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Hobbs End

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Hobbs End

A young widow who lives in an isolated region is visited by a charming serial killer who has unusual psychic gifts.

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Release : 2002
Rating : 3.6
Studio : Polestar Entertainment, 
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Brennan Elliott
Genre : Drama Horror Thriller Mystery

Cast List



Don't Believe the Hype

Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

Walter Sloane

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.


Lacey Cole,a beautiful young widow living in an isolated cabin in the forest of the great American Northwest,is forced to fight for her very survival when she lets a stranger into her life.Michael Bodine,an escaped serial killer and demented genius with bizarre psychic powers takes on the personality of Lacey's dead husband,lulling her into a state of open trust and romance.When Michael reveals his true identity,a life and death struggle begins,pitting Lacey's ingenuity against a consummate evil genius.The above synopsis of "Hobbs End" sounded pretty good for me,unfortunately the film itself was quite mediocre.There are some nice visuals and the snowy location sets provide a little bit of atmosphere,but "Hobbs End" is too long and quickly becomes dull.The acting is surprisingly passable with a beautiful Catarina Conti giving a likable performance as the lonely widow.Not a great amount of blood either.Give it a look,if you have nearly 2 hours to waste.6 out of 10.


SPOILERS -- if you even care! Wow was this movie bad. It was almost like it wasn't directed by anyone and the actors made up their lines as they went along. Things that bugged me: Lacy Underalls brings in her groceries and leaves her car door open with the engine running and the radio on -- for what seems to be hours! Some old guy named Ben comes by and chews her ear off telling her the tale of some "curse". FINALLY she goes out to move her car and runs over the handy man. He's already acting all weird and psycho, and immediately tells her about his father issues. Hmmm! Then we keep seeing some hooded person lurking the woods, and guess what? We never find out who this person is! He does get killed though, along with Ben and her friend Cindy. Like we care! The handy man says "show me around the house" and Lacy says sure, let's start upstairs and he says, "I'd rather start down here if you don't mind." Like, why? I kept waiting for her to tell him about the aforementioned sink she was having issues with, but no. Let's see, what else. She tells him he smells and that he needs a shower, and he asks if he can take a bath, which she reacts to as if it were the most inappropriate suggestion. Hello, you just told him he needed a shower! There are a million doors into the house, none of which she keeps locked. She starts cooking dinner about eight times. She boils water and cuts up some carrots. They drink some red wine and he tells her he has "feelings" for her. Hello? Then he acts all gay and dorky. Hoody man comes to the house and tries to get in (again who is this person?) and Psycho man goes outside and kills him (I guess, we don't see it.) But then he comes back into the house with the most hilarious bloody handprint on the back of his sweater. I really laughed out loud at that one. Then his psyche really unravels before our eyes and he has at least three personalities, plus the personality of Lacy's dead husband Ron. The next 30 minutes are him running up and down the stairs after he ties Lacy up. She easily escapes, grabs a big fork and stabs him. He just sort of backs up and lets her stab him! As time drags on endlessly, he hits her a few times, stabs her a few times with this tiny little knife, and ties her up again. She calls 911 from her cell phone and tells them that a maniacal killer is loose in her house, and the 911 dispatcher says, "you're 50 miles from us, so maybe we'll get someone to swing by!" Swing by? Come on! They never come either until the next day after she's killed the pyscho handy man about 10 times over. She hits him with a fireplace poker many many times, but that doesn't kill him. She shoots him a few times, and I guess that finally does the trick. The real handy man finally shows up and when he sees the dead guy on a tarp he says, whoa what happened to that dude, or something really inane. Hello, the guy is dead! She gets no medical attention to all her stab wounds, and she proceeds in dumping all her husband's clothing etc. onto the snow. The end! There, I saved you all the pain of watching this movie.


***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** Me and my friend were really bored and decided to go to Hollywood video to pick out some movies. Well we found a bunch of movies on sale for 2 bucks, so we're all, okay let's pick some out. So she picked out this really bad one with Jay Leno as the star of the movie (that was entertaining enough)And I picked up this..this neat looking movie hobbs end (Come on, it had a chainsaw on the front!)I must say this is one of the worst movies that I have ever seen. The beginning is really strange, the woman's talking to herself most of the time. I thought the part that was bizzare was when she (catarina) starts sniffing the air, and said "something stinks, it's you isn't it" (to the psycho killer guy) "you need a bath." And then the guy says: "Would it be okay if I took a bath?" And then she says "isn't your timing a little off?" Ummm okay. This is how the movie goes the WHOLE TIME! I started laughing when he started stabbing his arm..that was really classic. Another classic part is when he tells the woman that he has "feelings" for her after 3 hours of knowing her. Well I don't want to blow the movie for you, it's a must see (yeah right) Major BLUNDERS: THERE IS NO CHAINSAW. Okay, I have no idea what the cover has to do with the movie. Another blunder: Who'se that guy creeping around the house, the starwarsy guy. I have no idea!!!!! All I know is that he ends up dead. My mom says it's "Obscenely Insipid" I'm making everyone watch this movie, because it's so painful. I could go on about this forever, but I think you'll have to see it for yourself. It makes me laugh just thinking about it.


The first half of this movie is like a big black hole. It left no impression on me at all. It's neither bad nor good, but exists eternally in a sort of quality limbo.Fortunately, the second half picks up, and it gets bad enough to provide a few laughs.Another problem is that the effect of the film's first big surprise is somewhat mitigated by the fact that the copy on the DVD box gives it away completely. On the other hand, it was a pretty lame attempt at a surprise anyway. One can see why this one sat in the can for over a year (copyright 2000, released 2002) before finally being dumped to video.

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