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An ordinary man plays matchmaker to his friend only to realize the girl being pursued is being stalked.

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Release : 2016
Rating : 6.7
Studio : Happinet Pictures,  Django Films,  J Storm, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Script, 
Cast : Gaku Hamada Aimi Satsukawa Go Morita Tsuyoshi Muro Ryusuke Komakine
Genre : Drama Mystery

Cast List



I love this movie so much


It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.


Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.


It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.


Straightforward. That's everything this movie is about. It doesn't hold back and couldn't care less if you puke at the sight of a brutal killing. Just when you thought you've seen enough, you're mistaken. The movie continues to astonish the viewers in so many ways. You can applaud at it for its brutality. Or applaud it for its guts. And it was successful.The runtime is not that long, and every moment was well-spent and utilized. If you can't stand extreme gore, then you might want to avoid this. But if you can, just for the sake of art appreciation, go watch this. This is a hidden gem I'm glad to have seen. Bonus point for the scene where the title is introduced. Its not done either at the start or end, but in the middle. Right after an erotic bed scene. With some captivating background music. That alone makes this movie great. Plus superb performance from Morita, who looks exactly like the stalker you fear, this movie will give you the creeps.


This is a small film, an unimportant one, but it's gonna duke it out with *The Wailing* for 2016's Asian top spot.***SPOILER ALERT*** Don't read anything about this film before seeing it ... that's already a spoiler. If this film is flirting around your Watchlist stop reading now and watch it.This is one of those Japanese love triangle stories about three people so insecure they can barely talk. Been there, done that. Then it's more. The triangle continues, but it mingles in a world that goes to a dark place.A lot will be written about the what/where this story goes. It's pretty cool, I guess, but I'd like to skip that discussion and just point out how well done it is. *Himeanole* is quite Korean in its "Oh no! Don't shoot ... Hey! Great Shot"-ness. There are several scenes where you think "Really? The director is going to do this? Come on! Oh wait ... Hey. Nicely done!" At least I felt that way.I've seen Keisuke Yoshida's *Cafe Isobe* [2008] and was very impressed. He mixes deep drama with comedy (from witty to goofy) with aplomb. I believe the secret sauce is his rhythm. He knows how to cut a film. The framing and edits actually add metadata to the scenes. Yoshida is physically in control of the visual rhythm. His storytelling is unconventional.The casting of the film, and what Yoshida does with the typecasting, is genius. Again, a lot will be written about where boy band idol Gô Morita goes in the film. Kudos to him. Mad props. Cutesy powderpuff Aimi Satsukawa shares a little side-boob and side-butt, a hand bra (not her hands), and a pretty brutal rape scene with us. Oh my. Her "sex" scene (not graphic) stands out for what the director inter-cuts it with. It's one of those scenes where you initially think "Oh please, don't do this", but as it reaches climax, you will gulp. If you gulp in disdain or disgust I have no counter argument. But me: "Hey! Great shot!"In a year of big important films I was supposed to like and didn't like, I needed this. For those who will say this is an important film, an impressive essay on guilt or bullying, I offer a raspberry. For me, the film is a directorial tour de force. It's not perfect. Mistakes are made (Yoshida introduces a "fat" character and has her indulge in bad eating-acting. When will that go away? (Her scene is still great, though) There are bumbling cops and some questionable character choices). But the film deftly succeeds in spite of it all.Yoshida's *My Little Sweet Pea* [2013] is definitely the next film I'm going to watch.

Alain Kapel

I really enjoyed this from beginning to end. It ranks among the best serial-killer thrillers in the past 5-10 years in my opinion. The greatest thing is that it initially plays like an innocent, albeit strange comedy/drama about two weirdos trying to get to a likable waitress. The serial-killer angle rears its head after the 40-minute mark and it is so well paced that you naturally accept the proceedings and just go with it.It kinda resembled Korean movies in its stylish execution of the thriller elements, without skipping on any gore during the killings. And it definitely gets brutal so be prepared. I won't spoil much but note that the movie doesn't leave out any quality drama either, not even during the climax which is emotional as much as it is hard hitting.If you like extreme Asian thrillers like I Saw the Devil or Killers, definitely check this out as well.


"Himeanole" is one of the most awkward movies I have ever seen, one that jumps from funny, hilarious, to dark, disturbing and creepy all through its running time, sometimes even in the same scene.It even starts that way, with Gaku Hamada's Okada discovering that his co-worker, Ando, is infatuated with waitress Yuka, who seems to be also drawing the attention of a 'yanki' ( a Japanese slang word that is used to describe young men with not much to do and that look shady, and delinquent-looking), who surprisingly enough is Okada's old classmate Morita. From that moment we get strange moment after strange moment, Ando pressuring Okada to discover if Yuka has a boyfriend, and Yuka being scared because it seems Morita has been stalking her. All the while Okada and Yuka become friends. It sounds weird, and we get lots of awkward moments, as Ando stalks Okada and Yuka, people behave very strangely, and all around creepy situations.But that is only the beginning of the story, and kudos to everyone involved for making the film navigate through its very different and varied tones without losing its cohesion and the viewer's interest. The movie is full of surprising moments and twists, the acting is good, the direction secured and everyone gets interesting and twisted character developments. It is a very interesting look into the human psyche, the plot giving a lot of time to the reasons behind every character's action or belief. It offers a very dark view of humanity in some moments, but at some others a very touching one, and it is thoughtful all through."Himeanole" is as strange as they come, but it is a movie with its heart in the right place, and that offers a palette of colors, instead of staying in dichotomies. Surprising and totally worth your time.

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