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Angel of the Skies

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Angel of the Skies

War is declared and Britain must take action against Nazi Germany if Europe is going to be saved from its ruthless clutches. Determined to beat the enemy Flt. Office Earl Kirk, a young South African pilot, volunteers his services to the Royal Air Force, sacrificing his family, his future and himself in the fight against evil. Whilst in combat, surrounded by bombers and under relentless attack, Kirk must make the decision that could change his and his crew's life forever.

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Release : 2013
Rating : 4
Studio : Welela Studios,  DS Films Entertainment, 
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : David James Adam Boys Deborah Lettner
Genre : War

Cast List



Sorry, this movie sucks


I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

Murphy Howard

I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.


True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.


World War II was the most devastating military conflict that the world has ever seen. The interesting thing about this war is that it led to the creation of some of the film industry's most iconic movies. Movies like Tora Tora Tora, Patton, and The Longest Day became cornerstones of the biggest titles linked to WWII. Entertainment One's new WWII era movie Angel of the Skies is one of those movies that while it is an indie flick, is still one that is not so bad. Sure, there are some historical inaccuracies depicted in the movie. But the general story behind the movie is what makes it worth at least one watch. The acting on the part of the cast helps to make the movie worth at least one watch, too. And the same can be said of the early flight scenes and backdrops. All of it taken into account, Angel of the Skies is not as bad as some have already made it out to be.Angel of the Skies has received mixed reviews by some critics. The biggest criticism of the movie has been its historical accuracy. There are some issues with said accuracy. But one must also take into account that no movie ever based on historical events was one hundred percent accurate in itself. That being taken into account, it really is not that bad of a movie within its genre. The story itself is worth a watch first and foremost for the themes tied into the overall story. Writer/director Christopher-Lee dos Santos ties into his story, the themes of brotherhood, determination, and dedication. He does so in a way that none of the themes overpower themselves through the course of the movie. They actually work together to give the story an emotional depth that will keep viewers engaged through the movie's near two-hour run time. The story's theme of dedication works quite well in a dual role here. On one hand, the theme of dedication works as it is linked to the sub-story between Flight Officer Earl Kirk and his girlfriend, Deborah Caldwell (Lillie Claire—Supernatural, Suing The Devil) and to the dedication of the flight crew to one another after their plane is shot down. That theme of dedication among the flight crew directly compliments the script's theme of brotherhood, too. Even in the greatest of odds, the men refuse to leave one another behind if at all possible, and will do whatever it takes to save one of their own from Nazi officers. In turn, that theme of brotherhood is directly linked to the theme of determination. The men were determined to survive and survive together at all costs. Each of these themes work together seamlessly to make a story that is worth at least one watch by any history buff and film buff.The interweaving themes that make up the script behind Angel of the Skies are central to the movie's ability to keep viewers engaged. They collectively aren't all to be considered. The acting of the cast helps to move the story along, too. The actors that make up the movie's cast are largely unknowns. Despite that, they put on a believable performance. This is the case both by themselves and together. The men that make up the flight crew do quite the job in their roles. As enjoyable as it is to watch them take on their roles, it's the vile SS officer Stutze that truly stands out in this movie. Stutze (David James ~ District 9) is truly ruthless in his attempts to locate the South African airmen and carry out his duties. Not to reveal too much, but he is so vile that he goes so far as to have his men kill a German milkmaid that had protected the airmen after they were shot down. This after he told her that everything would be okay. He even gunned down a defenseless American soldier early on as part of his character's setup. The ability of an actor or actress to make his or her character that despicable means that said individual is more than doing his or her job in said role. If the combined themes aren't enough to keep audiences engaged through the story, then that juxtaposition of character types and roles will definitely do its part to keep viewers engaged.The general writing and acting that comprise Angel of the Skies combine to make it a movie that is well worth at least one watch. They don't work by themselves, though. The movie's special effects and backdrops play their own role in making this movie worth at least one watch. Unlike so many other WWII based movies, this movie mixes CG with live action. The flight scenes are largely computer generated. It's obvious where the computer elements were used, too. But at least they weren't as cheesy as those used in the 2006 James Franco WWI flop, Flyboys. One almost couldn't tell the difference as the bombers were flying into German airspace. The only times that one could tell for certain that computer graphics were used were when the bombers came under fire from the Messerschmitts and when the flight crew's bomber crashed. The rest of the movie's story was set against a live action backdrop. What's interesting about the live action backdrop is that it didn't feel as over the top as those used in some other WWII era dramas. It felt more real for lack of better wording. That is an area in which far too many movie makers get things wrong. Too many movie makers look for settings that will enhance their movies. And it only serves to lessen the movies in question to a certain extent. That isn't the case here, though. That realistic feel combines with the movie's writing and the cast's acting to make it a movie that despite being an indie flick is still one worth watching at least once by any history buff and movie buff.


