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What's the Time In Your World?

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What's the Time In Your World?

A woman comes back from Paris to her country after a long time. She meets a man that she hardly knows, but he knows a lot about her life.

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Release : 2015
Rating : 7.1
Studio : Road Film, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Leila Hatami Ali Mosaffa Zahra Hatami
Genre : Drama Romance

Cast List



Memorable, crazy movie

Kamila Bell

This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.


There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.


This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama

Righteousman Mehta

very boring film . a film need to have a story some plot which makes it viewable but nothing can be found in this film . a women came from abroad after a long time .why ? a man meets her knows about her and her family , who is he ? how can we know even the heroin of the film does not remember. she just moves around the city doing nothing in particular . meets her known people during the film . neither there was any interesting conversation nor any interesting scene . only few shots of Iran city only that was good . iranian film makers make serious films interesting films good dialogues where in this film they forget everything but seriousness.


A photographer told me that when he is working with 'found footage', pictures that others have taken before, and arranging them, it is as if he is going back to the past. He also said that when he is taking pictures by himself, however, he feels like he is moving ahead into the future. Yet, cannot also going back to the past be something like moving forwards - seeing what had taken place in the past was not what I expected and that I have to adjust myself towards a new future according to such realizations? Maybe when Goli returns home after an unexpected death of her mother, she cannot bare it, since it is not a comfortable, nostalgic return to the past. For example, Farhad, a "fool" from her childhood, knows more about her than herself, literally following her everywhere she goes, eager to remind her that she is in nowhere familiar. It is as if Mary Alcott, the American artist featured in the Degas etching Farhad gives to Goli, finds her American home ever so new after all the years in Paris. Returning back home, with what one experienced away from home, one finds what has always been in the starting point, as if we are learning to see ghosts and talk to them. There is no escape from this. Whenever I go back home, I bring my future into it.


'What's the Time in Your World?': Busan Review by Elizabth Kerr (Hollywood Reporter)Acclaimed actress Leila Hatami teams up with real-life husband for a delicate mediation on memory in Safi Yazdanian's debut feature Critic and documentary filmmaker Safi Yazdanian takes his first steps in feature storytelling with What's the Time in Your World?, a languid and ambiguous tale of an Iranian woman's return to the hometown she has little to no memory of. The curiously constructed story about memory and how it defines us is anchored by stars Leila Hatami (A Separation) and Ail Mosaffa (The, Past), who alone should garner the film a good amount of attention. On top of the film's above-the-title stars, Yazdanian's new voice in Iranian narrative cinema will guarantee strong festival play, and a limited art house release in urban markets is not out of the question. The film begins with Goli (Hatami) landing at Tehran airport for her first visit to her hometown Rasht in two decades. She's been living in France and has established quite a life judging from a phone call with (presumed) partner Antoine about her sudden plans. A plucky, semi-acoustic guitar soundtrack signals the beginning of a road trip, and in ways What's the Time in Your World? is just that; it's just a road trip through memories. At the bus terminal at Rasht she's greeted by the local frame-maker Farhad (Hatami's husband Mosaffa, also producer here), who puts her in a taxi. He clearly knows her (they seem to have a private window tap greeting), but Goli is baffled, convinced she's never met Farhad in her life. He leaves her to go about her business but quickly starts showing up wherever she is — the market, her favorite diner, random streets — and it begins Goli's deeper investigation into her memory and identity. What's the Time in Your World? is a delicate, understated exploration of memory, personal history and our perceptions of the past as much as it is a subtle and unconventional romance, one that segues into a valuable friendship. Yazdanian brings his documentary eye to his frames, often letting the action flow within their confines as if seeking a kind of authenticity as to how the characters interact. Goli and Farhad each have their demons, sometimes relating to each other, and the pair's leisurely strolls and rambling conversations exorcise some of them. But it's not all lonely hearts and mystery. Goli is particularly affected by her mother's death and the fact that she was absent for her protracted illness. Goli and Farhad's connection is revealed layer by layer, never in a rush to get to the next reveal or moment of recognition (to be fair, sometimes not in enough of a rush).Poetic and slightly melancholy, What's the Time in Your World? hangs together on the strength of Hatami and Mosaffa's performances. Mosaffa brings a lonely, resigned dignity to Farhad, and is never in danger of allowing him to fall onto the side of "stalker," which it too easily could have. Hatami is her usual graceful self and infuses Leila with enough shades that she's as empathetic as she is enigmatic. Tech specs are strong, with Homayoun Payvar's (Taste of Cherry) cinematography effortlessly creating an almost dreamy urban landscape that flows from one moment to the next, mirroring Goli and Farhad's developing—or rekindled—relationship.


This is the story of a woman, coming back from Paris to Rasht, her hometown, after a very long time. Everything reminds her of her childhood, the house, the city, people, ... . She finds out about people she left behind a long time ago, meets the ones that moved on with their lives and also the one that didn't, and still lives in the past. The movie tells stories of different times, and they come together flawlessly. It has a beautiful and steady flow, and some enchanting shots of beautiful north of Iran. Music selection is marvelous and fits perfectly with the pictures. This is a great start for Safi Yazdanian directing career and I hope we see more of him in the coming years.

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