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The Turkish Gambit

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The Turkish Gambit

The film is based on the second book from the Adventures of Erast Petrovich Fandorin series of novels written by the Russian author Boris Akunin. The film takes place in 1877 during the Russian-Turkish war. Erast Fandorin has just escaped from Turkish prison and is trying to get on the Russian side as soon as possible to give important information about the upcoming attack of the enemy. On his way he meets Varvara Suvorova, a young lady who is going to see her fiancée - a soldier of the Russian army. Erast also knows that there is a spy somewhere in the Russian army, everyone is under suspicion.

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Release : 2005
Rating : 6.9
Studio : First Channel,  Studio Trite, 
Crew : Production Design,  Additional Director of Photography, 
Cast : Egor Beroev Olga Krasko Marat Basharov Vladimir Ilin Dmitriy Pevtsov
Genre : Adventure Drama Action History Mystery

Cast List



Good concept, poorly executed.


Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.


To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.

Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.


I gave 2 points out of ten, and those 2 points for visual effects, technique and colorful costumes. The rest? Crap. I don't know how to describe it...maybe like 1960s' James Bond movies, childish. What they call "historic events" is just a plot, a scene for the movie, nothing to do with real historic events as the movie does not have such a purpose....The maps are just a decoration, which really look good, but again unreal. That is OK, but why do they try so hard in the advertisements and so on to show it as a "historic movie" And if the movie is really an action movie, why do they depict Turks not only as villains, but also ugly and stupid? In many scenes Turks stumble and fall! They cannot run, they cannot hold a gun properly and fire! If we were in 1930s maybe we would laugh....But now, it felt disgusting. Heyy, look around guys, finance is just a prerequisite for making films, it shouldn't be the film itself. (((


how could have the Russians made a mistake like that. Enver pasha was the famous general of the Turkish forces in Balkans and east front of the Türkiye. He was not just the spy. Anyway, i suggest that if the Russians want to improve the knowledge of their history in detailed they have to learn more about the Turkish history. Also Turkish historians act like this. In fact, only this fault enough to not watch this film. Also i wonder if the same fault made by Turkish, what reaction does the Russians shows. These historical films are very important for nations honor. Turkish republic is so sensitive for this event. We want to see an excuse and correction of the text..


This film is the following step of the Russian cinema forward, after " Night Patrol ". The substantial party has provided Boris Akunin under which same book film has been taken off. And here the entertainment part, special effects, statement, game of actors, dynamics - is higher than any praises. I am the admirer of Hollywood, but I look with interest and behind development of Russian of cinema. And me sees, that it has very iridescent prospects. Film is obligatory to viewing for all. It has very much liked me. Simply very good and qualitative cinema. Here its summary: 1877, Russian-Turkish war. Taking part in military actions as the Serbian volunteer titular counsel Erast Fandorin makes the way in a general staff of Russian command with the important confidential message. On a way he gets acquainted with charming young lady, Varvaroi Andreevnoi Suvorovoi, going in an arrangement of Russian armies to see groom Petej Yablokov - cryptographer the Joint Staff. Having reached the, Fandorin informs general Sobolevu on the artful flank maneuver conceived by Turks. From him follows, that it is necessary to occupy with Russian urgently Plevna for the case there goes Osmanli turk - plough. At general - aide-de-camp Mizinova, former chief Fandorina, the order of the commander-in-chief is already prepared on this account, which Peter Yablokov urgently ciphers and sends. Besides at Mizinov there is for Fandorin one more task not from simple. The question is Anvar - Efendi, the secretary of sultan Abdul-Gamida. This interesting Turk personally heads confidential operation against Russian. Mister desperate, with adventurous bent. Can quite appear itself in the Russian rate and leave for due to the European appearance and faultless possession of several languages. In the evening of the same day it becomes known, that Russian armies have occupied Nikopol. And hardly arrest Petju Yablokov later: in the encryption sent by him instead of a word "Plevna" the word "Nikopol" has appeared. Result of this disinformation was the capture Turkish armies of the unprotected Plevna. Shocked Cooking begs Fandorin to help the groom. Erast Petrovich it is confident: to get out Petyu it is possible, only finding the true originator happened. Similar, Anvar's free working in the Russian rate this handwork. It is necessary to calculate the Turk urgently. But how? In fact all are suspected...