I was interested to learn that we have a South African World War 2 movie making its world premiere at the 2013 Durban International Film Festival in South Africa.Now, the thing with most war movies, and in particular those depicting the Second World War, is that they show the brutality of that dark period in human history, and through that brutality weave in an element of optimism and hope.This is exactly what I expected when I sat down to view Christopher-Lee Dos Santos' Angel of the Skies.Dos Santos' movie contained all the elements that make war movies good and enjoyable, including a clearly defined hero and the beautiful woman he leaves at home in order to fight for the honour and glory of his country, along with, above all, the ruthless Germans who kill with little, if any, pity.The opening credits for Angel in the Skies are nostalgic, all very 1940s. The screen is illuminated in glorious black and white, with newspaper articles from the period.The wonderful credits, though, were instantly shot down by the poorly executed opening sequence showing a couple of aircraft engaged in a dogfight. It was poorly animated compared with scenes that followed.Dos Santos made many more questionable decisions in making his film, including bad accents (and actors) topped with horrible special effects, all ultimately done in by a weak script.On several occasions, the pace of the film dragged. Numerous scenes just did not do anything to progress the narrative or help develop the characters – even more so when it's a gratuitous sex scene.The plot of the movie is that during the height of the conflict, when Britain declares war on Germany, a South African pilot, flight Lieutenant Officer Earl Kirk volunteers to serve in the Royal Air Force, leaving behind his pregnant fiancée to protect and serve the British Empire.However, while flying over Europe, the Germans shoot down the plane he and his crew are flying. They land on German soil.Action dominates the film's romantic narrative. At one point I had completely forgotten that a fiancée back home had been introduced.Apart from its opening credits, the film's only vaguely redeeming feature was the score.


I've met real life heroes of the Battle of Britain, DFC winners, like the chap who went up after losing his legs. There may be some technical problems such as accurate equipment, but for an independent film, its actually 'bloody' good. There are some remarkable realism of character portrayed here, and because of this the film succeeds in being deeply moving. And all the more because it is not Hollywood slick. Its a humble film, non-pretentious and because of this you really end up caring about the characters involved. It breaks some Director rules: it needed to pick up the pace in its dialogue, but the characterization level is excellent. If anyone is experienced with many of German blood, the SS officer here is very good: its the way it was and therefore when you know that it is very chilling. Lots of the actors get the military mannerisms remarkably accurate here, right down to the correct angle of their hats. I suspect that equipment inaccuracies can occur when the budget is limited and the Director had to make do. These are heroes not in the Hollywood mould but as they were in real life, flawed at times and yet sometimes even though making mistakes, sometimes costly, they were ready to do great things for one another. So much is owed by our young generation to those who gave up their lives in this great conflict of good and evil, so that our democracies might survive. I suspect that those who are so dissatisfied with this film are equally dissatisfied with life, because the realistic effort of Angel of the Skies is very high. 7 out of 10!

Tom Dooley

This is a South African made film about some of the former colonies men who volunteered their services to fight for Britain at the hour of her greatest need in the dark days of World War 2. Meet Captain Kirk (yes he is really called that) played by Nicholas Van Der Bijl, in a performance of varying degrees. He leads a motley crew of his fellow countrymen who use such vocabulary as 'cheerio' and 'filly' in reference to ladies. Anyway they are fighting for RAF, Bomber Command and have to go and bomb the bejesus out of Germany etc.Well whilst over Germany they get shot and have to make an emergency landing and then decide to battle their way back to France and the safety of the British lines, this is set late in the war and Operation Overlord has already taken place so we are well past D Day. What happens next is the story of their journey.Right, for war film buffs there are a few things wrong with this film, first off the planes are all CGI, which is not a problem as they are all done really well even the Mescherschmitts, with props that look real and proper smoke etc so well done there. Problem is these guys are flying during the day. By this stage of the war the USAAF were doing the daylight runs and the RAF were doing the night runs. And they had fighter escort in the latter stages when this is set and there are none here. They are also flying Liberators which were never deployed to bomb Bremen by the RAF as depicted here. Now you are doing CGI so you could have got a Lancaster or a Wellington even, but still never mind.The acting is all quite good and the love interest in the shape of Kirky's beloved in good if underplayed Lillie Claire as the neglected and dutiful lover is actually really convincing. This does have its moments and is far from being a bad movie, but factual errors really annoy some people and it is not a real full on 'action fest' especially once the plane goes splat, but I still found a lot to actually like here, hence the rating. If factual errors annoy you then best to avoid, and it was originally released as 'Angel of the skies' in a reference to the plane and not the overblown title we have presented here.

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