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Rogue River

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Rogue River

When a young woman takes a trip down Rogue River, her car mysteriously disappears. Lost without transport or communication, she accepts the hospitality of a stranger who offers her shelter for the night at his cabin. With no other options available, she reluctantly accepts only to forever regret it. The ensuing hours yield nothing but torture, indescribable pain, and horrific agony. If you've seen Misery, you've seen nothing. This movie starts where horror films end and leaves viewers paralysed by fear and disgust.

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Release : 2012
Rating : 4.3
Studio : Vision Entertainment Group,  Kejo Productions,  Rogue River Productions, 
Crew : Art Department Assistant,  Art Direction, 
Cast : Michelle Page Art Alexakis Chris Coy Michael Cudlitz Lucinda Jenney
Genre : Horror Thriller

Cast List



Good movie but grossly overrated


For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!


A waste of 90 minutes of my life


There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.


ROGUE RIVER is one of those low budget horror films that feels like it has big aspirations. It wants to be the next big fear flick, the sort of film to have crowds flocking to theatres to get caught up in a thrilling journey into hell. Unfortunately it's an entirely predictable and routine affair, one that slavishly copies the plot of a dozen other movies (such as the Aussie flick THE LOVED ONES) while remaining singularly unsatisfying throughout.The best thing ROGUE RIVER has going for it are some surprisingly decent production values, and effective cinematography to boot. Jourdan McClure certainly knows how to make his film look good on a budget, and there's none of that dodgy shaky cam editing to spoil things. The acting isn't too bad either; Michelle Page is a relatively likable heroine (until she starts making dumb decisions, that is) and Bill Moseley and Lucinda Jenney are quietly effective as the mysterious homeowners.Unfortunately what sinks this is the calibre of writing, which just isn't up to much. For once I would like to watch a low budget horror film that avoids clichés, but I wonder if it will ever happen. There's the usual excursion into torture porn territory here (although thankfully nothing too distasteful), along with some extremely dumb character decisions in the second half that will make you despise the characters. I think of such moments as plot holes, designed purely to string a lacking plot out just a bit further, and they make ROGUE RIVER a disappointment.

Anthony D

Let's see...where do I start? Let's start with what you're craving throughout the entire length of the film, character development. This is a basically non-existent element of the movie. The protagonist is unlikeable, a judgment which I base only on the first thing she says. The main reason why is because I actually have nothing else to go by. Her first impression is never redeemed, because her character never develops in the slightest. The only purpose of her existence is to be tormented and scream. And no, most horror protagonists are not necessarily like that. As far as the antagonists go, they do get more and more insane throughout, so at least something's happening.There's no shortage of plot holes. I won't spoil anything (not that you'd care). But, I will say that even the motives of the kidnappers I feel were not fully explained.Of course there's endless horror cliché's, but you're already expecting that. There are however some very creepy and original moments near the beginning.I've heard people claim this is similar to Timber Falls (???). I honestly don't understand that at all. There's two scenes which bare a very slight resemblance to it, everything else is totally different. Those two scenes are not enough to accuse it of ripping off Timber Falls. Also, let's remember that Timber Falls is a much better film.Ending on a positive note, the acting is pretty good actually. It has Bill Mosley of course. The other performers are quite good as well though.4/10


Not much to say. Just the fact that i made an IMDb account only to write a review about how bad this movie is. not only that the same plot has been seen in 513525 other movies but they managed to make it so annoying that you really have to try just to finish watching a 77 minute film. I respect everyone's work and this is only my opinion. There are a few raw scenes that were concepted well but realized poorly. Come on, having coitus with your half-dead brother. Really? There's really nothing scary or tense about the movie so you can't expect any horror elements from it. You can only get annoyed and irritated.Unfortunately, 77 minutes I'll never get back.


The horror indeed! Rogue River would have been rather interesting, if only..there wasn't already another movie with basically the same plot! Basically... at least 90% identically, no questions asked! Anyone remembers Timber Falls? Come on really, what was the point of this one? It is not better made, doesn't have more thrills, has the same location but it does manage to bring a whole lot more plot holes! Easy to anticipate, boring and annoying!So, if you haven't seen Timber Falls and you are just dying to get a look at this one instead, here is one good reason why not to do it: BECAUSE "TIMBER FALLS" IS ACTUALLY GOOD!It really is quite shameful, almost a shot-by-shot copy this Rogue River, i mean really, can't they at least pretend to think of an original story? Or maybe take one that is already out there, but bend it a little, add something to it, not make a "little baby sister that COULDN'T"!Therefore, my advice, if you want to see a horror and you find Rogue River's story interesting, make one giant step and take on Timber Falls instead. You will thank me later, trust me! Enjoy!

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