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Sasquatch Mountain

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Sasquatch Mountain

A lonely tow-truck driver gets caught in a deadly struggle between a pair of bank robbers with a beautiful hostage, local cops, and a monster that has come down from the Arizona mountains to eat human flesh.

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Release : 2006
Rating : 3.8
Studio : Sci-Fi Channel,  Curb Entertainment,  Grizzly Peak Films, 
Crew : Steadicam Operator,  Director, 
Cast : Lance Henriksen Cerina Vincent Michael Worth Rance Howard Craig Wasson
Genre : Fantasy Horror Thriller Science Fiction Mystery

Cast List



One of my all time favorites.


Better Late Then Never


It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional

Ava-Grace Willis

Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

Dom Nickson

Spoiler Alert!!! This is the most stupidest film I've ever seen! It's about as stupid as It Waits which also stars the always attractive Cerina Vincent. Poor beautiful Cerina is stuck doing these stupid dumb horror films just like Cabin Fever. My God she deserves better because she is a decent actress, yet in horror films the girls seem to be good for nothing but screaming and having sex appeal. I hate this movie for it's even dumber ending OH BIG FOOT CAN BE KILLED BY SEEING TWO PEOPLE HOLDING HANDS! My God it would of been a smarter ending if they just lit the creature on fire and feed it to the sharks! Then again if we did that horror movies would be too simple to solve so just kill it by love. Waste of my life and a waste of Cerina's beautiful talent! it's a 1 out of 10.


My review could be summed up by the above title, but IMDb demands more, so more I'll give you. Not that this film deserves it. Despite some promise, it's another off the Sci Fi Channel assembly line. This means that you should expect to be subjected to a recycled idea, one borrowed from a far better and more influential film or TV show, battered into submission when it should be pushing the envelop.I'd like to be surprised. I'd love to turn on one of the channel's movies and find that my low expectations were unfounded. This was not that case. SAQUATCH MOUNTAIN is a load of bullocks, top to bottom.Despite the star power of Cerina Vincent and Lance Hendrickson, the cast is rounded out by cardboard bad guys. But the biggest crime here is the film's contrast level. For those unfamiliar with the term, this means that the film looks intentionally (I must assume) like a photographic negative. The blacks are overpowering, making everything dark and sinister (which is a great feature for the monster, but horrible for the actresses). On the flip side, the lighter colors "blow out." This means that lighter colors in the frame look like someone threw a can of bleach at them.The question becomes, why would they want the picture to look like this? Was it to distract from the acting? To conceal bad cinematography? To hide the horrendous monster suit? I'd like to tell you I cared enough to contemplate this, but I've got better things to do.

Paul Andrews

Saquatch Mountain, also known as Devil on the Mountain which is what I saw it under, is set in a small rural backwoods American town where a young woman named Erin (Cerina Vincent) is drifting through on her way to a new life somewhere, not that that matters though because while driving along Erin is involved in an accident with a gang of bank robbers lead by a guy named Travis (Craig Wasson), in an ensuing gunfight with the local Sheriff (Rance Howard) the gang kidnap Erin & flee into the forest with the local law enforcement in close pursuit. However there is something that lives in the forest, something that isn't human & the crooks & police are forced to work together to try & survive, but is it enough?Directed by Steven R. Monroe Sasquatch Mountain is a pretty terrible film all round almost as if there weren't enough really bad low budget horror films already. The boring script by Michael Worth takes itself far too seriously & tries to mix the basic 'criminals on the run encounter all sorts of horrors' taken from From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) & the basic killer Bigfoot scenario from the much, much better Night of the Demon (1980) both of which I think are throughly excellent films by the way & a hell of a lot better than Sasquatch Mountain which is crap. Anyway, there are lots of problems with Sasquatch Mountain, from the basic concept which is pretty bad in itself to the truly awful character's including a getaway driver for a bank job who would rather go down on a pretty girl than actually wait outside the bank (actually when you put it like that...) for his mates who are shooting the place up, then there's the inevitable in-fighting & petty arguing rather than working together as a team to survive & an annoying British guy who I just wanted to die. I have to mention the ending which is terrible in itself, I think it's meant to be all 'emotional' but it comes across as just embarrassing. Then there's the fact it's incredibly dull, boring & predictable, not much really happens & there's an unforgivable lack of horror or gore or anything that might keep you awake. It's all rather obvious, it felt like the thing went on for hours & in my opinion it basically has zero entertainment value.Director Monroe makes this thing even more annoying to watch as he uses all sorts of editing tricks like most of the time when the creature is on screen the picture goes very blurry, he uses slow-motion, there's some highly annoying & somewhat dizzying shots where he insists on spinning the camera 360 degrees around people for little reason, the whole film seems to lack colour so it's quite drab to watch & the creature ends up looking like a gorilla more than anything else. Forget about any gore as there isn't any.With a supposed budget of about $800,000 the makers of Sasquatch Mountain didn't have the biggest budget ever but having said that it's still a terrible film. One of the most disappointing things about Sasquatch Mountain is that the always fantastic Lance Henriksen is in it, the guys just class, he deserves better & it's a shame that he's making films like this. Apart from him the acting from everyone else is poor.Sasquatch Mountain is a terrible straight-to-TV piece of rubbish that I got no enjoyment or entertainment from at all & it's as simple & straight forward as that. One to avoid.


I recently viewed this on the Sci-Fi Channel. The acting, the cinema-photography, direction, story-line....boy I have seldom seen a worse film. I suppose it would appeal to some die-hard fan into flesh-eating Sashquatches. The story line is lacking a lot. The whole film gives one the impression that it was meant to be a Television Series in the guise of 'Lost'. Non-captivating, messy and all over the place, the cinema-photography too! The strange, blurred camera angles do nothing for the film. If B-movies were still made, this would not have made that grade either. Because of the messy direction, it is very difficult to get captivated by this film.Sorry, but a poor film all round.

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