Mister Nameless

...Personally, I'm one of Akunin fans... I read almost all his books... And I find the "Adventures of Erast Fandorin" series really worth reading... The story is always interesting, the suspense is on the highest level and the action is truly unique... So "Turetskiy Gambit" is out... And I saw it some time ago... And I must say, that it IS really an instant classic... The film has its pros, but also unfortunately (IMHO) several cons... My explanations will follow...*Spoiler Alert*...The beginning seemed a bit strange for me... Why is Fandorin running and shooting Turks? Hey, this bit wasn't even in the book! Besides, I have never seen this Beroyev guy, so I didn't even recognize him, as Fandorin... I even thought, that I had a wrong film handed to me... Fortunately, things arranged quite fast and I started watched... My interest grew fast... However, I didn't understand, why wasn't Fandorin able to pick up the dynamite and throw it back to the Turks? Was it fear? Strange, he was never a coward in the book... He was colder there... Oh, well...Anyway, let's continue... Eh, what's this? Fandorin is spying on Anvar-effendi - another bit not to be featured in the book... Hmmm... I liked the part, where colonel Ismail-Bei appears on the stage... Personally, I like Kutsenko very much (his performance in "Antikiller" and its sequel was remarkable) and I enjoyed his performance in the movie... He was pretty cool, as a brave and smart Turkish Forces Commander... It was a shame, he was killed later... Of course, the question of existence of this character in the movie remains a puzzle to me, for the book never featured such a person... But I think, that this addition didn't really spoil the film...The rest of the film follows the book closely, but some changes to the story do occur sometimes... I liked the big air balloon scene - it was a brilliant novelty, as for me... The gay duo scene was hilarious in the beginning - watch Fandorin yell at those poor guys... "It's an army, not a bordello for Christ's sake!" Kinda reminds me of the operator (Tolik) character from "Nochnoy Dozor" and his menacing yell: "THAT'S NOT HER MOTHER!!!" lol But the rest of the scene turns out to be rather bloody... Well, it's a good twist however...*Global Spoiler Alert*But the ending... Oh no, how could it be? Why did Akunin simplify the story to this point in the script? Yes, it was pretty predictable, who the spy really was from the beginning given the strange circumstances of his introduction... But in the book it was no more than a distraction... The real spy thing was much better developed in the book... So, I don't understand, why was Perepelkin ("Kazanova" from "Menty") made the main villain (Anvar), rather than d'Hevrais (and yes, it's d'Hevrais, not D'Evre, as it's written in the "Cast" section here), who was the villain in the book... As for me, I think, that this simplification was totally unnecessary... For an Akunin fan, like me, it's a disappointment...Also, the ending action sequence with Fandorin fighting Anvar was a bit lame... Varya killed Anvar, not the great Fandorin... And _he_ was so weak - he didn't even manage to wound the spy seriously... That's a major disappointment for me...*Global Spoiler Alert ends here**Spoiler Alert ends here*Now, I will explain the major pros and cons: Pros: The casting is fairly good... The only disappointment I found was the main role... I don't know - somehow Beroyev gives a bit wooden performance (IMHO)... Viktor Verzhibitskiy is great as Lucan, the Romanian colonel... Great and charismatic... Olga Krasko (Varya) was just as I imagined her while reading the book - a beautiful, but extremely naive young woman... Baluyev (general Sobolev) is in his usual war-hero-and-great-master-and-commander role... It suits him well... Kazanzaki (he is credited as Kazinaki on IMDb - LOL) was also, as I imagined him... Mizinov (Savelich from "Russkiy bunt" and Gryaznov from "Marsh Turetskogo" - sorry for the pun here) is great too... Zurov is a bit strange here - somehow I think it's not a role for Pevtsov (IMHO again)... McLaughlin was too, as I imagined him... Petya reminded me, of course, of Tolik from "Nochnoy Dozor"... Now I don't even know, who is funnier... But the actor I liked the most, was Didier Bienaime (d'Hevrais)... Boy, was he cool! His smile, his calm way of speaking - it was just perfect... What a shame this actor died... *sigh* Memory eternal...The general atmosphere of a spy thriller...The costumes and the decors...The special effects (although, I didn't understand, what were these falls from the suddenly appeared mountains in the beginning)...The changes to the story (except the ending)...The action (although sometimes the camera moves way too fast, like in "Antikiller 2")...The suspense...Cons: The battles... Way too short... *sigh*The war atmosphere... That's what I find the most disappointing (it's #2, the ending was #1)... In my opinion it wasn't well recreated...Beroyev's acting...The ending and the identity of the real spy......Anyway, that's it... "Gambit" is a good movie, even an excellent one, but it could have been much much better...I hope to see "Statskiy Sovetnik" soon... People say, it's even better...Mister Nameless.P.S. The last strange thing - why do they make a film on "Statskiy Sovetnik" (the 6th book) after "Turetskiy Gambit" instead of "Leviafan", which is supposed to be the 3rd book in the series? This question still bugs me...

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