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Nightmare City 2035

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Nightmare City 2035

The future. The corrupt regime broadcasts the illusion of a beautiful city to the chip in your head, when in fact the city is in ruins. The rebels know the truth and seek to foment revolution.

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Release : 2007
Rating : 3.3
Studio : Camera,  L&P Productions, 
Crew : Director, 
Cast : Maxwell Caulfield Alexis Thorpe Todd Jensen Dimo Alexiev Velizar Binev
Genre : Science Fiction

Cast List



Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.


Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.


It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.


This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.


but not far from it either. Can rise some mild interest, but every now and than it also blow it by some stupid, not needed scene ( one where two main characters fight with swarm of flying bots is really beyond comprehension, both technically and logic wise), copycat cliché usage and , as someone already mentioned, worst "should be post-apoc" sets I have ever seen in any movie. Nevertheless, I watched it to the end. Main actor did rather solid job, despite some criticism here. It looks refreshingly underplayed as opposed to regular overplay standard for this type and level of movies. Some of effects are decent (???), and story itself is not that horrible. All in all, not the worst movie(just in last few weeks I saw at least two much worse, one of them being Living hell), but not too far either.

Johnny Kay

Seriously. What the hell was that? I'd give it minus 10 if I could. Awful scenario, awful acting, awful effects, awful choreography... there was absolutely nothing in this movie that can make you feel anything but a complete loss of time. I'd never write a comment like this, just because I respect people's effort to create something, but this is by far the worst movie I've seen... By the way, most of it is shot in Sofia, Bulgaria, in a place called "Business Park Sofia", and is what I see everyday when I look out the window. Well, that was the only thrilling thing for me in this movie, but it won't be for you, so PLEASE don't waste your time :) Oh. There's one reason to watch it - "what shouldn't your movie/acting look like". I apologize to the crew that worked on this movie but it's a shame to charge people money that they have worked for to see this. It really is. I bet you didn't spend more than a 500 000$ on this movie. And who made the 3D... guess what? IT'S AWFUL! My little brother make better 3d than you, and he's a high school student.


Going in, one doesn't have enormous faith in a movie titled "Nightmare City 2035" - it sounds more like a game than a movie. As it began, the movie did seem rather cheesy. As we're first introduced to the two cops, Stevenson (Stefan Ivanov) in particular seems to be over-acting, as if he has no actual acting experience whatsoever. But it immediately gets a lot better, and not just on the acting front, either. The story draws you in, and from then on it never gives you a chance to feel bored. Stevenson is perhaps a bit over the top, but that's how his character is, and it works well in the end, when he comes to the Security Center to beat up McDowell, shaking him out of his chip-induced complacency.The movie has a politically charged and obviously post-9/11 plot. It's about a ruthless ruling elite which engineers social collapses in order to induce fear in the population so people will accept an oppressive police state which gets increasingly out of hand, trampling still harder on the ordinary person's rights and freedoms. It's like an extreme version of the Patriot Act, coupled with the conspiracy theory that the U.S. government itself was behind 9/11 (which I don't believe, but in some cases the notion doesn't seem so far-fetched).It's a good and worthwhile science fiction movie. All the plot points not only make sense, but also connect into a greater and coherent whole, and most of the acting talent is perfectly fine. The movie is pretty much carried by the surprisingly impressive performance of Maxwell Caulfield as Deputy Minor McDowell - I will even go so far as to say that this is the best performance by Caulfield I have ever seen (but then, he's never been a favorite of mine).The copious visual effects, while probably cheap, are created with obvious passion, and in an economic way which serves the story without wasting expensive effects shots on action and explosions.This is one of the rare, low-budget productions where every elements truly gels, and the story, directing and special effects actually work together and complement each other in a way that lifts the whole of the final product. I was impressed.I rate this an 8 out of 10. Normally, I would give it 7, but considering what type of movie this is, and how rarely they turn out well, I think this deserves an extra notch, just for the passion the producers poured into it. This is a seriously nice piece of science fiction movie-making. As someone mentioned on the message boards: this is not a big movie with small ideas, but a small movie with big ideas. A handsome work, well worth the price of the DVD.


This has got to be one of the most disappointing films of recent memory. And I just got finished watching License to Wed. The basic notion is intriguing enough: people live in a dystopic future but the "Man" keeps it hidden from them using computer chips implanted in their brains. Our hero is a stand-up, police-officer kind of guy who, for fairly unclear reasons, decides to join a rag-tag group of rebels (by group I mean one or two) dedicated to showing the world the truth. But this didn't even rise to the level of a Sci-Fi channel original movie, but was slightly better than that one zombie movie made by those kids in their trailer park one weekend... and Transmorphers. The acting was as good as could be expected, given the wooden dialogue, bad direction and snails-pace editing. No, that's not true. The acting was also pretty bad. The music sounded like something out of a mid-80's video game. This was more like someone's proof of concept of a movie than the actual movie itself. If I had a chip implanted in my brain I'd program it to make myself remember doing something slightly enjoyable for the last hour and a half of my life. Avoid at all costs.

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