot - namely Ali's past and his (and his family's) involvement with national politics. A quick and simple explanation that he served time for involvement in "insurgent" activities, for example, would have connected beautifully to his murder of two authorities from the state.In my opinion, it wouldn't have taken much for Rafi Pitts to incorporate greater elements of political tension or character development (and background), as it's obvious there is a lot of rich substance to be drawn. Ultimately, The Hunter is a draft sketch of a screenplay prematurely put to the camera.I'm sure an ivory tower film critic somewhere would praise The Hunter for its deep questions, but the reality is that the only question most will have after viewing the film is, "What the hell actually happened in that hour and a half?" And in case I entirely wrong about The Hunter, and I am actually too blind to notice a deeper connotation in the film, I award it 1 star out of 10.


This movie played at the International Film Festival in Berlin this year and it was in the official program/selection! A drama about a family living in a very disturbing time and regime. But don't expect the movie to give you some easy answers or an easy plot to follow. This is a difficult film, but that's the way they should be (with a theme like that).Of course you could argue, that the ending isn't the one you would imagine, but hopefully the movie has gotten to you until this point, so that you can identify with the persons at some basic level. I liked it and I think it has some very interesting questions (that again won't be answered in the movie). Not an easy movie then, but if that's your cup of tea, you will be very pleased here

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