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Feast III: The Happy Finish

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Feast III: The Happy Finish

The survivors are saved by the mysterious prophet Short Bus Gus, who seemingly has the ability to control the beasts. He leads them into the sewers as they travel to the big city. Along the way they get help from karate expert Jean-Claude Seagal and learn that the beasts originate from a place called The Hive. Armed with this knowledge, they decide to fight back and destroy the beasts.

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Release : 2009
Rating : 4.8
Studio : Neo Art & Logic,  LivePlanet,  Dimension Extreme, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Production Design, 
Cast : Johanna Putnam Diane Ayala Goldner Carl Anthony Payne II Clu Gulager John Allen Nelson
Genre : Horror Action Comedy Thriller

Cast List



The Worst Film Ever


Best movie ever!


Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.


This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.


Feast III: The Happy Finish continues directly from where the last one ended. It's like they were filmed simultaneously. Had to be. Honey Pie's final fate is decided in the very beginning and we're treated to a very nice crapping scene that's quite literally right in your face. Best line of the movie? There's 2. One is during an argument where a female gang member said, "(starts with a 'b,' rhymes with itch), I will (rhymes with suck, starts with an 'f') you up!" It ain't what she said, it's how she said it. Awesome stuff! The other is when a new character is introduced. He said, "I got the gift, (starts with the letter 'f,' rhymes with maggots)!" You'll see what he's referring to when you see this. This movie would be just like the 2nd part with more absurdities and new characters that add to that mix.It's a continuation through and through but some scenes tend to drag out, like when they were in the sewer. Some made little sense, like the mutated humans. It got to the point where it was almost without direction because stuff was happening that didn't lend much to story progression and it's the same creative team who did the first 2. You expect a certain level of quality. The beginning and middle of the movie are what they should be. The end is where everything starts going south. From the survivors fighting their way out of the mutant herd, to biting away at one of the monsters as if they were monsters themselves, to the worst ending of any movie I have ever seen. Yes, I said it, THE WORST ENDING TO ANY MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN! The ending just makes everything else that happens prior seem meaningless. You forget about all the humor and other good stuff because it's just that bad.It's almost like they ran out of ideas and just put something together for the sake of completeness. A better ending would have been the monster at the end being benevolent and it did seem that way. And then they could have went out into the city safe zone where they were trying to get to and proceeded with the plot. Not the pure garbage that was given to us. I don't know what anyone involved with the ending of this movie was thinking. No one spoke up or said anything? No one told the writers that this was stupid? Did them or Gulager really have something to do with this? It just makes not one shred of sense in comparison to EVERYTHING that came before it. I don't get it. Oh yeah, there's nudity in this flick too. One of the biker chicks bites the big one and you're treated to some really good, close-up boob shots if you like that sort of thing.From Feast I all the way to the middle of Feast III, you'll be completely and totally entertained. But the last act in Feast III, I don't know, man. I don't know what happened there. I'm purposely not saying what happened because if you haven't seen these flicks yet, you need to. Despite the horrible (not happy) finish, I'd recommend getting all of these as a set on DVD/Blu-ray. They're all worth paying for and all worth watching back to back to back. Enjoy the first part, don't eat when watching the second one, and be prepared for the crappy finish to the 3rd. They're even considering a fourth part. After the fiasco with part 3's climax, please don't do it unless you plan on exploring the origins of the creatures. Feast III gets 4 out of 10 stars. Would have gotten 6 but the ending really is that bad.


I was looking forward for part 3 and the final of Feast. Again it's all in the same way of course of part 1 and part 2. A lot of gore again, bad jokes, tits and all what you want but sometimes it drops a bit. Don't get me wrong, it is still a good flick, but in the sewer it drops a bit, takes too long for me but overall again you will have a big laugh with farts and the way some are killed. Also you have to watch it while the end credits are running, the movie is still going on. Some people really have a problem with this trilogy, just watch the reviews, the first got a lot of reviewers and from then on it drops. If you really want a good feast than just watch, sigh, Feast. Even the ending is great. Nothing to do with the storyline but still the director got away with it. Really, an underrated trilogy!

Arlis Fuson

As part 2 left us on the roof , this movie picks up right where it left off. In fact it kind of rewinds a bit and goes in to more details about the ways and means of death caused to the last few murdered in part 2. This movie is the same cast, or surviving cast and takes them off the roof and into the jail where they have to deal with the meth head hobo and soon a new hero named "Sh*tkicker" - Thye find meth heads secret meth lab which is a school bus underground and they hijack it. They eventually meet a cape wearing (Obi-Wan Kenobi wanna be) man named prophet who has a power over the creatures (we soon find its a weak power) Prophet leads them underground where they meet a young martial arts bad boy named Jean Claude Segal and they stay underground forever trying to stay alive and find a way into the city through the sewers. All kinds of wild twist and turns happen as they try to reach their bloody yet happy finish.Worst of the 3 and the main reason for that in my opinion was the fact it was so dark, the underground scenes are dark and hard to follow. The monsters aren't as present here and once underground they meet weird people who are psychotic and have nothing to do with the story at all, yet they have to fight and kill them. The whole underground part (which was most of the movie) was horrible. The new characters were all rather dull with the exception of Jean-Claude. The movie seemed to go downhill from the trilogy and was just very disappointing. It had a completely different and very unoriginal feel to it.John's direction was good, but it was sloppy and dark most of the time. Mike Leahy was back on production and he might be a big part of the problem I am not sure. Edward's music failed here too, and the writing duo of Dunstan and Melton seemed thrown together and careless. There was even a crappy ending with a gigantic terminator looking robot that made no sense and the movie ends with a Mariachi singer doing a Spanish theme song to tie all 3 films in. Craig Henningten did great as Jean-Claude and Tom Gulager was amazing playing his part with a piece of metal stuck through his entire head.. and of course Clu is always good.It was good ONLY if you like the first two, which I did greatly, but it goes down hill as the movie progresses... The song mentions a part 4 but I hope that doesn't happen.5/10 stars


This is a very spontaneous and random movie, even more than part 2, stuff just happens out of nowhere. Especially when they introduce all these random characters that don't even play a big part but used as a tool for some crude humor and deaths. I will say that it's better than part 2 though, but nowhere as good as the first. And that is cause it finally comes to somewhat of a conclusion although even the ending was a serious WTF. It just throws stuff at the audience without explaining anything what so ever. Even when new characters are introduced such as the Prophet, Jean Claude Segal and few others with the Prophet being able to ward off the monsters, the characters don't even ask how he does it, and after that scene the character goes nowhere, sometimes I like gory movies but this was just absolutely ridiculous, but it's at least better than part 2 since it's more chaotic and you get to see more of the biker chicks tits although a lot of it was rubbish. John Allen Nelson character who seem like the new hero of the group gets killed off right off the bad and your left with loser and idiots all over again, seriously why introduce a character just so he gets killed in the most stupid way imaginable, they already did this in the first movie and it was funny, but pointless in part 3 and after it goes through a longer introduction, it just irritating to watch. Also there really wasn't a point to let Honey Pie survive the second ordeal cause she just becomes a tool for some more repulsive deaths and she is like in the front cover of the DVD but gets killed, right off the bat as well. Well at least they at least tried to be somewhat ballsy.6.6/10

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